Chapter 86: Gohan vs Cell

Dende began to back away in anguish, he saw how Piccolo had just been absorbed by the monster Cell, "Now we're finished"

"K-Kami-sama" muttered poor Mister Popo not knowing what to say. The situation was extremely disastrous, "But Goku is still alive"

"Yes, but Cell's power is out of this world" Dende replied too restless, "Piccolo was our hope to win"

Dende fell to his knees quite sunk by great pressure, it was the first time he was faced with such a dangerous situation.

Mr Popo crouched down to his height, until suddenly he felt a Ki behind him, "You're Gohan!"

"Yeah, I wish Gohan was here. None of this would be happening to him" Dende said collapsingly and Mr Popo shook his shoulders, "What's wrong?"

"Kami-sama Gohan is already back!"

Dende turned quickly and saw a familiar orange gi. Yes, it was indeed Gohan.

"Hello am..." Gohan greeted and suddenly Dende ran to hug him. Android 16 from the future was behind him, "I-Is something wrong Dende?"

"Hurry up! Cell is about to absorb both androids" Dende exclaimed realizing what was taking place in the world.

Gohan's face completely paled at those words, "Cell? Androids? What's going on here?" Gohan asked blankly.

He soon felt immense energy near Mount Paoz. He had never felt such a great Ki in this time, 'Could it be Cell's?'

He didn't make any sense, why would Cell appear at this time? And why did the androids arrive so much before their time?

"I'll explain later! Hurry up or everything will be over!" Dende exclaimed again and Gohan turned to 16, who nodded in understanding.

"Put your hand on my shoulder" Gohan spoke seriously and the android obeyed, immediately they disappeared from the place. And Dende sighed.

"Now we'll be safe, I hope Gohan defeats that monster" Dende commented, clenching his fists optimistically.


"You are well?" Gohan asked looking at 18, who he was holding in his arms after saving his life.

18 snapped out of the deep bewilderment of him quickly. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Wait, wait, you…you're Goku's son!"

"Yes, my name is Son Gohan a pla..." the boy couldn't finish when suddenly 18 got off his arms and got into a fighting position.

16 slowly landed nearby while he had Android 17's body on his shoulders. When 18 noticed that, she became aggressive towards him.

"Hey, I don't think it's time. The enemy here is Cell" Gohan said trying to reason, "Besides, with your power you can't beat us"

"H-how did you say, kid?" she accused him going to him, "Do you think I'm weaker than you?"

Gohan swallowed, but suddenly frowned as he felt Cell's Ki closing in on them. "Listen, get out of this place with your brother"

"This here is Android 16, he's coming with me but you can trust him. He'll go with you two and protect you" Gohan warned rather sternly.

"Why should I trust you, that you are a mere child?" 18 crossed her arms and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. And the saiyan sneered.

"Because even though I'm a mere child I'm much stronger than you, and you don't have a choice either... do you?" Gohan asked him back.

18 looked at him with a twitch in his eyebrow and stomped his foot lightly. "We'll see who's stronger, that is if you survive. Silly boy!"

18 took to the air. The big 16 went after her with the wounded 17 on her shoulders. "Do you really think the boy can beat that monster? He's dumb"

16 said nothing. He watched in silence as Cell came to a stop in front of Gohan. "You finally show up Son Gohan, I was waiting for you"

"Me? Why? the boy asked.

"Everyone has been disappointing so far, but I have faith that you are going to be a challenge for me" Cell replied smiling.

Gohan frowned. He could feel the Ki from his father and the others, that meant they were fine... but he couldn't feel anything about Piccolo.

"If you're looking for Piccolo, I've already absorbed him a while ago" Cell spoke extending his hands with a smile, "I only have the two androids left!"

"Damn!" Gohan yelled clenching his fists. The story he knew had changed, he never thought that everything would end like this, "Now you'll see!"

Gohan raised his Ki creating a tremor through the ground that gave rise to some cracks. His muscles grew. It was the second grade.

"What?!" Cell demanded quite incredulous, he never thought that Gohan would achieve such unimaginable power in such a short time, "Arghhhhh!"

Cell spat as Gohan's punch rammed into his stomach followed by a kick to the chin that sent Cell flying.

Gohan went after him but the bioandroid quickly reestablished itself in the sky forcing the boy to stop his run suddenly.

"Don't tell me that…" Gohan whispered.

"TRI BEAM" Cell yelled launching an energy attack towards Gohan, who raised his power and deflected it with his hand, "Don't let your guard down!"

"Shit" Gohan hissed as Cell appeared in front of him with a white orb of black lightning. His own technique, "I-Impossible!"

"Yin-Yang Blast!" Cell launched that point-blank attack producing a huge explosion in the sky creating a thick smoke screen.

18 looked at this quite surprised. She turned to 16 and saw that the android was calm despite the attack Gohan had just received.

'Why do I worry about a child who has called me weak? Tsk' the girl crossed her arms.

Cell did the same, he was waiting for some news from Gohan. And he finally he had them. "What?"

"Yin-Yang Blast x50!" Gohan exclaimed embedding the sphere in Cell's stomach until it exploded, "Tsk, it was just a clone"

But he noticed that this Cell was the one from this timeline. Although that Yin-Yang blast was very weak, when did they steal the cells from it? What an insult.

That meant that Cell also had King Cold or Cooler's cells. 'Yes, this could explain why he's stronger than normal'

"You fight much better than I expected, I congratulate you" Cell stopped a few meters from him and Gohan turned around smiling, "This will be fun!"

"So, be it" Gohan answered more seriously getting into a fighting stance and Cell did the same, "I don't know what the limit of his power is"

They both looked at each other for a few moments, until Cell instantly extended his tail to catch the hybrid.

The boy jumped into the air, and Cell smiled slyly. "You fell for my trap!" the monster yelled, raising its arms rapidly.

But suddenly a bubble enveloped Gohan preventing any movement of his body.

'This attack... is like Frieza's, dammit!' Gohan thought trying to get away but Cell's mental power prevented him, "Damn Cell!"

"What's wrong? Don't tell me that's all you can do!" Cell exclaimed sending the bubble against a rock, "Fight back, Gohan!"

Gohan closed his eyes to concentrate. He relaxed his mind and tried to move his arm but Cell threw him against some trees, 'Damn'

"How about I send you for a ride in space?" Cell asked with a smile and raised his arms to lift the bubble up into the atmosphere.

'Now!' Gohan put all his will, and moved his right arm towards his forehead, thus doing the Instant Transmission to get out of that bubble.

He also had telekinetic powers. Reading the Namekian book of legends and training in the Divine Realm of Gods and Sages greatly evolved his mental power.

Cell watched with a smile as the bubble moved away through the sky, until suddenly he felt a stinging pain in his abdomen, "It's not possible"

Gohan appeared in front of him and drove a powerful knee into Cell's stomach.

"Yes it is!" Gohan punched him hard in the face followed by a kick to the side, but to his surprise Cell parried him.

"Kaio... KEN!" Cell yelled, and immediately a red aura enveloped him. Gohan's jaw dropped and then the monster pierced his abdomen.