Chapter 69: Time travel

A day passed since that morning, and Gohan dedicated himself to planning several things for the trip he would make in a few hours.

He continued to train with his father, Trunks, and Raditz, who joined after him, so that they could control the transformation as well as he did.

They had plenty of time to practice, and especially considering that Goku was a battle genius, they wouldn't have any problems.

After that he went to the capital of his empire. He needed to get some materials that would be very useful for Trunks' future.

"Iru, Kab, do you have everything I asked for yesterday?" Gohan asked looking at both soldiers, who nodded as they headed towards a room.

Gohan followed them and upon reaching the room he saw several boxes, there were some materials that Kikono used in his inventions: scouters, capsules, etc.

"Will you travel, sir?" Kab asked curiously but Iru hit his head, "Hey!"

"Don't be nosy Kab, what the emperor does is none of your business!" Iru reprimanded.

The two soldiers looked at each other annoyed, and again Gohan stepped between them so he could avoid any fight.

"I have to go somewhere and I'll be away for a while" Gohan answered smiling, "I'll be on the lookout but I trust you guys work well"

"Of course sir!"

Gohan smiled. He opened a briefcase where there were several syringes, syrups and others. All of these were things that he ordered Gohan to manufacture months ago.

He took advantage of the liquid from the healing machines to create intravenous injections, syrups and pills based on that liquid.

So the recovery would be more effective, he had thought that since Namek but he couldn't take Frieza's ship. So he took the empire from him!

"Fine" the little one muttered putting each briefcase in a different capsule, "I think that's what I'll need the most, I'm leaving guys!"

"Have a good trip, sir!" Iru exclaimed standing firmly before him and Kab followed suit.

Gohan smiled as he placed two fingers on his forehead. He needed to concentrate before using Instant Transmission to head to his destination.

'Well, I felt the energy from him!' Gohan reasoned disappearing instantly, at the stunned look of the pair of soldiers in front of him.

And he reappeared in a place he was quite familiar with. It was Kami's lookout, although Dende now owned the place.

He felt nostalgic remembering his fights with Piccolo, and thinking that three years had passed since then. Yes, time flew.

"It's you, what do you bring here?" asked Mr Popo, who had stopped watering the plants upon noticing the little guest.

"Hey Mister Popo, I came to see Kami-sama" Gohan replied with a smile, and he didn't wait long as Dende appeared right away.

"Hello Gohan! Long time no see" Dende went to him with a smile, since the events in Namek they didn't see each other again.

"Sorry, I hardly had any time lately" Gohan scratched the back of his neck with a smile. He could hardly be with his mother.

"It's nothing, can I help you with something?"

"Yes, you see, now that you are the new Kami-sama you must know something about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, right?" Gohan inquired seriously.

"Of course, Mister Popo also taught it to me a while ago" answered Dende looking at the assistant, who slowly nodded when he heard him.

"Well, do you think you can make some modifications to that site?" Gohan asked.

"Modifications? I-I'm not sure."

Gohan pouted, he needed a bigger challenge as the current chamber was nothing. He was there a long time ago and endured half a year.

"That can be done Kami-sama, please come with me" Mister Popo said going to the part of the temple where the room was.

Gohan looked at Dende, but decided to follow Mr Popo. After a few seconds, they stopped in front of the brown door of the hyperbolic time chamber.

"A old Kami-sama created the chamber using a powerful magic, I'll go look for the model" Mister Popo said going elsewhere.

'I had no idea, so that Kami must have been strong' Gohan thought remembering the events of the Buu saga, 'It's quite an interesting topic'

Maybe his magic could reach a level where he could create a hyperbolic time chamber for himself, that would definitely be pretty cool.

Shortly after, Mister Popo returned with a model in his hands. It was a representation of the hyperbolic time chamber in miniature.

"Kami-sama, place your hand on top of this model and use your power to modify whatever you want" said Mister Popo looking at Dende.

Dende slowly approached him, but decided to check first. "Just putting out my hand and imagining everything I want will be enough?"

"Yes, that former Kami-sama made it so that all his successors can modify the hyperbolic time chamber" stated Mister Popo.

'That is to say, only the magical power of the Kami can alter the hyperbolic time chamber at will' Gohan reasoned thoughtfully.

"Alright, what change do you want me to make in the chamber, Gohan?" inquired the young Namekian.

"Mmmm... that half a day is a year in there. And also that the gravity is at least two hundred times greater" Gohan answered.

Dende was stunned to hear that request, and even Mr Popo let out a small gasp. Gohan understood that he overdid it.

"W-well in any case do your best" he added scratching the back of his neck, "And by the way Dende, recently someone used the dragon balls"

"Yes, I noticed but I couldn't identify who it was" Dende looked down seriously, "I-I don't know the wishes he made either, I-I'm sorry I don't know"

The young boy smiled looking at Dende somewhat moved, it is true that he needed time to get used to this important work.

'And besides he has become Kami more than four years earlier than in the series' Gohan thought.

So he went over to the little namekian and patted his head with a smile. "Don't worry, I didn't really sense any energy either"

"S-so…this is someone evil who hid his Ki from him to go unnoticed" Dende asked and Gohan nodded, "Who do you think it is?"

"I don't know, but well I'll take care of it" Gohan spoke putting two fingers on his forehead, "Do you know what planet the Namekians are on now?"

"Guru said that they would go to a very distant place, so that monsters like Frieza and his father don't find them" Dende answered.

"Sounds perfect to me. Well, I must go... see you soon!" Gohan waved goodbye before disappearing from Kami's lookout as if he hadn't been there.


Trunks was already ready to go back to the future. The machine was already in the yard ready to go back to its original time, but he still wouldn't leave.

"Here Mirai, here's some fresh food for the trip" Chi-Chi handed him a plastic container, "And please take good care of my Gohan!"

"T-thank you very much for the food, and I swear I'll protect Gohan no matter what happens" Trunks replied taking the container. And the woman smiled.

Suddenly, Gohan appeared there. This time he had his orange gi, the same one he wore in the battle against the Saiyans two years ago.

"I already have everything I need for the trip" Gohan uttered with a smile, "Mirai, we can leave whenever you want, I'm already prepared!"

"Be careful Gohan, although well I don't need to tell you" Goku said looking at his son very seriously, and the little boy nodded.

"By the way dad, tell Tien and the others to start training with gravity machines, that would be the best for them" he indicated smiling.

"You're right! I'll tell them as soon as possible"

Gohan walked over to his mother and gave her a hug. Chi-Chi responded by closing her eyes and hugged her little boy's body tightly and lovingly.

"Take good care son, come back soon!" Chi-Chi spoke stroking his head and Gohan nodded wishing that it were so, but you never know.

"I'll be fine mom, after all I'm the son of the great Goku" replied Gohan smiling. So Chi-Chi looked at her husband, and hugged him.

Gohan looked at Trunks. And this one was mounted in the time machine. The boy followed him and sat next to him, although there was not enough space.

"The truth is that I'm quite nervous" Gohan asserted rubbing his hands and Trunks nodded as he pressed a green button.

"I was too the first time, but the trip won't be that long" answered the warrior from the future and the machine ascended instantly.

Gohan saw the faces of his parents for the last time before disappearing from that timeline towards Trunks' fateful future.

Suddenly, the blue sky disappeared and in its place was a kind of dark blue tunnel, and the machine was moving through.

"Wow" Gohan was speechless looking at the axis of time. Trunks turned his head looking at him and smiled, "It's definitely amazing"

The axis of time was a dimension where time lines converged. And with Trunks' travel into the past, a new timeline was created.

Changing the past would not change the future, it would create a totally different line. A timeline where Trunks never traveled to the past.

"And also dangerous. If something went wrong and we fell there, we'd get lost in the time flow" Trunks warned with a serious face.

"Ugh, that's not funny at all" Gohan said making a face, 'And I don't have the power to open a gap between dimensions either'

And now that he was traveling in the machine, he was intrigued to know how it worked.

Perhaps the machine somehow managed to teleport to the axis of time and from there it traveled towards the date that had been set.

In other words, the machine opened a wormhole towards the axis of time. And from there, it moved freely, either to the past or to the future.

This way it would be space-time travel, but how had Bulma been able to design something so complicated? That woman was amazing!

'It's a principle similar to Instant Transmission...wait, does that mean I could travel through time?' Gohan wondered excitedly.

But to do that he would have to be able to teleport to the axis of time, but since there was no Ki there that would be impossible.

He stopped searching for a while and closed his eyes to rest for a while. But unexpectedly the machine stopped about two minutes later.

"Oh, we're here" Trunks said as the machine descended little by little, until he finally touched the ground, "Welcome to my world, Gohan"

Gohan looked up and his eyes widened. He was shaken by how desolate the landscape looked, there was not a single trace of life.

The buildings and houses were in ruins, several corpses were on the ground that flooded the empty streets with blood, and the sky was gray.

Trunks frowned as he noted that the androids had once again wreaked havoc. In just two days they destroyed several cities.

Gohan ducked after seeing the dead body of a little girl younger than him. He took the poor girl in his arms, and with his Ki he created a hole in the ground.

"Rest in peace" Gohan muttered leaving her body and began to throw dirt on top of her until she was completely buried. And then he got up.

He clenched his fists so tightly that blood began to ooze out of them. Trunks noticed that and walked towards him. He knew that what he saw was devastating.

"I already understand what you feel every day, Trunks. Not even with Frieza did I feel so angry!" Gohan said trying to calm down but it wasn't easy.

"Gohan, I'm sorry about what you saw. But now we have to go to my mother" Trunks spoke putting his hand on the young man's shoulder.

The boy sighed closing his eyes and nodded containing his fury. He wanted to meet future Bulma, so they left there.