Chapter 118: Date

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"Now I really beat you, right?" asked the girl in front of him. That she was none other than 18!

Gohan blinked confused, he didn't expect to meet 18 so soon and especially in this extravagant way and on the street.

"Don't tell me you've been waiting seven years to do this" Gohan commented with a smirk and the girl still didn't let go of him.

"Hmpf, is that all you can say after all this time?" 18 glared at him and the Saiyan smiled nervously.

"Hey! I'm not the one who has me against the wall, I was expecting a 'I missed you' from you" Gohan replied, and 18 sighed letting go of him.

"Don't be silly. Of course I didn't miss you, I just didn't think it would take you so long to come back" 18 crossed her arms annoyed.

"Well here I am" Gohan smirked.

Gohan looked her. Physically she hadn't changed much, except that now she had shorter hair just like she had in GT.

18 looked at him sideways. She saw that the boy had grown a lot and he looked stronger, but deep down she felt that he was still the same.

"Come on!" 18 suddenly tugged on Gohan's arm.

"Where?" the boy was even more lost. He didn't expect this when he left class.

"Shopping, somehow you have to make up for lost time" the girl replied with a slight smile on her lips.

Gohan scratched the back of her neck. Though at least there wasn't a Cell looking for androids here, so he could relax a bit for a moment.

And it didn't take them long to find a clothing store. 18 forced him to sit in front of the changing room after she took a lot of clothes to try on.

"How I look?" 18 asked leaving the fitting room.

18 had a red gala dress with heels of the same color, and earrings.

"Well you look perfect" Gohan replied and got up. With his ndex finger he slid the 18's bangs, leaving her red, "I like your new hairstyle."

"Hmpf, thanks" 18 looked away. She then noticed the boy's outfit, "You don't look bad, it seems you learned to dress yourself over the years"

"I've always dressed better than you, but you're not ready for this conversation yet" Gohan said smirking and turned to walk away.

"What?!" 18 got excited and pinched hiz back as they went to the counter to pay for her clothes.

"Ouch! You know I'm right"

"It's not true, you dress worse than 16"

Gohan lowered his head at those painful words, a hit from Hatchiyack hurt less.


"In short, I've been training a lot and taking care of the empire during these years" Gohan commented before licking the ice cream off him.

After leaving the store they continued walking through the city. They stopped at an ice cream parlor and bought some ice cream.

"Weren't you bored of doing the same thing?"

"Sometimes I do, but right now I'm not getting bored" Gohan stated with a smile, "What about you? How did you know I was in class?"

"I heard Bulma mentioned it. You know, I do errands for her company" 18 said looking at him.

"She pays you well? I could hire you for my empire, free house, good salary and three months vacation" Gohan offered smiling.

"Thank you, but I prefer to work here on this planet" 18 smiled slightly, rejecting him.

"Well, so you've been running errands for seven years? Weren't you bored?" asked the young man with some curiosity.

"Sometimes yes, but right now I'm not getting bored" 18 paraphrased with a smile.

Gohan blinked at her in disbelief at those words, and smiled slightly.

"Are you going to leave again?" asked 18.

"No, I have school and then the martial arts tournament is soon" Gohan replied.

"I also heard Bulma talking about that tournament, I'll sign up" 18 added and Gohan snorted, "What are you laughing at?"

"I highly doubt you'll make it past the knockout stages, but good luck" Gohan shrugged. 18 hit his arm.

"Idiot, you underestimate me too much" said 18.

"Sorry! Can you let me make it up to you with a dinner tomorrow?" Gohan smiled. 18 turned curiously.

"If it's today I'll forgive you" the girl looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

"It can't be today, I promised my brother we'd train when he gets back" Gohan replied, "So tomorrow, do you accept the offer?"

"Hmpf, I accept. At least put on you something decent"

"I mean like always" Gohan scratched his head.

18 looked him up and down and snorted with a smile, "I'm leaving. Come pick me up at 9 P.M."

"I don't know where you live, how do I find you?"

"You always know how to find me" 18 gave a slight smile before flying off into the air, 'It wasn't that bad'

"Well that's true too" Gohan smirked.

The boy put two fingers on his forehead, and teleported away. He didn't take long to appear in the living room of his house. There were his mother and Launch.

"Aaah!" they both cried out in shock.

"Sorry! I should have warned y'all" Gohan smiled nervously.

"Yeah, you definitely should have warned us. How was your first day of school son?" Chi-Chi asked smiling. Gohan put the backpack down on the floor.

"I'd to say it was interesting" he replied. The most interesting thing about today was 18.

The classes were expected to be monotonous, although the talks with Videl and the rest were fun. But he was surprised after seeing 18.

"I'm glad it went well. Take a rest, you have food in the kitchen. Your brother is with Raunch in the river" his mother declared smiling.

"Perfect, that suits me very well" Gohan brushed off his clothes and immediately an orange suit appeared on his body, "See you later!"

Gohan teleported away leaving both his mother and Launch blinking in puzzlement.

He appeared on a river bank where Goten was laying down while Raunch punched a tree. The girl turned when she felt her energy.

"Brother!" Goten was on his feet immediately.

"So you guys went ahead without me, are you ready to resume training yet?" asked the Saiyan squeezing his knuckles.

"Of course! This time I will resist" Raunch exclaimed.

"Sure? It's going to be hell" Gohan warned sternly.

Raunch swallowed nervously, and looked at Goten, who nodded seriously. The boy had determination, he wanted to be the most powerful.

"Okay, get ready" Gohan snapped his fingers at him and immediately the forest turned into a blank room that was a huge void.

Raunch looked around and when she tried to take a step, she fell to the ground. She felt her body absolutely heavy, and so did Goten.

"HAA!" both transformed into Super Saiyans and thanks to that they were able to get up.

"We're in a place that has gravity increased three hundred times, this is where I train. This is my world" Gohan stated.

"Th-this is crazy," Raunch said harshly.

"Of course, who told you that becoming strong is easy? I had to sacrifice a lot to have this power and these techniques"

"You'll get used to this place until the tournament without using Super Saiyan. Is that clear?!" Gohan yelled looking at them with extreme severity.

The poor children trembled with fear at those words. They didn't know where they had gone. This would be hell. Or maybe worse.


Second day of school, and apparently today was gymnastics. They had three classes before and this was going to be the last one for today, surely the most arduous.

"Hey Videl, don't you think he looks pretty athletic?" Iresa muttered looking at Gohan, who was a few meters away from them.

Videl looked at him: he was wearing a long-sleeved white T-shirt and a black tracksuit. But despite that, he had a very athletic complexion.

"Do you practice any sport?" Videl walked over.

"Sometimes martial arts" he replied smiling.

"What a coincidence, I practice too. I'd like to see how good you are" Videl put her hand to her chin and Gohan scratched the back of his neck.

"Here? We're in class hehe" Gohan chuckled.

"Of course not, every afternoon I train at a nearby dojo. If you feel like coming, we'll go after class and practice there" the girl offered.

"Great" Gohan replied. Dinner with 18 was later and the training with the children would take place as soon as they got home, "It will be fun"

"Yes" Videl smiled and in the distance Shapner watched the scene annoyed. He didn't like that closeness between them. Videl had to be only for him.