Chapter 47: One million fight

Frieza had been injured by Gohan's attack. A trail of blood trickled down the corner of his mouth, which puzzled him.

No one had been able to hurt him, because his power had no comparison in the universe. But a simple boy managed to hurt him... it was impossible!

"Who are you midget?!" Frieza demanded as the young boy scrambled down the hill to stand a few feet away from him, 'He has a tail'

That could only mean one thing… he was a Saiyan! But there were no more than four left after the destruction of planet Vegeta, who was he?

'I had my guard down, but that won't happen again!' Frieza thought and his eyes widened as he realized what was preparing that brat.

"Kamee…" Gohan began to gather his energy to finish Frieza off. He knew that to defeat him once a Special Beam Cannon was not enough.

Before coming here he created a clone as he concentrated his Ki to perform the technique, but Frieza was no fool to fall into that trap.

"Hame..." the sphere in his hands grew larger, for he had gathered enough energy to throw it at the emperor, "HAAAA!"

Gohan launched the attack towards where Frieza was. The place was engulfed by the blast of energy, which destroyed several nearby islands.

A large column of smoke rose into the sky as a result of the magnitude of that Kamehameha. It was visible all over Namek!

Gohan exhaled lightly, he had raised his base power to the maximum to launch that attack towards Frieza, who seemed to disappear.

"What?" Gohan was stunned to perceive a shocking Ki in the sky and looked up to make sure, 'Damn! He has transformed!'

Frieza was floating in the sky with his arms crossed, but unlike before now he was bigger and he had no armor.

His power had increased monstrously, since he was holding it back for not controlling it well. He had a lot of power!

The frost demons were a very powerful race, and Frieza was a mutant with outstanding strength and potential.

In the manga Frieza withstood a Kamehameha Kaio-ken times twenty, a Spirit Bomb and survived Namek's explosion with his three stars.

Gohan knew that very well, and so he tried to defeat him before he released that power, but unfortunately he couldn't, now he had to fight.

"I congratulate you child, you were able to hurt me!" Frieza spoke as he lowered himself to Gohan's height, "You're an earthling, insect?"

He remembered hearing the boy's voice through Vegeta's scouter, the surprising thing was that both of them had decided to ally against him.

"And what will you gain by knowing?" Gohan asked getting into a fighting pose and Frieza laughed at his words, "What are you laughing at?"

"So an earthling boy managed to hurt the great Frieza, although it was a stroke of luck you have the merit of it" Frieza spoke, "I have a proposal"

"If it's about joining your army save the words, I'm not going to do it!" Gohan answered flatly and the tyrant frowned.

Leaving his parents, his friends and his planet to serve someone like Frieza, never!

"Saiyans were always stubborn, it's a pity that I have to kill you" the emperor spoke, "I warn you that... my power exceeds a million units"

A million units, no one in the universe reached a power level close to that according to Frieza's criteria. He was very wrong!

"Do you think you're the only one?" Gohan asked smiling and before Frieza could say anything the little boy raised his power brutally.

The emperor was taken aback when the ground began to shake and his surprise grew when Gohan suddenly appeared in front of him.


Frieza crossed his arms to block the punch that went to his face, but was thrown away by the sheer force of the attack.

"How??" Frieza exclaimed incredulously.


Gohan wasted no time and ran quickly towards the tyrant, who this time couldn't stop the fist that the little boy crashed into his abdomen.

Frieza spat but the boy didn't give him a break. It hit his chin sending him skyward and very quickly appeared on top of him.


Gohan clasped his hands together and sent him back to the ground with an ax blow. The impact creating a giant crater in the ground.

'Well, I have to take advantage of it!' Gohan thought seeing that Frieza was buried in the crater, and extended his palm gathering Ki.

A white sphere surrounded by black lightning appeared and when he felt that he had gathered enough Ki, he flew towards where Frieza was.

"Yin...!" the boy exclaimed but suddenly Frieza's tail grabbed his neck stopping his attack, although the sphere was still in his hand.

"For an insect you are very powerful" Frieza said crossing his arms while his tail choked Gohan with force, "Damn dwarf"

Frieza punched him in the abdomen, he was angry at the fact that a child had reached the power of his second form.

And worst of all, that damned kid had Saiyan blood, the race that he had eradicated. It was very ironic seen this way.

"But I warn you boy, I still have two transformations to go before I release my maximum power" Frieza smiled with great arrogance.

If this Earthling was at his current level, he would have nothing to do if he transformed... and it certainly wouldn't let him win so easily.

"Well, will you tell me where the dragon balls are?" Frieza asked, "You are more powerful than Vegeta, you must have them!"

Frieza anxiously awaited the boy's response, but to his surprise Gohan opened his eyes and the energy sphere in his hand grew larger.

"What?!" Frieza yelled, too late.

"Yin-Yang Blast Kaio-ken!" the young boy shouted, launching the attack towards Frieza's chest and hit the evil emperor squarely.

The minor jumped back smiling, his plan was to shorten distances with Frieza to attack him head-on, and therefore he allowed himself to be hit.

Now that he had achieved his goal, he didn't stop. He didn't wait for the smoke surrounding Frieza to dissipate, and he attacked relentlessly.

First a punch to the left cheek, then a knee to the abdomen, then an elbow to the evil emperor's head.

The power of the blows increased as Gohan increased the Kaio-ken and his power, strength and speed multiplied.




Frieza was unable to block or dodge any of the many blows Gohan was dealing him with the Kaio-ken times ten.

It was normal, Frieza barely had a power of 1,060,000... while Gohan's power was 10,750,000! The difference was surprising.

It was being a one-sided massacre, the little Son had the advantage but his body was paying the price of raising his power tenfold.

'It's time to end this' Gohan reasoned crossing his arms in front of his forehead and a yellowish flash was created in his hands.

The emperor was lying on the ground with his body bruised, he had never been injured to this extent before… that made all the anger burst out of him!

"Damn you bastard! No one dares to make fun of the great Frieza!" he shrieked raising his power, "You will pay dearly for what you have done!"

"Masenko!" Gohan was not daunted by those words and launched the energy blast towards his enemy, who was enraged.

Frieza extended his hands to block the attack. His skin began to fragment as the attack Gohan fired engulfed him.


Meanwhile, the Namekians on Earth were enjoying their stay, they had to admit that the place itself was extremely pleasant.

The Z fighters kept training, now that their hidden power was awakened they felt motivated. And Yamcha also joined them.

Although he was stronger than them for obvious reasons, he had trained with King Kai and his potential had also been unlocked.

Nail also wanted to practice. He needed to get used to the amazing power that he possessed right now thanks to the Grand Elder Guru.

Piccolo was frustrated that he hadn't gone to Namek, so he sat in a corner of Kami-sama's watchtower, away from the crowd.

Kami, for his part, did not let go of his cane, he seemed worried about something. He now he was standing at the edge of the watchtower, reasoning.

"What's wrong Kami-sama?" asked Mr Popo.

"The greatest threat this planet has ever faced is approaching" Kami-sama spoke remembering what King Kai had told him.

Mister Popo was confused until he suddenly felt a terrifying energy in the sky, accompanied by four other huge ones.

Piccolo got up from where he was sitting, alarmed by such a gigantic Ki. Yamcha, Krillin, Tienshinhan and the rest did the same.

Nail frowned and looked up at the sky, even his powers were no match for the monstrous Ki that was approaching this planet.

"It's the first time I feel such tremendous energy... Who is it?!" Tienshinhan asked, clenching his fists helplessly.

"An enemy who intends to gather the dragon balls... is Frieza's father" Kami-sama said leaving everyone dumbfounded.

And then, a ship passed through the atmosphere appearing before them. In addition to the Ginyu special forces, King Cold was also coming!