WebNovelI'm Gohan!100.00%

Chapter 168: Moro

Almost 4 month without updates, but during this time I published an avatar TLA fanfiction and a DxD one, please check it.

More chapters on patreon.


I hope you enjoy!


"Ah, what memories" Raditz sighed after landing on the planet Namek, remembering that time he arrived with his brother all those years ago.

"So this is my home planet... Namek" Piccolo murmured looking at the sky, where there were three suns.

"The air is quite pure" Krillin exhaled pleasantly, as did Yamcha. Tien just smiled, next to her was Chaoz, happy.

"Stop this nonsense insects, we must find the current Guru and secure the dragon balls" Vegeta looked at the gang.

"I agree with Vegeta, remember that we have a mission to fulfill" Merus looked at everyone seriously. Jaco crossed his arms.

Bardock nodded at those words, and immediately they took to the air, flying toward Moori's village, arriving in a moment.

Piccolo was still immersed in his vast thoughts. 'I'm like them,' Piccolo thought, looking at the villagers farming.

"Oh, it's you, we feel his energy" Moori appeared with his staff, accompanied by some children, "You are Katattsu's son, right?"

"I guess" Piccolo was with his arms crossed, he remembered that name from Kami's memories. Katattsu was his father.

"And I see that you're finally reunited with your other half, but you're still a long way from your full potential," Moori commented. Piccolo looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Piccolo was stunned.

"We Namekians descend from Zarama, the first creator god" Moori looked at Piccolo, "Zarama gave us incredible powers"

"But it's certainly possible to overcome those powers being a Super Namekian, you as such could achieve incredible things" the Moori patriarch spoke.

"Well, well, this mystical talk is very fascinating." Raditz clapped his hands sarcastically, "Do you have the seven dragon balls gathered here?" he asked.

"That's right, in case an emergency arises," Moori pointed to his hut, smiling, "Why do you ask? Do you need to use them right now?"

"Oh, we don't, but a deranged world-devouring wizard does." Raditz pointed to the sky, where in the distance they saw a ship land.

"He's here," Merus said seriously.

"Come on!" Piccolo exclaimed, expelling the energy from him and flew away in the direction of Moro's ship. And immediately everyone followed him.

"It seems that we will have a visitor" Moro said smiling, "And there are two individuals with strong energies. 73, Saganbo, go after them"

The two mentioned left the ship, "You go get the rest, I'll go get the dragon balls while you take care of it."

The warriors stood in front of the ship, where 73 came out first.He went straight towards Piccolo, "W-what the hell are you insect?!"

Piccolo quickly dodged the one called 73 and brought his arms together to hit him in the head with an axe, thus sending him to the ground.

But immediately 73 stood up as if nothing had happened and flew towards the Namekian, who released a blast of energy that the prisoner deflected.

Then 73 punched him in the cheek, Piccolo returned with a headbutt and they immediately began a brutal exchange of blows.

While everyone looked, Saganbo came out and elbowed Raditz in the jaw, sending him into the waters of the Namekian planet.

But these waters began to evaporate, until Raditz emerged from them in Super Saiyan with a vein on his forehead, "You're stupid!"

"Double Sunday!" Raditz launched two energy blasts that Saganbo tried to stop with his two arms, and he was thrown back wildly.

Krillin stepped back somewhat scared watching these brutal battles, they were on another level for him.

But then a very large being, Yunba, appeared behind him, surrounding him in a hug to suffocate him, "D-damn!"

"Krillin!" Yamcha exclaimed, ready to help his friend, but then three girls surrounded him, "Listen, if you want a date, it will be one by one."

"Don't be pretentious!" one of them exclaimed, kneeing him in the abdomen and Yamcha spat blood at that, "Weakling."

Tien and Chiaotzu were somewhat stunned, and suddenly a yellowish being, Shimorekka, and another giant made of metal, blocked their view.

"I'm sorry, were you guys going somewhere?" Shimorekka asked with a superior smile on his face.

"Yes, to kick your face" Tien appeared in front of the creature, punching him in the abdomen and kicking him in the chin.

Chiaotzu was somewhat, quite afraid, the metal man was at least ten heads taller than him, and he also looked very invulnerable.

"Dodonpa!" Chiaotzu released the classic crane school energy beam and barely created a scratch on the Metalman's surface.

"Hehe" the metal being seemed to mock.

Bardock stood idly, he had trained a lot since his resurrection, but enough to face these beings?

"A Saiyan never backs down on the battlefield." Bardock clenched his fists. And without warning, he received a kick in the back.

"It is rude to turn your back on your opponent" a soft voice sounded and Bardock turned around, looking very surprised.

"Zarbon? No, it must be his race" the saiyan smiled, because he always wanted to kick Zarbon's ass, and this could compensate for his desire.

I am Yuzun, who will send you to the grave." Yuzun brushed his bangs, and Bardock grimaced.

"Good luck trying" the warrior launched a ball of Ki that Yuzun dodged by moving to the left, and flew towards him.

And while all this brutal battle was going on, there was Moro, there was no one to stop him. He was going to go for the dragon balls and for his wish.

"Not so fast," Merus intervened, appearing behind the magician, while threatening him with his staff, "You will be detained, Hoshikui no Moro."

"Now that this Kaioshin is gone, I doubt that a simple galactic patrolman can..." Moro was going to comment, mocking his adversary.

And suddenly, Moro the devourer of worlds received a blow to the jaw that made him retreat several meters. "What are you?"

"As you said, I'm just a patrolman."