Chapter 53: Spirit Bomb!

Frieza was speechless looking at the gigantic sphere that was floating above Gohan's arms, what the hell was he doing?

What Frieza didn't know was that he had been fighting a clone that contained half of Gohan's power, that's why he released such a small Ki.

And while this clone was fighting, Gohan was gathering energy to form the Spirit Bomb. The planets near Namek helped him.

Gohan used the Genki that he was gathering, while he was healing his wounds, to power up the attack... Frieza was doomed to die!

"I said you're going to die today Frieza!" Gohan yelled with a grin as he looked at the shock on the frost demon's features, "TAKE THIS!"

Gohan lowered both arms and suddenly the huge sphere began to descend towards Frieza. Goku watched this dumbfounded.

"Down!" Goku trumpeted running towards his brother and Vegeta. He took the two of them into cover in a safe place.

Vegeta opened his left eye slightly and was shocked to see Frieza against the ropes. 'Perhaps... is that child... the legendary Super Saiyan?'

Raditz coughed up blood from the gash in his abdomen and in the slightest span of time he opened his eyes he noticed Gohan's Spirit Bomb.

'To think that the brat was able to do such a technique... it never ceases to amaze me' Raditz thought with a small smile and fell unconscious.

Frieza extended both arms to stop the attack but his hands burned as they came into contact with the sheer power of the Spirit Bomb.

"You... won't be able to defeat me trash!" Frieza yelled expelling large amounts of energy but his effort was being useless.

Gohan was using more power to push Spirit Bomb but his energy reserves were at the limit, but he wasn't going to give up!

Even though he used all the Genki he gathered for hours to power up the technique, he still had Ki reserves left to endure.

'That monster is very resistant' Gohan thought as Frieza still wouldn't give up even with his powerful technique, "Kaio-ken... times ten!"

A reddish aura surrounded his body and with that his base power increased tenfold, Spirit Bomb received that boost and pushed the emperor.

Various veins marked Frieza's body at this time. Despite using 80% of his power, the Spirit Bomb was superior.

"NO! This can't be! HAAA!" Frieza screamed as the giant sphere sank into the sea of ​​Namek and Frieza also dove down with it.

Gohan smiled at having won. His eyes closed due to great exhaustion, and he limply ended up falling to the ground but Goku appeared.

"You did well son, I'm proud of you" Goku said taking his son in his arms and took him to a much quieter place to rest.

And meanwhile, on another planet...

"Yesss! Gohan defeated Frieza with my technique!" King Kai began to dance happily after seeing what happened on Namek.

He was surprised by the incredible fight they all had against Frieza, he would never have imagined that the Saiyans would reach that great power.

Before they went to Namek they had no chance of defeating Frieza's soldiers, but before long they all became quite powerful.

"They really are an incredible race... but the Namekians are not far behind" said the deity remembering Piccolo's battle against Cold.

Although right now the namekian was having problems against him. But even so, he must contact the Kami of Earth.


Kami was frowning as he watched the battle between Piccolo and King Cold. Everything was going wrong for his counterpart.

Ever since Cold took his final form it became a totally one-sided battle. Piccolo was unable to give a single attack.

"Kami! Are you hearing me? I'm King Kai"

Kami was shocked to hear that voice. "Oh, it's you, I can hear you perfectly King Kai"

"Well, I came to inform you that the battle on Namek has concluded, Goku's son was able to defeat the evil Frieza" informed Kai

Kami's eyes widened in utter shock, was Gohan able to defeat a monster that was more powerful than Cold?

'What is the limit of his power If a year ago he was much weaker' the guardian thought without believing the potential that Gohan had in his being.

"It's great, but here the situation is not as good" Kami said with a bitter smile, "I hope all of them come back here soon"

Since with Goku and his son here the Earth would be saved. If they could defeat Frieza, doing the same with his father would not be impossible.

"Piccolo will not be able to exploit his full potential until he is once again one with his other half of" Guru suddenly intervened.

Kami looked at him quite curiously at those words. "Do you mean... that his latent potential is incomplete without me?"

"That's right, if they were one again... not even a Super Saiyan would be a match for you" Guru spoke, leaving the Namekian guardian stunned.

"Super Saiyan?" Kami whispered thoughtfully, pondering the patriarch's words, "It seems there is no other way, the situation is bad"

"But Kami-sama!" Mister Popo intervened.

"The Earth doesn't need a guardian, but a warrior. My cycle is over" Kami said, "I thank you for having served me, old friend"

"You were my guide when I took my first steps as a god, you were my partner in my work and you were my friend in my loneliness, thank you... Popo"

Tears began to come out of Mister Popo's eyes, hundreds of years serving Kami made him develop great affection towards him.

"But if you do it, Earth's dragon balls will stop working, I would like one of my sons to replace you in your work" said the Namekian Guru.

Moori turned to Dende with a big smile. "Little one, you are the most talented of this new generation, wouldn't you like to be the new Kami?"

"M-me?" Dende pointed to himself and looked at Kami, who gave him a smile, "O-okay, I want to be useful. I-I'm going to s-be the new Kami"

He wasn't accepting just because... but because he wanted to contribute just like his brother Nail did, he wanted to make him proud wherever he is...

"Don't feel pressured little one, it's not an easy job" Kami said but the boy nodded energetically, "Well, that's very good!"

Kami walked over to the little boy and held out his cane. "Hold my staff, I will transfer you some knowledge that you will need for your new position"

Dende nodded and picked up the cane. As soon as he did, his mind was filled with a multitude of things that forced him to sit on the floor.

"I know you'll do well, Dende" Kami uttered patting his head, "Well, it's time to go... Mister Popo, make this boy a good guardian"

Mr Popo nodded, wiping the tears from his face and watched as the god left, never to return.


Piccolo spat out blood as a blow from the frost demon landed on his abdomen. He was thrown until he collided with a mountain.

"Piccolo!" Krillin yelled worriedly.

King Cold had shown himself to have unprecedented power. He was able to totally overwhelm Piccolo with no chance of winning this battle.

"Is you over? What a disappointment" Cold spoke crossing his arms as he landed on the ground. He directed his gaze from him to the Z fighters.

"Ugh... now it's our turn, we can't sit idly by" Yamcha said, getting into his usual combat pose.

"Yes" Tien turned to his friend, "Chiaotzu, stay in this place. And if everything goes wrong, run away as fast as you can, do you understand?"

Chiaotzu nodded, he knew that this enemy was too powerful for him to face. "Good luck Tien, guys"

Krillin gave him a thumbs up and then the three of them jumped up to stand a few feet from King Cold, "Are you going to stand up to me?"

"Sure... why not? Kaio-ken times five!" yelled Yamcha reaching the incredible quantity of 2,275,000 units, "Let's attack him, friends!"

Yamcha was the first to lunge at his enemy and landed a punch that King Cold blocked quite easily, without effort.

Tiens appeared behind him trying to elbow him hard in the back of his neck but Cold deflected his head avoiding that attack.


Krillin darted towards the frost demon's side in an attempt to kick him but the king slashed at him using his tail.

"Krillin!" Yamcha watched helplessly as his best friend was thrown onto a rock and glared at Cold, 'he's extremely powerful!'

"I see why the Ginyu forces couldn't defeat you, it's a shame they refused to be part of my army" Cold said smiling.


He viciously punched Yamcha's abdomen, who released a mouthful of blood and hit Tien's face with the back of his hand.

They ended up in the same place as Krillin and with difficulty got up, understanding the reason why Piccolo could not defeat this being.

"W-what the h-hell" Tien muttered helplessly.

"K-Krillin... w-what about that technique you created while we trained with Kami-sama? Could you use it?" Yamcha asked looking at him.

"Y-yes, I can use it" replied the monk.

"Great…I have a plan" Yamcha turned to his friends. He hoped that with this they could at least hurt that terrible monster.

King Cold walked towards them calmly. "Oh, I see you can still stand up earthlings, amazing"

"And that's not the only surprise" Yamcha stated as he focused Ki into his palm and Cold arched an eye curiously, "Spirit Ball!"

A ball of energy sprang up in his hand and Yamcha threw it at Cold, who prepared to dodge but the ball went up.

"How?" asked the king surprised and he noticed that Tien appeared on his right side with his hands creating a triangle.

"Tri Beam!" Tien yelled launching his most powerful technique towards the frost demon, who simply jumped dodging that attack but then...

"Destructo Disk!"

A Ki disk appeared before him, shocking him. Cold was quick enough to dodge it, but his tail was severed.


His tail fell to the ground. Cold looked at this in bewilderment, and suddenly Yamcha's attack hit him generating an explosion.

"You did great guys!" Yamcha exclaimed satisfied, "I didn't think your attack was so powerful Krillin, it's really impressive!"

"W-well haha" Krillin said scratching his head embarrassed, "Do you think we're done with him? Although of course, my question is absurd"

"But at least he will be hurt" declared Tien trying to salvage something good. They found out right away, the smokescreen vanished.

There Cold appeared with minor scrapes, without any apparent injury. The only part of his body affected was his tail, but nothing else.

"Damn!" Krillin exclaimed in anguish.

"I congratulate you all, it was a good attack. Anyone would have been defeated, but I'm not just anyone" said King Cold smiling, "Now it's my turn!"


Everyone braced for the impending attack. King Cold raised a finger and suddenly a energy beam came from there pointing at Krillin.

Yamcha and Tien widened their eyes with great concern upon realizing this. "Watch out Krillin!" they screamed but it was too late.

Krillin helplessly closed his eyes but suddenly a Ki blast slammed into him sending him a few meters back. The king's beam had failed.

"Hey?!" Yamcha and Tien looked relieved.

"T-that hurt!" Krillin groaned and looked up at the direction the burst of energy came from, "It can't be! It's you!"

A burly man wearing armor was standing with his arms crossed on top of a hill, he was none other than Nappa!

"What's up Earthling? I thought you'd be glad to see me!" the man exclaimed with a smile and the Z fighters looked at him confused.

But more confused was King Cold. "You are one of those Saiyans! What are you doing in this place?" the demon asked as Nappa descended.

"I knew that Vegeta was on Namek, so I got ready to finish what I left on Earth... but I was surprised to see you here sir" Nappa commented.

"That's because I have some interest in this planet, but you still haven't explained to me why you interfered" Cold demanded seriously.

"Because as of today the Saiyan race will stop working for you" Nappa spoke, getting into a fighting stance, "What are you waiting for earthlings?!"

"A-Are you going to fight us?" Tien asked surprised and at the same time confused by this.

"Just this once maggots, today we have a common enemy" Nappa smirked and Krillin gulped, before looking at King Cold.

"So a betrayal... as you like! The Saiyan race was never to my liking, luckily Frieza exterminated them" Cold pointed out smiling.

Nappa clenched his fists at those words. He hoped that Vegeta would get the dragon balls to put an end to that tyrant.

And meanwhile, Piccolo was slowly getting to his feet. Luckily he had a Senzu bean with him, so he ate it without further delay.

His wounds healed and his strength was restored. 'That monster is very strong, he surpassed my powers with his last transformation' he thought frustrated.

"Looks like you need help"

Piccolo clenched his teeth when he heard that voice, he didn't have to turn around to know who it was. "What the hell are you doing in this place?"

"According to King Kai the battle on Namek is over, Gohan was able to defeat Frieza" Kami declared leaving Piccolo stunned.

"What?!" the Namekian yelled.

"That's right, and that Frieza is more powerful than his father" Kami added, "Gohan is at a very unattainable level right now, even for you"

"Did you come just to tell me that? Always so smart" Piccolo commented sarcastically.

"We must become one again" Piccolo looked at him with annoyance, "You know very well that it is almost impossible to defeat that demon, he has immense power"

"If I fuse with you will I be able to beat him? Don't be silly" Piccolo scoffed, "And besides, the dragon balls would stop working if that happens"

"I already have that solved" Kami replied, "According to Guru, you won't be able to unleash your potential if we don't go back to being one like at the beginning"

Piccolo was going to say something but suddenly he saw how Cold beat up Yamcha, Tien, Krillin and... Nappa What was he doing there fighting?

But he was still much more shocked that Gohan was able to beat someone stronger than Cold. Now that he couldn't tolerate! Never!

"I have no intention of becoming a wizened old man like you, let's do that at once"

"You will be the base, you are younger and stronger than me... you will inherit my knowledge and I will give you a small power boost" Kami explained.

"Anything, just to beat that miserable guy" Piccolo put his hand on Kami's chest following Nail's previous example.

"Your evil has disappeared... that's good, I'm glad that being with Gohan has influenced you" Kami added smiling, "HAA!"

The guardian's body lit up in a white aura and after a few seconds it disappeared. But Piccolo's body was still glowing.

That white glow turned into a golden one and thunder echoed in the sky. Cold stopped hitting Yamcha and looked over there.

"T-that Ki..." muttered Krillin dumbfounded.

Everyone was perplexed when they noticed that Piccolo's body looked more illuminated, his muscles more defined and his aura the color of gold.

Ultimate Piccolo was born!