Chapter 147: Back

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"Gohan!" A common cry was present and they all came to surround the boy.

"Hey son, what happened to Majin Buu?" Goku asked curiously pointing to the sky.

"It's a long story, but first I would like to eat something" the young boy touched his stomach.

Everyone laughed at that comment, 18 closed her eyes with a beautiful smile on her face.

Videl understood almost nothing of what had happened during the last day, but she was happy to see Gohan. And besides, they had things to talk about.

Goten was almost crying for his brother's return. Raditz and Piccolo with a slight smile.

Mr Popo took several foods and Gohan sat down, beginning to tell everything that had happened.

Since he destroyed the universe and therefore Buu, until Beerus arrived.

"Let's see, you had to kill us all to take down that bastard?" Raditz raised an eyebrow. Gohan scratched his head somewhat nervously.

"I'm sorry, I had no other choice. I thought about many things and only that came to mind haha"

"It doesn't matter, you were able to bring us back" Goku smiled, "That Lord Beerus guy, is he very powerful?"

"Yes, and don't even think about asking him for a battle dad, we know each other" Gohan looked seriously at his father.

"Well..." Goku scratched his head smiling.

"I could see him when he was younger, he is the god of destruction of this universe" Vegeta explained.

"God of destruction?" Goku didn't quite understand that.

"The Kaioshin are the ones who create, and the ones who destroy are the Hakaishin. It is the balance of the universe, and that is what Lord Beerus does" Gohan spoke.

Later, Gohan also explained to them that apart from this universe, there were eleven others, each with its Hakaishin, Kaioshin, and its Kai.

The Hakaishin of the sixth universe, Champa, was Beerus' twin. And a tournament was proposed between the two, where the reward goes to the winner...

"They would be the super dragon balls, which are between those two universes. Years ago I gathered the ones from this universe" Gohan explained to them.

"Haha, it seems like you always have everything in mind" Raditz crossed his arms with a slight smile.

"If we are here it's because you won that tournament" Vegeta looked at Gohan, who nodded.

"One thing, what were the fighters of that universe like?" Goku asked with great curiosity.

"Well, in the tournament there were three saiyans, although none of them knew how to transform," Gohan recalled and added, "And they seem very different from us."

"In what sense?" Vegeta was curious.

"They are much more peaceful, and apparently stronger in their base form, so much so that they don't need a tail, they were born without it" he responded.

"Interesting" Vegeta narrowed his eyes.

"And there was a being capable of manipulating time but I defeated him and made my wish" Gohan said happily.

"Did you hear that Vegeta? We have to train a lot" Goku looked at his rival, who smiled.

Gohan preferred not to tell them about Zeno and the probable tournament of power, it was too much information until now. And there was no rush.

"That's what I want to think" Gohan closed his eyes.

"Everything was delicious Mr Popo!" Gohan gave him a thumbs up, "I'm much better now."

"And what are you going to do now son?" asked his mother Chi-Chi looking at him, "Are you leaving again?"

"Not at all, I'll stay here" Gohan replied.

His mother hugged him quite happily and Gohan reciprocated. He had spent many years away.

"We're leaving!" Krillin then held Suno in his arms, "Everyone stay safe!"

"Dad, I'll go accompany Videl to his house, then I'll see you," Gohan commented, smiling.

He passed by his younger brother Goten and crouched down to his height, "You fought very well Goten. And no, I didn't forget my promise haha"

Goten then wiped away those tears and nodded happily. Then Gohan took Videl's hand and she looked at him somewhat confused.

"Ready?" Without waiting for a response, Gohan flew away.

18 looked at this skeptically, and left too.


They landed on the roof of the large mansion and using a staircase they reached Videl's room. "Nice room" Gohan looked at the walls.

There were some photos of her with her father, or photos of Mr. Satan when he won the tournament and so on. Videl blushed slightly when she heard him.

"Videl I understand that it was all sudden, but..." Gohan was going to explain himself but suddenly.

"You have saved the universe, you have nothing to explain to me" Videl gave a small smile.

"So you don't care that I'm an alien, as well as the rest of my family and friends?" Gohan scratched the back of his neck a little confused and Videl laughed.

"Who cares, it doesn't change who you are, does it?" Videl asked and Gohan denied at this, "I just want you to teach me how to fly, and how to fight, okay?"

"That's done" Gohan stuck out his thumb.

"So you defeated Cell, you guys have basically been saving the world" Videl looked at the boy. "You're amazing... Gohan"

"Nah either, I'm just doing my job" Gohan scratched his head smiling, "Well, I have to go."

"Wait!" Videl quickly exhorted him.

Gohan turned when he heard her and was then greeted by a fleeting but soft kiss from Videl.

'Second unexpected kiss' Gohan thought.

"Gohan... I really like you, I want to go out with you" Videl spoke bluntly.

The girl took his hands and looked at him.

'Shit, I knew this moment would come.'

"Videl, I like you a lot too, but this can't be" Gohan released the girl's hands. 'Damn, is everything always difficult?'

"W-why, don't you like me?" Videl almost broke.

"Of course I like you, but Videl, you've already seen what my life is, I don't want to drag you into this, I don't want you to suffer for me" Gohan was sincere.

"But I can train and..." Videl was going to speak.

"I have a lot of enemies, what happens if one kidnaps you or something? I wouldn't want that to happen."

"Besides, in my life there is nothing written"

"I understand..." Videl looked down, sad.

Gohan clenched her fists and approached Videl, giving her a comforting kiss on her forehead.

"Gohan... if the circumstances were different, would we have been together?" Videl asked him.

"Yes, don't hesitate" Gohan smiled.

"I'm glad to hear that" Videl showed a smile.

Under other circumstances, in a world where he didn't love 18, of course they would have been together.

And yes. Gohan loved 18.