Chapter 136: Gotenks

I've updated almost 5 chapters on my patreon... So, we're 15 chapters ahead. Go check please:


I hope you enjoy!


"Here!" Gotenks tossed them a bag.

Goku took it and when he opened it he saw that there were two Senzu beans, "Woah thank you very much"

Goku gave one to Vegeta and after they both swallowed it, they felt his Ki renewed.

"Gotenks, hold on for thirty minutes" Goku turned to the boys, "This gives us time for me and Vegeta to fuse again"

"No, you don't need that!" Gotenks shook his finger, "I can only take on Buu in this state"

"DON'T be an idiot! If we couldn't beat him, let alone you" Vegeta reproached him.

"W-well whatever you want" Gotenks complied.

"Wow, there's still more garbage on this planet" Buu clenched the knuckles of his hands.

"Speak with more respect to whoever is going to kill you" Gotenks flew towards Buu quickly.

He punched him in the face with a fist and Majin Buu greeted him with delight. With a grin he took Gotenks's arm and punched him in the abdomen.

Super Gotenks was sent to fly. But nevertheless he recovered. Then, Buu appeared in front of him, and kicked him in the chin.

Super Buu appeared on top. Clasping his arms together he delivered an ax blow to Gotenks's head. The fusion crashed to the ground.

"That's all?" Buu sounded disappointed.

Then Gotenks got up from the rubble with a couple of tears, that blow had hurt him, "Don't even dream of it, monster!"

Goku clenched his fists with a cold drop of sweat. The difference between the two was absurd.

"Vegeta, we have to fight" Goku stated.

"I know" Vegeta was going to transform but.

"Now you'll see damn Buu!" Gotenks yelled expelling more power causing the entire place to shake due to the enormous energy.

The golden aura around him grew more radiant and his hair began to spread out.

"HAAAH!" Gotenks finished transforming and both Goku and Vegeta were stunned.

"Oh" Buu blinked rather curiously.

"Super Gotenks is ready to finish you off!" the boy struck a victorious pose.

"So these two can reach Super Saiyan 3" Goku looked at Vegeta in astonishment.

"Kakarot, we have to take advantage! You know perfectly well that they won't last long in that form" Vegeta said seriously. He transformed.

"Understood" Goku nodded just as seriously, thus transforming into Super Saiyan 3.

Gotenks turned around and seeing them transformed he understood what his father's plan was about.

Then, the three of them attacked with incredible speed but Buu easily dodged them. It was logical, he was able to stop Gogeta recently.

"You're just trash!" Buu exclaimed annoyed.

He kneed Vegeta in the stomach, hacked Gotenks off the head and punched Goku hard in the face.

Goku rolled out and settled on his knee. And raising his hand he created a disk of Ki.

"Kienzan!" the saiyan threw it towards Buu.

Buu looked at him mockingly. Just as he was going to deflect the Kienzan, it split into hundreds of discs, which were guided by Goku's hand.

Buu's body was cut into thousands of pieces and Goku maxed out his power in a brief instant, "Kamehame... HAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Without wasting a second, Goku launched his great energy against the pieces and Vegeta got up instantly, taking advantage of the right moment.

"BIG BANG ATTACK" the prince made the great contribution of him.

"Missiles die die!" Super Gotenks launched consecutive energy blasts towards the location.

Soon an explosion occurred filling the area with a smoke screen. "I have to admit it, Kakarot, you're a fucking fighting genius"

"Oh yeah?" Goku scratched his head in astonishment.

"Cut Buu to pieces and then destroy them" Vegeta crossed his arms, "We should have done that"

"Well, the truth is that..." Goku was going to speak but suddenly a pink mass covered him.

"What the hell?" Vegeta exclaimed trying to free himself but the more he moved the more the pink mass absorbed him. Until it happened.

The pink masses were drawn towards where the smoke was while Gotenks backed away.

"I already told you I'm invulnerable, you shouldn't have let your guard down" Buu's voice sounded behind the smoke, and the sky suddenly darkened.

As the smoke cloak vanished, Buu appeared in a blue and orange outfit. Gotenks got it, Super Buu absorbed the parents from him.

"N-no" Master Roshi collapsed.

"What's wrong old man?!" Bardock walked over.

"Th-that monster absorbed Goku and Vegeta" replied Master Roshi and everyone fell silent.

"Now that I've absorbed the last warriors of this planet, no one will stop me hahahaha" Buu laughed madly.

"It's still me!" Gotenks raised his Ki.

"Idiots, how long will your fusion last? That's why I didn't absorb you" Buu sneered at them.

Gotenks clenched his fists, the monster was right. Right now they barely had three minutes left. And the difference between him and Buu was innumerable.

"Ha, I'll give you the option to leave this planet before I destroy it" Buu clenched his knuckles, "I forgot, you can't live in vacuum"

Buu raised his Ki, "Then I'll kill you!"

Buu flew towards them reaching for his arm and Gotenks froze in fear.

He closed his eyes expecting the worst. After a few seconds, when he opened them he saw that he was on a rock. He didn't understand anything, "What happened?"

He looked at Buu confused. And the monster was wide-eyed, stunned, "I-it's not possible!"

Gotenks then looked up and after doing so his eyes watered, "Brother!"

A purple suit with a white cape with a face full of calm. It was none other than Gohan!

"Hello. This is going to be dangerous" Gohan put a hand on Gotenks' head and reappeared in Kami's vantage point. Everyone was in shock.

"M-my son y-you're alive!" Chi-Chi began to cry.

18 clenched her hands nervously and Videl was fighting back tears from her. Bardock smiled. Gine was curious. And the rest were happy.

Gohan quickly scanned the place, seeing that the people here were safe. "See you later"

Then, Gohan left.