Chapter 115: Gohan is back

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"Gohan!" yelled almost everyone except Vegeta and went to surround him. The little ones stood aside confused because they didn't know him.

"Hello everyone, I'm so sorry for my absence these years" Gohan scratched his head smiling nervously, it had been a long time since he had seen them.

"You really have a lot to tell us brat" Raditz smiled looking him up and down, "You're not brat anymore though hehe!"

"He's still the same bug as always," Vegeta commented, looking at him sideways and grumbling.

"You've grown a lot Gohan" Goku smiled proudly and Gohan returned that smile

"And I must assume that you've gotten a lot stronger anyway," Piccolo chimed in with a raised eyebrow. He already knew what he would answer.

"Kinda yes" Gohan smiled quietly.

"Come on, come on, stop pestering him with so many questions he just got here" Bulma spoke with her hands on her waist, and a frown.

"Thanks Bulma, from what I see you have had a son" Gohan said looking at Trunks and he looked at the other girl, "She must be Uncle Raditz's daughter"

"That's right, she's your cousin Raunch" Raditz replied.

"And he's your little brother Goten" Goku added smiling, "Come on Goten, say hello to your brother, didn't you feel like meeting him?"

Goten felt very embarrassed. Gohan crouched down before him happily opening his arms.

The boy was suspicious at first, but the desire inside him got the best of him, "Brother!"

Goten hugged him tight. Gohan took him in his arms while the poor boy cried with his head buried in his brother's chest.

'Actually I could have died against Cell, but it would have been worth it' Gohan thought smiling and patted the boy's head happily.

Trunks and Raunch watched that brotherly scene, each of them with very different feelings and thoughts about Gohan.

'Is that my cousin? Hmm, he doesn't look like much, but dad always talked about him, he did it with a lot of respect' Raunch thought looking at Gohan.

His father told her that he owed a big debt to Gohan and told her all the feats Gohan did. She saw him as a myth.

'I once heard that he was able to beat my dad in the past, is he going to be that powerful? I don't think he is' Trunks inquired looking at him a little thoughtfully.

"Wow ehehe you are very strong, dad is training you very well" Gohan lowered his younger brother to the ground and stroked his happy hair.

"I-I'm Raunch, nice to meet you cousin Son Gohan" the girl introduced herself nervously. Even with her rude nature she couldn't hide her nerves.

"It's a pleasure Raunch, but you can call me Gohan" the saiyan shook his hand smiling.

"You're not that nice to me" Goten said.

"Shut up dwarf" Raunch scolded him.

The older man smiled nervously at that scene and turned to his uncle Raditz, who shrugged, as it was customary.

"A doubt brat, how did your battle against Cell end?" Piccolo asked curiously.

"I also had that doubt son because there was a time when we stopped feeling your energy, and I got worried" Goku added remembering that.

"Ah yes, it turned out that Cell was immortal"

"That?" even Vegeta was surprised.

"Dr Gero asked Shenron to make Cell immortal, that's why no attack destroyed him. He always regenerated" answered the young man.

"Damn" Vegeta clenched his fists, he lived for seven years thinking that he couldn't beat Cell when in reality that lizard turned out to be a cheat.

"How did you defeat him?" Raditz asked.

"In Yadrat I learned a technique capable of erasing spirits, but the cost is my own destruction, which is why they stopped feeling my Ki after doing it"

"But luckily before my end someone appeared who saved me. You must know him Bulma, his name is Jaco" the young man commented looking at her.

"Jaco? I haven't heard from him in a long time"

"Who is Jaco?" Goku asked curiously.

A galactic patrolman, they are busy fighting for the justice of the galaxy" Gohan replied, "All this time, I was with them"

"I already knew that you couldn't have spent so much time just training without more" Raditz spoke.

"Brother, do you protect the galaxy?" Goten asked calling his attention, and Gohan nodded.

"With me no one will dare threaten the galaxy" Gohan said in an epic tone and Goten's eyes sparkled in admiration at his brother.

If Goten knew that his older brother was the highest authority in the universe, only below the god of destruction Beerus would faint.

"All nonsense aside, are you going to participate in the martial arts tournament or not?" Vegeta cut to the chase.

"Sure, I want to know if you can make me sweat at this point" Gohan sneered and Raditz bit back a laugh. Trunks blinked at those words.

"Hey! My dad is not weak!" he exclaimed.

"He's not weak, I'm just stronger" Gohan replied with a quiet smile.

"We'll see about that" Vegeta smiled with his eyes closed. Trunks stared at her confused, "Woman let's get out of here"

"This is strange, Vegeta seems to be happy" Bulma put her hand to her chin, "What a bipolar man this is, come on Trunks"

"He's excited, a battle is always exciting for a Saiyan" Raditz crossed his arms, "And I must say I am too"

"And me, and I imagine Chi-Chi will be too when he finds out you're back" Goku said looking at his eldest son, who nodded.

"Time to go back" Gohan commented happily.

They walked back home, where Chi-Chi was in the living room reading a fashion magazine. When he saw Goten and his dad come in, she sighed.

"Finally they come back, the food was already getting cold" Chi-Chi closed the magazine and got up from the sofa to the dining room, but no one went with her.

"Chi-Chi, close your eyes" Goku instructed her.

The woman raised a confused eyebrow but she obeyed. After a while Goku told her to open them and as she did she froze in surprise.

"Hello mom" Gohan said just as nervous as before and the woman, still in shock, threw herself into her son's arms crying like never before.

"G-Gohan my son you're finally back, you're finally back home" the woman sobbed. After seven years without her eldest son, she finally had him at home, "Y-you're here"

"Yes mom, I'm here. This time I won't leave"