Chapter 103: Super Saiyan 2

Cell Saga is already finished on my Patreon, you've more than 5 chapters published there for read. Go check please...


Thanks y'all for your support, I hope you like this.


A heavy silence reigned in the place, everyone had seen Gohan's incredible transformation and especially that last blow to Cell.

The monster was on its knees holding his abdomen, it was the first time he had received such a powerful attack. And yes, he was hurting.

"S-Super Saiyan two? H-how is that possible?!" Raditz was stunned at the brat's power.

"Oh... he did it" Goku whispered and they all turned around.

"What do you mean by that?" Raditz looked at his brother with a raised eyebrow, it seems that he was familiar with the transformation.

"I had an assumption that there was something beyond Super Saiyan, and Gohan just confirmed it for me hehe" Goku spoke with a smile.

"Hmpf, that kid..." Raditz closed his eyes and smiled slightly. The brutal progress that Gohan was making seemed incredible to him.

A brat who a few years ago was asking for help to control the Ozaru form, now he had achieved a legendary power.

Vegeta on the other hand was upset. He had set himself up to outdo Gohan but right now there was no comparison possible.

'You won't be the only one to reach Super Saiyan two' Vegeta clenched his fists with a grin.

"This is incredible, people! The young man looks different but he has been able to take down the fearsome Cell" the reporter yelled, smiling.

On the other side of the screen cheers of joy began to sound towards his savior. At Kame House, everyone was celebrating.

"That boy is phenomenal, I never thought he would become so strong" Master Roshi rubbed his beard totally impressed by that.

"There's a reason, he's my son!" Chi-Chi exclaimed proudly.

While everyone was happy about the apparent victory, Gohan looked seriously at Cell who was still on the ground in pain.

"S-Super Saiyan Two?" Cell asked him getting up little by little, "D-don't make me laugh, don't think it's all over for a blow"

"It's true, it's over for you" Gohan said with a small smile, "Insect"

'That's my phrase!' Vegeta bristled.

Cell clenched his fists and expelled an enormous amount of power, before flying towards Gohan at fantastic speed, "Damn!"

Gohan took a sharp punch to the cheek followed by a kick to the abdomen that sent him skyward. And Cell appeared in front of him.

"Idiot!" Cell put his hands together in the shape of an ax and hit Gohan's head sending him crashing into some rocks, "Hmpf, brat."

Cell slowly descended and crossed his arms with a smile. He looked at the Z fighters, who got into position, "Now who's going to come out?"

Raditz clenched his fists, he couldn't believe that his niece had been defeated. He looked at Goku, and he seemed quite calm, not to say happy.

"No one at the moment!" Goku exclaimed smiling and more than one looked at him in surprise.

"And that Goku? Haha don't tell me you'd rather I go and defeat you all" Cell showed a daring smile and the ground began to shake.

"Don't be impatient Cell!" exclaimed a voice behind him. Cell turned and the rocks exploded into a thousand pieces. And there was Gohan, uninjured.

He had slight scratches on his body but nothing important, Cell gritted his teeth while the boy massaged his neck with great calm.

"Not bad at all, but I'd recommend you hitting me next time" Gohan said pulling the white cloak off of him finally and then tossing it aside.

And when the white cloak hit the ground, it sank creating a big hole, the reporter Jimmy was surprised, "It seems that the serious thing begins"

"D-damn" Cell was angry. A mere child was laughing at him, at a perfect being!

"Kami no sen ken" Gohan took a step forward and half a second later Cell fell to his knees. Expeling a mouthful of blood.

"W-what happened?" Raditz was speechless, he hadn't seen anything. Not even Goku was able to see what had just taken place in the battle.

The whole world was in shock too, but this was good news anyway, so they began to celebrate without understanding what had happened.

"D-did Gohan say Kami no sen ken?" Master Roshi was just as impressed as the others. They all looked at him curiously.

"What did Gohan do master?" Pooh asked.

"Thousand Swords of God, a martial arts technique that involves hitting all vital points in a matter of blinking"

"I thought the technique was a myth, it's only been seen in old scrolls... Ugh, that boy is amazing" Master Roshi replied perplexed.

Chi-Chi felt more and more proud of her firstborn, because as a person and as a warrior she was growing a lot day after day.

'The old Kami certainly have interesting techniques' Gohan inquired smiling and walking towards his enemy, "Get up, trash!"

With his foot, Gohan raised Cell's head, whose eyes were full of rage and impotence. And suddenly Cell burst out with the Kaio-ken, "HAAAAA!"

Gohan's eyes widened in surprise and Cell stood up releasing a large amount of Ki, "Die!"

The monster created a sphere of energy that it launched towards Gohan creating an explosion. Cell observed that Gohan dodged that sphere.

"Kaio-ken times three!" Cell yelled surrounding himself with a more powerful red aura and flew up towards Gohan who immediately went on his guard.

Cell extended his right arm to hit him but Gohan crossed his arms blocking it. Still, he was dragged away by the force of that blow.

The monster was not far behind and flew in to finish it off. He punched Gohan in the face, but it looked like it was a mere hologram.

"Where the hell is he?" Cell asked unable to feel the energy from him. Gohan appeared behind him and kicked him in the back with power, "Shit!"

Cell quickly recovered in the air but he saw that there was an energy sphere imprisoning him.

"Does this like you?" Gohan smiled with his arms outstretched. He was using telekinesis on him and Cell knew it, he used that technique several times.

"Ggghhh... you'll pay me back!" Cell couldn't say more when suddenly the sphere he was in crashed against a mountain. And Gohan rose him again.

Cell's injuries began to become visible. Gohan smirked and dropped the sphere onto the ground again, but this time it didn't hit him.

Cell was surprised when Gohan undid the psychic sphere and landed a few feet away from him.

"It's time to end this Cell" Gohan snapped raising his hand to create an energy disk.

Cell was on his guard watching the disk approaching. But suddenly, the disc opened like a ring and imprisoned Cell, leaving him surprised.

"Wh-what the hell is this?!" Cell demanded.

"A galactic donut, so you'll stay still" Gohan said flexing his arm, "And now... you're going to spit out everyone you sucked up, damn it"

Cell tried to free himself from the donut but it was impossible. He watched helplessly as Gohan created a sphere of a lot of colors and turned to dust.

"Soul Breaker..." Gohan prepared to launch the attack but suddenly his eyes widened in shock. He looked down and saw blood dripping from him.

His chest was pierced... by another Cell!