Chapter 49: Gohan gives up...

A strong fist slammed into Ginyu's face sending him crashing into some rocks, Raditz landing calmly with a wide smile.

"Is that all your power, Captain Ginyu?" Raditz asked with his arms crossed, he felt very disappointed with the course of this fight.

Captain Ginyu slowly stood up. His body, or rather Goku's, was quite injured. The Saiyan had shown no mercy.

"I-I don't g-get it... why am I weaker than you? I should be able to attain great power!" Ginyu exclaimed helplessly.

Goku had been shown to have 200,000 units with that red aura, so if this was his body now he should have that amount too!

"Because you're a fool, the only one who can use the maximum power of that body is that idiot over there" Raditz said pointing to his younger brother.

"Hey" Goku complained with a small smile as he tried to stop the bleeding in his chest, "You won't be able to use my full power Ginyu"

Ginyu listened to Goku's words with a grimace and without thinking he launched himself at Raditz trying to land a blow, but he couldn't.

Raditz fed up with his failed attempts and kneed him in the abdomen, before bringing his hands together and slamming him to the ground.

Goku smiled nervously, it would be useless for him to ask Raditz to be less gross. But his concern was elsewhere.

'There's a huge Ki next to Gohan's, is it Frieza?' Goku wondered in astonishment, 'Even with my power I couldn't... resist son, I'll go help you'

He was stunned at the power Gohan had achieved. They had to finish this battle quickly to go help him as soon as possible.

"I-Impossible, what's your power level?!" Ginyu asked wiping the blood that trickled from the corner of his lips.

He didn't remember this Saiyan having so much power. The last time he saw him he was barely over 1000 units, how did he get so strong?

"Do you want to know? Well, take a good look at your scouter!" Raditz flexed and immediately a whitish aura surrounded him making the place shake.

"95,000! It can't be!" Captain Ginyu exclaimed perplexed by Raditz's monstrous amount of power, "H-how... how did you do it?!"

The Saiyan stretched out his hand, creating a burst of violet energy. "Why know if I'm going to kill you. Your mistake, Ginyu, was changing bodies!"

Because if Ginyu had stayed in his body, he would have kept his 120,000 power instead of the 23,000 he had now.

"So... that was my mistake" Ginyu muttered with a wicked smile that was not lost on Goku, "That's perfect!"

"Be careful Raditz!"

"Body change!" Ginyu shouted, extending his arms and a light came out of his mouth, Raditz was astonished contemplating that movement.

But, to Captain Ginyu's surprise, Goku got in the way of the trajectory, and this caused him to return to his original body.

Ginyu landed on his knee while Goku lay on the ground unable to move from the injuries inflicted by his older brother.

"Y-you overdid it Raditz" Goku said making an effort to laugh and Raditz looked at him in astonishment.

"So you went back to your body Kakarot, that means…" Raditz turned to Ginyu, who was barely getting up, "You're going to die!"

Ginyu gritted his teeth and gathered all of his Ki, launching him into an attack that Raditz easily deflected, but that gave him time to flee.

"You're not going anywhere bug!" Raditz yelled as his hand was wrapped in purple light surrounded by electricity, "Shining Friday! HA!"

A Ki sphere shot out of his hand and followed Ginyu's trail, who had no chance to fly any further as the attack consumed him.

"NOOOO!" Ginyu yelled before being erased, the Saiyan had no mercy and killed him without thinking.

Raditz slowly lowered himself exhaling to relax his power. He landed next to Goku, who opened one eye looking at him with a slight smile.

"N-no y-you had w-why to kill him Raditz" the Son said with his usual clemency, but his older brother didn't have the same point of view as him.

"I'm not as generous as you Kakarot" Raditz replied before turning his head, "I guess you already felt that energy"

"Frieza... I-I've never felt such a great Ki, despite how strong Gohan is, he won't be able to beat him" Goku spoke with a grimace.

"You won't be able to in that state either, insect!"

From the sky a voice was present in the place. Raditz looked up and his eyes widened when he saw that it was Vegeta.

"From what I'm seeing it's been doing pretty well for you, right Vegeta?" Raditz asked with a smirk, 'His too high!'

"So good that I could take you two out in a second" Vegeta answered smiling, "But my current priority is Frieza and I'll need you"

"I'm afraid, we're on the same page... but this idiot here is too hurt to fight" Raditz spoke pointing to his brother.

"V-Vegeta... w-why didn't you go help Gohan?" Goku asked as Raditz helped him to his feet, "W-with your p-power..."

"That brat wanted to finish Frieza on his own, even though he has incredible powers it was useless" Vegeta stated crossing his arms.

Goku clenched his fists helplessly, cursing the fact that he couldn't go help Gohan, and Raditz seemed to have noticed.

"Here I have one of those magic beans, I had one left over that the dwarf and I used when training" Vegeta spoke smiling, "Kakarot!"

Goku was shocked when the prince of the Saiyans gave him a Senzu bean. So he wasted no more time and brought it to his mouth.

"This doesn't change the fact that I will finish you and your son" Vegeta watched as Goku stood up, 'Hpmf, his power increased'

He had even surpassed him quite a bit, but he already knew that he would pass that after all he was a saiyan, he was not exempt from Zenkai power.

The stronger the threat, the stronger the Saiyan would become. Goku's body adapted to the Ki that Frieza was releasing.

Goku nodded with a smile as he dusted himself off. "Thanks Vegeta, now we have to go fight Frieza!"

He had surpassed the limit of his power by recovering from his injuries. With the Kaio-ken at its maximum... maybe he could really beat Frieza!

"Don't give me orders insect!" Vegeta exclaimed lighting up an aura around him and he took flight with Goku and his older brother Raditz.


Gohan was looking with a disgusted smile at Frieza, who was in his last form. Or rather, the true form of him.

The tyrant dodged the Masenko that was thrown at him and being in his third form encased him in a psychic energy ball, preventing him from moving.

Although Gohan had telekinesis, his level was very low compared to Frieza, who took advantage and sent him far away from that place.

As the little boy flew back, Frieza seized the moment to transform into his final form, unleashing the great power he was suppressing.

'It seems that to finish him completely I must be more powerful' thought Gohan clenching his fists, the current situation had changed.

And not for the better, although his father and the others were headed to this place there was no guarantee that they could win, and that was not very motivating.

"You've forced me to resort to this form...that's amazing, are you sure you don't want to work for me?" Frieza inquired with a slight smile.

He didn't know how Captain Ginyu was doing, but this kid had enough power to work as a lieutenant in his army.

"I haven't changed my mind" replied Gohan smiling, "What about you? Wouldn't you be interested in dedicating yourself to another activity other than conquering planets?"

Although he was joking, Frieza would be a valuable asset if he abandoned his tricks on him. But the chance of that happening was about zero.

Frieza was surprised by those words, and he laughed lightly. "Wow, I didn't know Saiyans could said jokes like that"

"There are many things you don't know about the Saiyan race" Gohan said getting into a combat stance, "I'm willing to show you!"

"It would be my pleasure" Frieza bowed, waiting for Gohan to attack. And he barely had to wait two seconds to get hit.


Frieza calmly turned his head away avoiding a punch from Gohan, who brought his knee up to hit the tyrant's abdomen.

But his attack was easily blocked by Frieza's hands, who smiled. Gohan activated the Kaio-ken times ten to make him back up.

"You can't beat me!" Frieza pointed out turning around and his tail hit Gohan's face, who had no choice but to move away from him several meters.

Gohan wiped the trail of blood from his nose. He had to keep buying time until reinforcements arrived at this place.

"Your intention was to finish me from my first form, right?" Frieza spoke smiling, "Your chances were nil"

The boy looked at him with a frown.

"My species, in addition to his strength, has a fairly high resistance, and as a prodigy I am no less. Your attacks were ineffective"

"I recognize that for a simple ape you are powerful, you would be one of the strongest in the universe, but today you are going to die, Saiyan" Frieza concluded.

He must kill this worm before it becomes a much greater danger. In one that neither he nor his father Cold could control.

"Even if you finish me off... I'll come back from the dead to eliminate you Frieza!" Gohan yelled lighting up his aura and Frieza looked at him puzzled.


Gohan appeared in front of him and punched him in the chin sending him skyward.

Frieza quickly recovered but a blast of energy landed on Frieza's face, barely doing any damage but the boy fired more blasts.

Gohan continued to fire more energy blasts though none of them did any damage to Frieza, but there was something quite "strange" about all of this.

"Have you weakened insect yet? None of your attacks have worked!" Frieza exclaimed crossing his arms. Gohan didn't flinch.

Frieza was surprised to see him calm but his senses alerted him. He turned his head and noticed that around him there were many Ki blasts.

"Hellzone Grenade!" Gohan shouted, joining his arms and immediately the blasts that surrounded Frieza hit him mercilessly.


An explosion occurred, illuminating Namek's sky with a yellowish hue. Then, a light layer of smoke appeared in that place.

The minor exhaled approaching the smoke screen and ate a Senzu bean, he only had two left. He had to manage them well.

"That attack took me by surprise, worm, but you are too weak" the smoke dissipated thus showing Frieza's unharmed figure.

Gohan frowned, though he already took it for granted that hurting Frieza with that wouldn't be enough. Except when his power was inferior to hers.

"You still refuse to give me the dragon balls?" Frieza asked smiling, "Well, I'll have to use the Earth spheres hoho"

"What are you talking about?!" Gohan demanded.

"My special forces are on Earth, by now they must have exterminated the earthlings" Frieza scoffed with soft laughter.

'That explains why only Captain Ginyu came here!' Gohan thought but he wasn't worried at all, "You think so? I highly doubt it!"

Considering the request he had made to the Guru, at this point his friends were more powerful than the Ginyu forces.

Frieza was quite annoyed by that fact and pointed his index finger at Gohan, piercing his right chest with a very deadly beam.

"Arghhh!" exclaimed the little boy releasing a mouthful of blood and Frieza extended his hand creating a pink energy sphere.

"Die... saiyan" Frieza threw that sphere at Gohan hitting him squarely. The boy's body sank into the water, "It was very troublesome"

Frieza landed on the island, wondering if Captain Ginyu had gotten the Dragon Balls… he was eager to make his wish!

And meanwhile Gohan's body continued to sink into the depths of the sea and the blood from his wounds continued to flow.

'I can't give up! I can't die in this place! I CAN'T!' exclaimed the minor releasing impotence tears. He felt very useless.

If he had trained so hard it was to beat Frieza, but even so he was unable. The evil emperor had easily defeated him.

'I-if I give up...' Images of his father, his mother, and his friends flashed through his mind, 'If I give up... Frieza will finish them all off!'

The known history had changed so much that any event was possible, nothing guaranteed that everything would end as in the original series.

If everyone died... then...

Would he ever be alone again?

So… why had he reincarnated?

Hadn't he sworn that he would become the most powerful of the universe?

Hadn't he sworn that he would take advantage of Son Gohan's monstrous potential in all its splendor?

What the hell was he doing?!

"I can't give up!"

He thought of all his achievements so far. All the changes, all the good that he did until today. And if he died, all his efforts would have been in vain!

'I'm not going to die here... I'm going to go back and finish Frieza!' Gohan thought closing his eyes and joined the palms of his hands in a meditative pose.

Suddenly, a warm white light enveloped Gohan's body. And as if by magic, the blood on his chest stopped flowing.

The Genki from the planet Namek began to circulate in his body healing his wounds and increasing his Ki reserves... as well as his base power.


"You have lost" Tienshinhan said landing calmly while Reecome was on his knees before the triclops, "I have already defeated you"

"D-damn" Reecome gasped limply.

It hadn't been a long enough fight. Reecome had great power but he was quite brutish, which Tienshinhan exploited very well.

"Impossible! That man has defeated Reecome!" Jeice worried looking uneasily at the scene and Burter was the same.

"Yes! Well done Tienshinhan! You are amazing!" Krillin exclaimed as Chiaotzu danced in glee. Yamcha smiled and Piccolo crossed his arms.

He was much more worried about the guy who remained inside the ship, the one for whom he had assimilated with the Namekian named Nail.

And speaking of King Cold himself, the frost demon was not happy! The useless Ginyu forces were no match for the miserable earthlings.

"Hpmf, it seems that I will have to intervene, I haven't exercised in a long time" King Cold got up from his throne, ready to go to the battlefield!