The unstoppable spell

The next few days was peaceful and cool, the DIS and the fighters group make sure everywhere was peaceful and without problems

With the chairman on probation, he was unable to do anything and the prime Minister had make sure that all eyes are on him but Francis is not a man that would accept defeat just like that, he has to show the prime minister that he is really the boss in the country, so he had secretly sent his aide, Shakle to India to meet the great witch in other to get another evil thing done in the country.

"the chairman is very disappointed about what you did for him" Shakle told the the powerful witch in Indiana

"I knew things would turn out that way, Francis never wanted to say what is real ambitions are so the gods do not know what to do"

"he want Denmark to be fully dependent on him, he want their leads run to him like scattered fowls who lose their faith"

"and what, what would he do if that happens, what did he really have in his mind" the witch said

Shakle gave that a thought, the chairman is full of different surprises and things. No one matter how close you are to him, you can't know what is going on in his head, he is a very tough person

"go tell Francis that I pull out something for him on this, make the country in a distress position but he should take not that of the fighters managed to pity this off then he has to come and see me with is real intentions for the country"

"will do ma"

The elections days came and the citizens march out in huge numbers to express their feelings on the going government and the next one. As expected the citizens weight what the going government did and love it. The peace and many social amenities created by the prime Minister make the citizens love the party he was in and voted the candidate Richard summited to be in his post has he was leaving. After a few days of elections, Richard went to meet the director of the fighters, Gideon to discuss what will happen next.

"everything is going peaceful and cool"

"yes it is, and don't forget to mention that you played the part on that " Richard said grinning

"we would not have been able to go far without your support" Gideon repiled coolly

"I understand that but still you deserve that praise" Richard said smiling

"it is our pleasure to receive such an honorable word from you" Gideon repiled and they both settled down

"I want to know what you are planning to do when I am gone" Richard said

From the way Richard spoke, Gideon noted the sense of fear in his voice, why will he fear, after all the country is stable now and he got a lid on the intelligence aspect so why that tone, what is going on, Gideon curiousity arouse

"am sorry to ask.... "

"I understand where you are going to Gideon but you know that the chairman of frabos companies would not sit down idle on that simple probation, he would work something out for himself"

"we know and we can handle what.. "

"no you can't, I got the report from the director of the DIS and the PIS department, things are not going to be well in a few days from now"

Gideon gave Richard a look, something must being going on again that he did not know about, just that it bothered him that Francis is going to beat him again in another big move, bloody hell the guy is really a cunny and intelligent guy.

"Mr prime Minister.. " Gideon stated to say but was held off by the stern in Richard face

"I understand that you are trying your best on making the country peaceful with the help of the fighters and your great intellect, but I must let you know that the person we are dealing with is not an easy person, his next move might not be good for us"

"why all this spetaculations sir" Gideon said

"did you know where the chairman PA is right now" Richard asked

"no I don't sir, is anything wrong about that sir"

"find that out yourself and get the answer" Richard said and rose from the chair, with great anticipation on his face he looked at the chairman of the fighters who is not disturbed about what he told him, he knew that Gideon had done his best on making the country a peaceful place with the help of the fighters but he need to let him know that the person they are dealing with is not an easy person that would give up, Gideon might think that he got the intelligence of the country in his finger tips but that is wrong, Francis also have trusted people in the intelligence sector and that make their country vulnerable to Francis and also make Richard more worried about what Gideon is going to do if he hears the latest news, after a little bit, Richard finally found the courage to speak again, "you must be really worried on the way I approach you on the matter, but we must not take this matter lightly, we need to take Francis down, and when I say down I mean really down" he said and left the office.

Shakle touched down in Denmark and a pitiful expression shown broadly on his face, the country is about to face another great nemises that they might not be able to get out of easily. He shook his head and walked down to the airport to get his things and get the report back to his boss, the master planner of the whole problems Denmark is going to face in few weeks from now.

Eric and Jackson had been on Shakle trail since he had left the airport, from their intelligence, they got that Shakle just came back from India but nothing more, no one followed him to India so they got no info on what he went to do in India, the chairman of the fighters base has put them in a very positive direction about the matter, Francis Cooper is up to something again and they need to stop it before it get to the level that they might not be able to curb it anymore. Getting to the chairman villa, Shakle checked in with the gate security people and get into the house

"look who is here" Francis said smiling as soon as Shakle enters the house. Francis is seen with the three notorious ministers. Actually they are not popularly known as that to the public but to the minister cabinet, they are known as that. No prime Minister or any important person can face them expect the great wolf, Francis Cooper. Shalke knew that his boss won't sit idle and accept the little trick that the intelligence people and played on him and put his boss on some kind of crazy probation. Now it is the time for actions and the country should be ready to face the crazy result of what they did to the chairman. Without wasting time, Francis ended the discussion with the ministers and dismissed them, from his boss face, Shalke could see that his boss has crazy urge to hear the report from where he went to.

The elections gradually came to an end and Mathias Vad was elected to the post of the prime Minister of Denmark. After a few days from the inguration of the new prime Minister, Gideon figured that something was not right about that the person who won the election. What happened in that aspect, Gideon wanna know

"hello Richard"

"hello chairman how are you doing"

"fine sir, hope you are enjoying your stay at Hjorring"

"yes I am just that the activities of the military people cause a lot of problems at times but it is cool "

"okay sir, I would like to ask you some questions sir"

"go on Gideon"

"did you have any idea of what happened to the elected prime Minister or the elections"

"why did you ask Gideon"

"am just worried about the new prime Minister movement"

"what is it about "

Gideon said before his aisde ran into his office

"what is going on-" Gideon started to say

"sir, we got a call from the Dis just now, the Denmark royal house is under attack " his aside said

Gideon went dead on his track at the first sound of the words, royal house under attack. How could that happen, Gideon could not just comprehend it all

"did you have anymore info about the situation"

"no, sir "

"okay the SARR team together and also make the fighters ready"

"will do" his aside said and left

"Gideon can you explain what is going to me" Richard said when Gideon had unhold the call

"what do you mean"

"I am watching the news now and hearing that the royal house is under attack by some spell controlling people"

What, spell controlling people, Gideon said nothing. He never believed in magic or spell ever since he had begin his career as an intelligent officer but now something definitely doesn't look right now

"sir I would have to go, I, got to see what is really going on" Gideon cut the phone call. Good God, Francis as begin his revenge now and this really going to the tough, but with the fighters they would surely find solutions to the problem and finally make Francis pay for what he had done to his country.

"kill all the crazy bastards that live in the crazy place" the captain of the royal gruads said along with most of the royal military people. The king along with the others royal officials went to hiding and have made a call to the prime Minister who said he will see to things immediately. After a while, the fighters came and attend to the issue, it was sick an horrible sight to behold. Seeing thousands of people who worked in he palace been killed by their co workers and the royal military army.

"thanks for coming early" the king said after the fighters have killed all the people affected by the spell

"yes your highness, it is our pleasure and main duty to make sure you are safe " Kelvin said

"yes I understand, what did your boss see to this issue" the king asked but no one gave answer to the question and the king knew that Gideon is also confused as he also

"what is your next move" the king asked after a while

"we suggest that you leave the palace for some days and go to our headquarters"

The king looked at Kelvin feeling awkward and surprised at his response

"why did you say that" the king asked

"that are our orders from the chairman"

The king wanted to ask more questions but held it back, he need to speak to the person that gave the fighters that order and know what the damn thing is happening.

"wow, am really impressed at what is happening now" Francis said as he slipped , he and the prime Minister are having a drink in his magnificent house at Aalborg, "or what did you think Matthias, isn't this a great way of showing this country that you are capable of making cool revenge" Francis said looking at the prime Minister

"yes it is, this would send the message to those justice fighters that think they cant control everyone as if we are some kind of ball"