Chapter 65: Big Gete Star

They were all quite shocked at what they were witnessing, Frieza's father was alive and he was made of metal!

"N-no... this can't be! I finished that damn monster!" Piccolo exclaimed, clenching his fists.

"Of course! We were there at that time... I-I don't understand what's going on" Yamcha commented in disbelief.

Vegeta watched the scene with his arms crossed, although he had to admit that this insect was not weak, since he was expelling a huge Ki.

Metal Cold jumped off the hill and landed a few meters from where they were. His eyes scanned the warriors, regarding them with a smile.

"I see that even the Saiyans are in this place" Metal Cold spoke, noticing the presence of his son's former soldiers.

"And I see you're a talking trash" Vegeta sneered with a smirk. But nevertheless Cold laughed harder than Vegeta.

"As ridiculous as your father, Prince Vegeta" Cold crossed his arms, "But the only thing that brings me here is this Namekian who defeated me"

"How come you're still alive?! I remember perfectly that I finished you" Piccolo stated, longing for an answer.

Cold pointed to the metallic satellite. Piccolo was quite perceptive in noting the similarity between the metal of the demon's body and this satellite.

"That's the Big Gete Star. It was created from a small circuit that emits magnetic waves that attract metallic tras"

"And the star wandered for centuries absorbing metals and a huge electronic operations center was created" Metal Cold continued explaining.

'Magnetic waves?' Vegeta wondered.

"I don't understand anything you're saying" Goku uttered scratching the back of his neck, but Cold didn't care what he said, so he followed his explanation.

"It's true, you defeated me... but I didn't die, I was seriously injured and the star ran into the remains of my body floating in the space"

"And they rebuilt me ​​half a year ago. I came to this planet because here is the fuel that Big Gete Star needs to keep running."

"But I also came to collect my revenge, namekian" Cold finished clenching his right fist while he looked at Piccolo.

"It would have been better for you not to return to this place" Piccolo got into position to fight, "I'm ready to beat you again"

"I highly doubt it, namekian, my power has increased a lot since our battle" added Metal Cold with a slight smile.

Piccolo frowned but to his surprise a mob of robots burst out of the Big Gete Star suddenly surrounding them.

"What the hell? More junk to throw away?" Vegeta gritted his teeth in annoyance realizing his new enemies, "Tsk"

"Hmpf, they won't even serve as a warm-up for the great Nappa" the aforementioned smiled wildly as he stretched out his arms.

"And what do you say, Kakarot?" Raditz looked at his brother, who was doing stretches.

"Piccolo will fight against that guy Cold while we fight with these robots, he will serve to see our current levels" Goku replied.

Vegeta looked at him askance, according to his estimation neither of those two should be stronger than him or Nappa right now. But suddenly.


A robot appeared before him and Vegeta stopped that movement with his forearm. "Yes, these robots are tough, but they are garbage!"

Vegeta collided his punch with the center of the robot, but to his surprise nothing happened. Only an intense metallic sound was heard.

"W-what?!" Vegeta muttered in surprise and took a hit that knocked him back several feet, 'Impossible, what are they made of?'

Raditz wondered the same thing rubbing his hand as his attack failed. Not that they were more powerful than him. They were made of steel!

"Looks like it won't be as easy as I thought" Raditz laughed enthusiastically and returned to the fray although this time with a lot more power.

"Trash!" Nappa growled in annoyance seeing that his physical attacks were useless, so he did one of his famous techniques and raised two fingers in the air.

Then, an explosion covered the area where the robots were accumulating. After a few seconds, she was just junk in that place.

"Did you useless robots think you could beat me?" Nappa smiled confidently and returned to attack the remaining enemies fiercely.

Goku dodged every hit from the robots with ease, though he was surprised at how fast they were even with their large size.

'They have quite a bit of stamina! But there are parts of their body that are vulnerable and could doom them without taking damage' Goku reasoned.

Now he decided to put this theory into practice. He concentrated all of his Ki into his fist and ran towards one of the besieging robots.

"Haaaah!" Goku yelled, smashing his punch into the robot's one eye, which started to spark before exploding, "Great, it worked!"

Goku wasted no time. With incredible speed he destroyed the rest of the robots. But he saw that his friends had some problems.

"Hey guys! Gather all your energy to hit them in one spot" Goku warned smiling, "That's the way to beat them!"

"Okay, Kaio-ken!" Tien activated the technique and slammed his punch into the robot's head, completely destroying it, "Perfect!"

Seeing that it had worked, Krillin did the same. He tripled his strength with the Kaio-ken by three and easily beat quite a few robots.

"Wolf Fang Fist times three!" a red aura surrounded Yamcha's body and he completely destroyed six robots with his technique, "We defeated them!"

"It's amazing, did you fuse the Wolf Fang Fist with the Kaio-ken?" Tien asked surprised and Yamucha gave him a thumbs up.

Goku congratulated them on their effort, though he soon noticed something that made him frown. He didn't like what he was looking at.

Metal Cold was easily dodging Piccolo's attacks, unlike the last time where he was humiliated by the Super Namekian.

Piccolo frowned helplessly seeing that none of his attacks were successful, it seemed that Cold became stronger just as he uttered.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me this is your full strength!" Metal Cold slammed his knee into Piccolo's abdomen causing it to bleed.

"Piccolo!" Krillin yelled with concern.

"It seems that he wasn't lying, he did increase his powers" declared Tien, "Before he wasn't even able to fight against Piccolo"

"Moreover, Piccolo humiliated him" added Yamcha.

"I see but it seems that this time things have changed, I think I'll have to intervene" Goku commented seriously. Yamcha nodded.

"Don't even think about it! That's my fight and I…" Piccolo couldn't finish when a hand pierced his abdomen leaving him speechless.


"Don't worry, it's not over yet. I'll make you suffer for what you did to me" Cold smiled coldly as Piccolo spat out blood.

Goku trembled in anger. His eyes turned blue and his hair bright blonde, showing off his amazing Super Saiyan transformation.

Everyone, except Raditz, was perplexed by this change, as it was the first time they had seen this Super Saiyan of legends up close.

"H-how?" the prince wondered dumbfounded, 'Since when did that insect Kakrrot become a Super Saiyan? That bastard!'

Goku rose to the sky, where Metal Cold was, and extending his arm hit the demon's jaw sending him against a mountain.

Goku threw Piccolo's body towards his friends, and the one who caught him was the monk. "Krillin give him a Senzu bean!"

"Y-yes I'm coming!" Krillin exclaimed nodding.

Krillin put the Senzu bean in Piccolo's mouth, who made the effort to chew and swallow. After a few moments, he stood up.

"And well?" Raditz asked looking at him.

"He has become very strong, not even Cooler compares to this monster" Piccolo answered angrily, "I even doubt that Goku can beat him"

Krillin was dismayed at his words and looked at Goku with hope. Nappa looked at the golden aura around the Super Saiyan's body.

"Kakarot's strength is similar to yours" Nappa muttered looking at Vegeta, who snorted.

"I already know it!" Vegeta exclaimed annoyed with his arms crossed, 'But I'm still a long way from that brat, damn it! I must get over him now!'

Metal Cold slowly stood up looking seriously at the opponent who had knocked him down a minute ago. "Are you a Saiyan?"

"I am, and you are the father of Cooler whom I defeated" Goku commented, leaving the cold demon surprised by his unheard of words.

"That you beat Cooler?" asked Metal Cold looking at him, but then he smiled, "I see, you must be a Super Saiyan, right worm?"

"That's right, I'm a Super Saiyan"

"In that case, I also have an unfinished business with you" Cold closed his eyes and an instant later he appeared in front of Goku.


The saiyan crossed his arms to protect himself from the attack and dragged himself out a few meters. Cold quickly flew to follow but Goku vanished.

"H-how?!" Metal Cold yelled in puzzlement.

And immediately he received a kick in his back that made him fall forward, but Goku grabbed his metal tail preventing Cold from falling.

Then, he began to turn around with his body and after ten turns he threw him into the air. But Metal Cold soon recovered and raised a finger in the air.

Barely a second passed when a Supernova appeared on Cold's finger, leaving almost everyone present terrified by it.

"It's that technique again!" Piccolo exclaimed.

Yamcha, Krillin and Tien took cover while Vegeta and Raditz watched this with their arms crossed in great anticipation.

Metal Cold said no more. He lowered his arm and with that gesture that Supernova headed at full speed towards where the Saiyan was located.

Goku furiously expelled his Super Saiyan aura increasing his power to the maximum level and extending his arms he stopped that Supernova.

The attack pushed him to the ground but Goku did his best to resist, even though that sphere possessed extraordinary power.

"HAAAAAAA!" Goku yelled releasing his Ki to push the sphere of fire back towards Metal Cold, who was surprised by that great power.


As a result of this situation, a huge explosion occurred in the sky. A curtain of smoke invaded the place leaving them intrigued.

Krillin was biting his nails because of the desire that was eating away at him. And, to his relief, Goku was still in the air completely fine.

On the other hand, Metal Cold's right side was completely destroyed by both his Supernova and Goku's attack.

"D-Damn... Saiyan!" the demon yelled.

"Yes you did! You're amazing Goku!" Krillin shouted jumping for joy and Yamcha wiped the sweat from his forehead, exhaling much more relaxed.

"Hpmf, you took too long" Vegeta hissed.

Raditz smiled calmly, but something caught his attention, and that is that Cold's energy hadn't diminished despite all the damage he took!

Piccolo looked at him and they both nodded, realizing that something strange was going on with Cold.

"Kakarot! Kill him now!" Raditz yelled leaving his brother confused, and to his surprise Metal Cold began to regenerate.

Millions of cables inside began to intertwine in front of the stunned gaze of all those present, what the hell was happening?


Suddenly, a blue energy sphere hit Metal Cold's body destroying him completely. To everyone's surprise, it was Vegeta!

The astonishment had completely invaded him.

"Y-you… y-can you transform too?!" Piccolo surprised, and at the same time annoyed because now there were three who surpassed his power.

"Of course green insect! I am the prince of the Saiyans" Vegeta answered as he had his arm raised after launching his powerful Big Bang attack.

"V-Vegeta" Goku hesitated, seeing that his old enemy was transformed into a Super Saiyan.

"You are a useless Kakarot, but at last I was able to understand how that trash worked"

"It uses the fuel that the star steals from the Earth, transforming it into pure energy, with which it regenerates" deduced the prince smiling.

He had that hypothesis since he heard Cold's explanation, and once he regenerated he was able to accept it as valid, so he destroyed him. And besides, he was a piece of junk!

"Wow that sounds pretty smart Vegeta" Goku scratched his cheek returning to his base state and landed next to his friends, "It's over"

"Well, in the end, that Cold was no big deal. Hpmf! It was a total waste to transform me" the prince also returned to his base state.

Looking that Vegeta was also capable of transforming into a Super Saiyan, Raditz felt like he was at the beginning... back at the end of the queue again.

Yes, again being the weakest. He could even bet that Nappa was stronger than him, that made him feel helpless... More than usual.

"Vegeta, I was quite surprised that you could transform, how did you manage that?" Goku asked curiously and Vegeta turned at hearing him.

"That's none of your business, worm!" Vegeta yelled with his arms crossed, "And don't think so big, I'm still more powerful than you Kakarot!"

Goku smiled at those words of the Saiyan. But he suddenly felt a monstrous energy that totally shook his body.

"That was a good explanation, saiyan. But you missed a few details about my actual ability!"

This voice froze everyone, and looking up they saw that on the same hill as before Cold was smiling with his hands on his waist.

"This is impossible!" Yamcha exclaimed.

"All the great energy of the Big Gete star is stored in the main core, my real body, and is used to create clones of me!"

"This means that as long as my core exists, there will continue to be more copies... dozens of copies" Cold spoke, extending his arms.

And instantly, that hill was filled with Metal Cold clones that left Goku, Vegeta and the others speechless... This was a nightmare!

But the one who was most surprised was a lilac-haired boy who was on board a strange machine. He was none other than Trunks!

'What the hell is going on? Where am I?'