Chapter 43: Vegeta's wrath

Six hours had passed since Frieza ordered his soldiers to explore the planet, but they still hadn't returned.

The emperor waited in his seat. Soldiers Zarbon and Dodoria stood on either side of them though they were totally taken aback.

'How come it doesn't detect any energy? My scouter isn't broken, nor could Dodoria detect anything' thought Zarbon.

He had nothing to fear anyway, there was no one capable of defeating him except for the great Frieza and Ginyu's special forces.

But suddenly the soldiers that went out to explore landed in front of Frieza. Seeing the serious face of the tyrant, they began to tremble.

"Well, what is the result of your investigation?" Frieza inquired without looking directly at his group of soldiers.

"W-well you see Lord Frieza, we have found two villages but there were no Namekians in any of them, they were empty" explained one.

"So, they were empty..." Freeza repeated the last words of the soldier, who turned to ashes as soon as the tyrant blinked an eye.

The others backed away subjugated by fear, none dared to say anything else for fear of suffering the same as the poor man.

"Hpmf! It seems that those Namekians have hidden, did they know we were coming?" Zarbon asked without finding the explanation.

"No, there's something wrong here" Frieza commented putting his index finger to his temple.

Zarbon was going to utter something but suddenly his scouter lit up. Dodoria also detected something and Frieza too, as well as the others.

"It seems that there is a power in that direction..." Dodoria pointed to the north and looked at the amount it marked, "22,000 units?! What?"

"That's not possible, the inhabitants of this planet shouldn't have that much power!" Zarbon spoke looking at the scouter bewildered him.

Frieza was frowning, although his power was far from that figure, one had to be careful with the beings on this planet.

"Zarbon, Dodoria, go find out who it is" Frieza said seriously, "If it's a Namekian... bring him here, I have to question him"

The two soldiers nodded and took flight in the direction of the place where they had detected that enormous amount of power.

"It's most likely Vegeta, that asshole thinks he can oppose me" Frieza lightly laughed, "Poor fool!"


Zarbon and Dodoria were flying fast, with the latter feeling uneasy at the fact that that amount of power… was the same as his own!

But he was accompanied by Zarbon, so he had nothing to fear. What's more, he would make sure to eradicate that potential threat bluntly.

"Hey?" Dodoria stopped when his scouter detected another energy, "What?! There is an extremely high energy very close to this place"

"His fighting power is 18,000 units" Zarbon stated with a frown and looked at Dodoria, who nodded, "I think it's…"

And right where they looked, a ship had just landed on a desert island. The door opened and whoever was inside... was Vegeta!

The prince had decided to travel to Namek as soon as he regained consciousness, even if that meant not fully recovering.

"If that bastard thinks I'm going to let him get away with it, he's sorely mistaken" Vegeta spoke with a smile and lifted into the sky.

He couldn't let Frieza use the Dragon Balls. Nappa had been left behind in the recovery machine; His injuries were more serious.

"Let's see where the Namekians are" Vegeta launched his scouter, noticing that there were two energies flying towards him, "What?!"

Of course, he already knew beforehand that it was Zarbon and Dodoria, how Frieza had realized so quickly that he was on Namek?

This was bad! It would not be a problem for him to finish them off separately, but if they both came, his chances of defeating them were slim.

Vegeta was going to go towards a nearby mountain but he didn't have time, the two Frieza soldiers appeared in front of him very quickly.

"Wow, it seems that Freeza has sent his dogs to look for me" Vegeta said with an arrogant smile on his face, "What have you come for?"

"You have been stupid to come to this planet Vegeta, Lord Frieza had spared your life despite your plans" answered Dodoria.

"Please, stop talking so much nonsense, I don't need the mercy of someone like Frieza" Vegeta said crossing his arms.

"Always so arrogant Vegeta... do you really think that with your puny power you can challenge Lord Frieza?" Zarbon asked him.

"If you think I didn't increase my powers after my battle on Earth, you are sorely mistaken!" Vegeta exclaimed raising his power instantly.

Zarbon and Dodoria were pushed back by the strong current of wind that Vegeta created. As soon as they saw his scouter, they were speechless.

"More than 22,000 units! Impossible!" Dodoria yelled and at once both his and Zarbon's scouters scouted due to such power.

"Saiyans get stronger after every battle!" Vegeta exclaimed, flying towards Dodoria and then kicking him hard in the chin.

Dodoria took off and Vegeta flew after him at high speed but Zarbon got in the way stretching out his arms with a big smile.

"It seems that you have become more powerful, but it is insufficient to defeat us" Zarbon declared firing an Elegant blaster towards Vegeta.

"Shut!" Vegeta blocked that attack with his hands but suddenly Dodoria appeared on top of him.

"Damn Saiyan!" Dodoria opened his mouth and released a ki blast, and as Vegeta was busy parrying Zarbon's attack he took it squarely.


An explosion echoed through the room and Dodoria stood beside Zarbon with a proud smile as he watched the dark curtain of smoke.

And after a few seconds, Vegeta appeared with several wounds on his body but none serious. Dodoria clenched his fists in great annoyance.

"Were you always so disappointing Dodoria? This is a real attack!" Vegeta wasted no time launching a powerful energy blast.

Dodoria extended both arms to stop him but the attack was more than he could bear. And seeing this, Zarbon decided to intervene without further ado.

"Haaa!" Zarbon diverted it towards an island, which disappeared after receiving the blaster, "You're causing us serious problems, you damn Vegeta!"

"Hahaha don't tell me you can't beat me!" Vegeta laughed but felt an internal pain, 'I'm not recovered yet... I have to end this nown'

"I didn't want to resort to this, but you give me no choice" Zarbon said sliding a strand of hair from his forehead, "I'm going to transform!"

"Transform? Now you think you're a Saiyan?" asked the prince with his arms crossed and Dodoria looked curiously at his companion.

"In order for me to use my full power I have to transform, but my appearance becomes uglier and that's something I hate" Zarbon commented.

"Haha you're good at joking"

"Dodoria back off, I'll take care of him" Zarbon flexed his body and the other soldier backed off, "Haha no regrets Vegeta!"

Before Vegeta could react, Zarbon's body grew much larger and his face grew uglier and chubbier.

"What the...?!" Vegeta didn't have time to say more as Zarbon's knee slammed into the center of his stomach brutally.

Vegeta spat out blood but the matter didn't end there, as Zarbon elbowed him in the head followed by a kick to the side.

The prince was dragged away but Zarbon stepped forward and grabbed his tail. So, he used her as a means to slam him to the ground.




"It's incredible... he's become very powerful" Dodoria muttered in disbelief. It was being a favorable one-sided fight for Zarbon.

Zarbon continued to pummel Vegeta with such force that he instantly severed his tail. After doing this, the soldier left him lying on the ground.

"Sorry about your tail, I'll buy you a new one later haha" Zarbon sneered discarding the tail, "Look at you, is that all your power? What a disappointment."

Vegeta was pretty hurt. He used all the strength in him to open his eyes and met the hideous face of Zarbon, who was smiling.

"I'll confess something to you, I'm not the only one who has the ability to transform... Lord Frieza also has that quality!" Zarbon declared.

"W-what" Vegeta was puzzled, that had to be a joke. He did his best to get up from the ground, but Zarbon wouldn't let him.

"Do you think I'm going to leave you? This is just getting started!" Zarbon crushed Vegeta's torso, who released a large mouthful of blood.

Zarbon continued to trample on Vegeta's body as Dodoria watched this with a cruel smile on his face, he was enjoying himself. But suddenly...


A ki blast blasted into Zarbon's back but was not strong enough to defeat him. Then the soldier turned.

"A child? Was it you who attacked me?" Zarbon asked with a grin. And of course, the one in front of him...was none other than Gohan!

'His scouters are not here, that has ruined my plan' thought Gohan sighing tedium and ignoring Zarbon he walked towards Vegeta calmly.

"Hey brat! Don't ignore me!" Zarbon tried to lunge at Gohan, but the little boy released some of his Ki to repel him, "What the hell!"

It was as if an invisible barrier was preventing him from moving forward. Then, he was thrown against a mountain that was near the place.

"How?!" Dodoria exclaimed with her eyes popping out of his sockets and watched as Gohan crouched down next to the badly injured Vegeta, "W-who is he?"

"What a beating you've taken Vegeta, eat this and you'll recover" Gohan said with a smile and gave him one of the beans Bulma made, "Eat"

Vegeta was half unconscious but he was able to chew the seed and swallow it. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he stood up immediately.

"You are... Kakarot's son! How is it possible that you are on Namek? What have you given me?" Vegeta asked quite confused.

He felt that his wounds had healed and his strength had been restored. Also, his power increased, because he has survived a dangerous fight.

'Wait, he was able to easily elude Zarbon… has he gotten stronger?' The prince wondered, looking at the little boy.

"Tsk, I had drawn those two towards me by raising my power a bit, but your arrival changed everything" Gohan spoke with a scowl.

He left the Guru's house and went to a secluded place. He slightly raised his power to get Dodoria and Zarbon's attention, but failed.

Vegeta got in the way of his plan! He didn't expect him to arrive so soon. Most likely, he had not fully recovered from his injuries.

He ignored both of Vegeta's questions and walked over to where Dodoria and Zarbon stood, who had just gotten up from Gohan's "attack".

"A tail... so you're a saiyan! I didn't think another one would have survived after the destruction of planet Vegeta" Dodoria declared puzzled.

"Destruction?" Vegeta asked.

"Lord Frieza was the one who destroyed that planet, there was no such meteorite" Zarbon scoffed and Vegeta gritted his teeth angrily.

"You should be grateful! The great Frieza selected you as part of his army and spared your life Vegeta" Dodoria indicated with a smile.

Vegeta clenched his fists and suddenly the ground began to shake. Gohan arched an eyebrow and understood everything. So, he stepped aside.

'In the original series Vegeta always had an internal grudge on that subject, I'll let him take care of it' Gohan thought watching everything.

"I don't care what happened to my planet! What bothers me is that you guys have been using me!" Vegeta exclaimed angrily.

Dodoria stepped back in fear. Without giving it another thought, he took flight, but Vegeta fired a powerful energy blast at him that hit him.

While Dodoria was being burned by Vegeta's attack, Zarbon had already started an offensive to defeat the Saiyan prince.

But unlike before, he was now unable to land a single blow on Vegeta. The Saiyan looked different than he did a couple of minutes ago.


Vegeta punched him in the abdomen that took all the air out of him. Zarbon fell to his knees.

"H-how is it po-possible?" Zarbon asked with his hands on his stomach. He didn't understand how Vegeta had overcome his power.

"I told you at the beginning insect, we saiyans have no limit" Vegeta spoke, extending his hand towards Zarbon's face, who swallowed.

"W-wait Vegeta! Please!"

"Die at Once!" Vegeta threw an attack without leaving a trace of Zarbon, and so turned to Gohan, who was looking at him idly, "You brat!"

"Not bad Vegeta" Gohan said smiling.

"Will you answer my questions or will I have to forcefully make you speak? What are you doing on Namek?" Vegeta asked looking at the young boy.

"The question is, what are you doing here? I've already gathered the seven dragon balls…" Gohan answered leaving the Saiyan completely speechless.