Chapter 60: Final

Cooler backed away a little scared, but of course he wasn't going to be intimidated by a simple monkey with different hair, "I will kill you!"

Cooler raised his left hand to shoot a blast of energy at him but suddenly Goku appeared in front of him and grabbed his arm vigorously.

"I-it can't be" the demon muttered.

"Better you calm down, I won't allow you to continue destroying this planet" Goku commented seriously, still squeezing Cooler's arm.


Cooler used his free arm to punch Goku's abdomen, but it felt like his fist had slammed into the harder metal.

"How many planets will you have to destroy before you calm down?" Goku's look made him step back in panic for the first time.

Goku's golden aura became much brighter and Cooler recoiled again, not believing what his pair of eyes were staring at.

Raditz got up slowly and when he saw the change his brother had undergone, he opened his eyes extremely surprised and somewhat proud.

Proud of the power his brother had. He was listed as a low class soldier but today he was the most powerful saiyan.

Cooler scoffed. "Don't think that by looking different you can beat me, damn Saiyan"

Goku slowly raised his hand pointing at Cooler, who was on guard against the imminent attack that his enemy would make.

However, far from what was expected, Cooler received waves of energy that sent him flying through the skies, but he quickly recovered.


The saiyan appeared on top of him and joining his hands gave him an ax blow to the head sending him against a rock formation.

That place was completely destroyed and Goku landed with the Super Saiyan's aura around him. But soon everything began to shake.

Goku was unperturbed by this and calmly lived the moment Cooler returned, but he looked injured unlike the previous times.

"Looks like your power have increased. I see, this must be the Super Saiyan who beat Frieza" Cooler stated laughing out loud.

That laugh confused Goku, but his facial expression remained as cold and fierce as before.

The demon got exasperated and extending his index finger began to shoot several energy beams that Goku deflected without moving from his position.

Desperation gripped Cooler as he realized that none of his deadly bolts were able to scratch the Saiyan.

"Kakarot has reached a great power, that monster has nothing to do" Raditz pointed out crossing his arms as he watched the fight.

A fight that was tilted in favor of Goku, because the fear that reigned in Cooler was making him lose his fighting spirit.

"I see that you can destroy a planet but not a person" for the first time, a slight smile filled with arrogance crossed Goku's lips.

"W-What the hell are you?!" the overwhelmed frost demon demanded. He had understood the difference in powers that existed between them.

"You better leave this planet Cooler, you won't be able to beat me" Goku asserted seriously and Raditz frowned when he heard him.

"Kakarot don't even think about showing mercy to that monster or he will destroy this planet!" Raditz warned him knowing how merciful he was.

In his battle, a simple trick was enough for Goku to let go of his tail when he could have finished the fight. It was too soft.

Cooler let out a small laugh at that and quickly extended his arm, "You're stupid!" he yelled as he fired a Ki blast.

Goku received that attack, but Cooler nevertheless took advantage of that moment to rise to the sky and create a fairly large Supernova.

"W-what?" Goku muttered in puzzlement.

Raditz was in the same state as Goku, wondering how long Cooler had had to concentrate that immense amount of Ki.

"Your brother warned you! I will destroy this planet and the Saiyan race will disappear..."

Cooler couldn't finish his words as a green arm wrapped around his body rendering his every move impossible.

"What the hell?!" Cooler exclaimed upset and soon realized that the person causing this was none other than Piccolo, "Let go of me or I'll kill you!"

"Goku finish him immediately!" Piccolo yelled doing his best to hold back the demon, who was trying to get out of his grasp.

"Hold on Piccolo!" exclaimed Goku raising his power to the maximum and began to prepare his most powerful attack, "Kame... Hamee...!"

Cooler watched this in horror and his attempts grew more forceful, "Damn Namekian!"

Little by little he was freeing himself but Piccolo used another arm to prevent him from escaping but he felt that he wouldn't last long, "DO IT GOKU!"

"HAAA!" Goku yelled, launching the wave of blue energy towards Cooler, who remained immobilized thanks to Piccolo's work.

The Namekian continued until the last moment and then his arms freed Cooler but it was too late for the demon to elude him.

"DAMN YOU SAIYAN!" Cooler shouted being consumed by Goku's attack and by his own attack, until he was erased from the face of the Earth.

A thunderous explosion occurred in the sky creating a great luminosity that blinded everyone.

After a few seconds, everything returned to normal. Peace returned to the planet after four months without living under any external threat.

Goku managed a smile before falling very weak to the ground, but Raditz stepped forward and broke his fall by kicking him in his abdomen.

"Ouch! T-That hurt Raditz!" Goku complained showing with a grimace and extended his arms in search of oxygen for his pair of lungs.

"That was because you're an idiot, but you fought very well" Raditz spoke closing his eyes with a smile.

"Haha… Piccolo, it seems that this time it was you who grabbed the enemy" Goku commented smiling with amusement with half an open eye.

"This time neither of us have had to die" Piccolo smiled slightly crossing his arms and Goku laughed out loud when he heard him.

"Now have you started reliving memories?" asked Raditz and glanced at Piccolo, "You also fought well, namekian"

"The same I say.., I see that you have greatly increased your powers" Piccolo pointed out without looking directly at him. The older saiyan smiled upon hearing him.

"Whenever you want we resume our fight, it was the brat who interrupted us" Raditz said remembering that it was his nephew who defeated him.

"Hmph, not a bad idea"

"I'm in too!" Goku trumpeted happily raising his arm but he felt a cramp that made him cry out in pain.

Raditz taunted Goku out loud but suddenly noticed that a ship was landing a few meters away. They were all known Ki.

"Goku! Where is my Goku?!"

The aforementioned looked up and his eyes met Chi-Chi's eyes, who ran towards him quickly and caught him in his arms.

"Hehe n-not so strong Chi-Chi" Goku said with a smile as his muscles continued to ache.

"Oh my god... you are very hurt!" Chi-Chi got very nervous but her hand on Bulma's shoulder calmed her down, "Please Bulma, do something!"

"Don't worry, there are several Senzu beans" Bulma took one out and put it in Goku's mouth, who slowly chewed it and swallowed it without further ado.

"Perfect!" Goku yelled getting up and without warning he took Chi-Chi in his arms and threw her into the air, "Now I feel great!"

Chi-Chi screamed in astonishment and after a few seconds of adrenaline, Goku took her in his arms confirming his excellent physical condition.

"You are a fool Goku!" Chi-Chi complained, hitting his chest, "I was worried..."

"Haha I'm so sorry" Goku apologized as his wife took refuge in his chest, "Now we'll spend time together as you wanted"

"Really? Will you promise me?" Chi-Chi's eyes blazed brightly, and as soon as Goku nodded she hugged him warmly, "Thank you!"

But not everyone was sweet around here...

"You're a complete mess!" Launch commented with his arms crossed, logically with blonde hair. She recently sneezed.

"You know? Now a cherry cake would be nice" Raditz commented with a sarcastic smile.

Launch smiled slightly crossing her arms. "Hey! This idiot here needs one of those beans!" she declared looking at Bulma.

Bulma nodded and tossed her a seed, she also took the opportunity to extend one to the Namek.

"It seems that this time the enemy was more dangerous, right?" Master Roshi asked seriously and Goku nodded just as seriously.

"He was even more powerful than Frieza or his father, for a moment I thought that everything was lost" acknowledged Goku being very sincere.

"And then? How did you beat him?"

"Well I…" Goku was going to say, but then he scratched the back of his neck with a smile, "How about we get something to eat and I'll tell you what happened?"

They all fell to the ground with a drop of sweat. Bulma sighed as Goku was still hungry despite the bean he ate.


Meanwhile, in a place far away, Pybara was worried because Gohan had been meditating on a mountain ridge for several hours.

The unsettling thing is that there was lightning all around him and the entire planet was shaking from the immeasurable power he was unleashing.

"Wh-what should we do great Pybara?" Hatsuka asked clinging as best he could to a rock from the storm created by Gohan's great strength.

"We can only wait, I don't understand what he is doing" the Elder replied and to his relief, both the shaking and the storm stopped.

"Look like it's over!" Hatsuka sighed in relief and dropped to the ground, "I wonder what happened to Gohan?"

The aforementioned exhaled with his eyes closed. His bristly hair returned to normal and the electrical flashes in his aura faded.

'It seems that everything is over, I'm glad that dad was able to become a Super Saiyan' Gohan thought, showing himself happy for what happened.

Balancing his body and spirit enhanced his sense of Ki, thus he felt everything that happened on Earth until they defeated the enemy.

On more than one occasion he was tempted to use Instant Transmission to go help them, because the adversary had a much lower power than his.

But he trusted his dad, his uncle Raditz, and Piccolo to take over, since they too had to become more powerful.

And in the end, that trust had been reciprocated. Earth was at peace.

'I still don't know who he was, he had a Ki similar to Frieza's... maybe King Cold or Cooler, but I doubt this is a butterfly effect' Gohan thought thoughtfully.

He was more and more sure that this timeline would be very different from the known one, and not only because of the changes that he would make with each step.

His presence itself was already a change… but the first big change was the fact that Chi-Chi had agreed to him being trained by Goku.

'But hey, the important thing is that dad is now a Super Saiyan' thought the boy getting up from the ground. Then he put two fingers on his forehead.


Gohan appeared in front of Pybara and Hatsuka, but he was surprised to see that the place around them was more hectic than usual.

"Finally you came Gohan! What happened to you? Suddenly you made the ground shake and created a storm" Hatsuka asked without understanding.

"I did that?" Gohan smacked his forehead, "I'm so sorry, I concentrated too much because there was a very decisive battle on my planet"

"Now that your spirit is more balanced, your senses have become more sensitive, but you are still far from perfect control" Pybara pointed out.

Gohan scratched his head smiling. He had learned Instant Transmission and cloning/multi-form, he was still missing the more difficult techniques.

"Alright, let's begin Elder Pybara!"


Power levels!

Cooler: 4,500,000

Considering that according to Daizenshuu 6 this film is situated between the arrival of Trunks and the androids, it would be close to Goku's base power.

Cooler 5th form: 160,000,000. Slightly above Goku Saga Namek.

Post-Zenkai Goku: 3,500,000

The zenkai takes you to a point where you can engage the nearest threat. Cooler defeated him without using half of his power, so:

Goku Kaio-ken x 20: 70,000,000

His max power is close to the power Cooler used to defeat him, which was about 45%.

Goku Super Saiyan: 175,000,000

Raditz: 3,500,000. At his brother's level.

Ultimate Piccolo: 130,000,000