Chapter 89: Teishi Jikan

Want to read more about this story? Go to my patreon and read until chapter 91. The story will be two or three chapters ahead there.



"How does a kid like you have all this?!" asked 18 totally puzzled.

The boy smiled and approached her. "I defeated Frieza, and I decided to keep all his empire to optimize development on each planet"

"And why would you do that?"

"A girl like you wouldn't understand" Gohan sneered with a small smile and 18 pinched his face angrily, "That's why I can't have fun"

"You go to too much trouble for something that is none of your business, when do you live your life?" asked 18, crossing her arms curiously.

"If you want peace, prepare for war. I can't relax when enemies like Cell or Frieza appear every two days" Gohan pointed out.

"You know that enemies are never really going to stop spawning, right?" 18 looked at him with serious eyes and received a slight nod.

"I know, it's an occupational hazard" the boy answered smiling, "And you were my enemy too, if Cell hadn't appeared... I would have defeated you"

"What makes you think that?"

"Well" the boy smiled nervously seeing 18's arched eyebrow, "I defeated your version of the future, and it wasn't really difficult to do it"

"You did what?!" 18 glared at him and Gohan backed away nervously. Until three soldiers appeared in that room.

"The emperor is under attack!"

The three soldiers ran and surrounded 18, who went from angry to curious. "Are those really the soldiers you have?"

"Of course they are, they are more powerful than the Ginyu forces" Gohan replied smirking.

"Emperor Gohan be careful, we will protect you" Iru indicated pointing his arm towards 18 who looked at him with wild eyes.

"Calm down, she's coming with me"

"Yes! I assumed it was emperor! Is she his spouse?" Kab asked leaving Gohan blushing slightly at the question and 18 tried to hide it.

"Don't be silly! Can't you see he's a boy?" 18 pointed at Gohan as I gave out a foreign object and the boy made an offended noise at this.

"A child doesn't defeat the fearsome Frieza and is capable of destroying planets easily, he is the mighty Emperor Gohan!" shah exclaimed.

"You heard it" Gohan smirked looking at 18 who rolled his eyes at her. "I'm glad to see that you have increased his power level, congratulations"

"Thank you emperor!" they exclaimed.

"What are you talking about? Their battle power is rubbish" 18 replied with his arms crossed.

"But your Ki can't even be perceived!" Sha exclaimed protesting and Gohan snorted derisively. 18 looked at them with unsympathetic eyes.

"Well, how come you control all this if you live on Earth?" the girl asked, changing the subject as she walked around the room.

"Well, with the scouters I find out almost everything that happens here, and remember that I have teleportation so it's not a problem"

"And speaking of which, there haven't been any incidents, right? I just got back from the trip I told you about" Gohan asked looking at them.

"No emperor, everything is in order"

"I'm glad to hear that Iru" Gohan smiled and turned to 18, "We should go, unfortunately we can't be here that long because of Cell"

18 nodded and took Gohan's hand, she was surprised by the fact that Gohan controlled a sector of the universe being just an infant.

"Good luck emperor!"

The three soldiers wished his sovereign the best, who said goodbye to them raising his hand and immediately disappeared with the girl.


Several hours had passed since then, 18 was finishing eating her ice cream while walking down the street with Gohan.

"You know, it's been a long time since I relaxed so much and I had a great time, I appreciate it" Gohan commented with a smile.

One day Raditz would arrive, almost nothing after the Saiyans, then travel to another planet to defeat Frieza, go to Yadrat, etc. He didn't have that time.

He just got back from the future and he's already run into enough problems, Cell the biggest of them all. And who knows what would come next.

"You've turned out to be an interesting brat" 18 looked away, "I-I didn't have a bad time either... Gohan. You're not as boring as I thought"

"Thank you…wait, did you say my name? Yes, this is a win!" Gohan exclaimed celebrating and the girl glared at him at that.

Although, hiddenly and without Gohan realizing it, 18 smiled slightly. Perhaps, she also needed to relax, like Gohan.

And they kept walking for a few minutes, until they finally returned to Capsule Corp.

"From what I can see your appointment took longer than expected, how did it go?" asked 17 with a mocking smile and 18 prepared to attack him.

"Good! I took her for a walk and have some lunch" Gohan commented playing along with 17, who laughed at those words.

"Moron!" 18 gave him a strong smack on the head.

"But it's not true?" Gohan scolded with comical tears and 18 huffed as he walked away, "Wow, you don't have a sense of humor."

"18 is bitter" added android 17 with a smile. Meanwhile, 16 was lying under a tree, enjoying peace with animals.

Gohan smiled, but suddenly he felt something that made his blood run cold. He turned around and was puzzled: Cell had found them! The situation was chaotic.

'His Ki is monstrous, he's been absorbing people!' Gohan thought clenching his fists, now he really had no chance to win this fight.

"I-Is Cell" 18 was terrified.

"It wasn't hard to find you, android brothers" Cell commented with a smile as he stepped forward. 16 was on his feet at once.

But with impossible speed, Gohan appeared in front of Cell transformed into a second grade Super Saiyan with the Kaio-ken.

Cell simply dodged him and with his tail sent him to the ground. "You are no longer up to it Gohan, you will only witness my perfection!"

Cell began to walk towards Android 17, who was closest to him. Gohan used Instant Transmission and stood in front of him.

"I won't let you absorb anyone" Gohan said holding out his arms and Cell sneered at this.

"Oh, you don't have to leave me" Cell smiled mysteriously and Gohan looked at him without knowing what he was planning. Cell was an enigma. "Teishi Jikan"

Suddenly, everything froze. Both Gohan and the androids were all as if time had completely stopped.

Cell had used Guldo's technique!

'This is much more useful than I thought' Cell inquired walking towards 17 and expanding the tube on his tail, 'Too bad, Gohan won't see it'

The beast began to absorb the body of 17, who couldn't do anything since time remained frozen until an instant later.

And when Gohan came to, Cell had already absorbed 17 and was already transforming. This was being a real nightmare.