The Magic Action

Gideon stepped down from the two hour plane flight in Columbia. The head of state of his country had told him to go to the country to get people who would become the participant of the Magic group that they are planning. The king had phoned the head of state of Columbia that he would be sending his man to get the people for that work but the king and the head of state of Columbia did not disclose the matter to the public. The selection of the work would be chosen discreetly among the whole citizens.

"wow, the country looksoo good and cool today" Gideon, said to himself as he saw two screat agents running towards him, Gideon knew that there would be more of the agents around the airport but did not bother about it.

"welcome to our country sir" one of the screat agent said, he had the name tag Edgar Zapata

"yeah thanks Mr Zapata" Gideon said

"this way sir, we have a car waiting for you" the other screat agent replied

"sure" Gideon said and followed them.

Chairman William Christensen had gave a call to the fight base but he was told that this chairman is on his trp to Colombia to carry out the work of the king. Williams still worries about why the king would give to the chairman when there are other ministers who can carry out that work but he understands the king motive for doing that. Picking up his telephone he dialed a number "tell Moses to come here now " he said. Now he had to do what had to be done to make sure Denmark is save. No matter what he had sworn to himself when he took the post of the DIS chairman that he would do all he takes to make sure that Denmark is safe and make it one of the most secured countries in the world. He had to keep to that promise now.

The meeting among the council just finished and it went well. Mathias put in all his best to convince the council to allow them carry out their plans on their country. Although he knew that there would be problems later on but by then he would have become the real boss of the country.He never want to be pushed out of the post of the prime Minister like other past prime Minister but want to show Francis that he is capable of keeping the post and making Francis becoming what he want to be. "take me to the royal villa, I need to see the king" he told the driver

"yes sir" he said as they pulled out on the road.

Francis was really happy about how things are going in Denmark. He had sent his man, Shale to the great witch in India to stop the spell so that the whole preparation that the king had sent in motion would be move smoothly without delay. Francis had also been granted permission to do business in his country by the help of the prime Minister and the court, he marked this move of the prime Minister as a good move and would keep to his promise.

"we will have the people ready in no time Mr Gideon but as your head of state had said,, it would be discreat, no other people must know about that sir" the chairman of the NID said

"yes I understand sir and we also have come to an agreement to make that our sole aim in this operation" Gideon said

"what did you plan to do with them when their work is finished" the NID chairman asked

Gideon took his time before replying, now he is talking to another screat agent chairman and he did not know how to present the world to the chairman of the intelligence agency but he knew that they must what they are going to do to their people when their work aare done

"knowing that the work they are going to do is a work not acceptable in the society we have agreed to have them disposed" Gideon said

"you mean the word 'disposed' another word for killing them" the chairman replied

Gideon said nothing and looked at the man face, he knew that that is what the Columbians are alsoan going to do

"we have to do that so that we can have this operation on a low" Gideon said

The chairman nodded "yes that's true we also have it in our report that our superior have told your prime Minister that the people who are going to be used for that purpose are criminals who practice the stuff"

"yes sir we have tht on our record and that is why we have agreed to have them disposed when they have finished their purpose" Gideon said

"fine by us then, we have everything ready now so you can go with the people tomorrow" the chairman said

"okay " Gideon said

"enjoy your day in our country" the chairman said.

King Avoca had not rest since he had sent the chairman of the fighters on the mission to Columbia to get people about the means they are about to introduce to the country, he had talked to the president of the country and have laid down the plans they have also the president has also agreed with them to make the operation discreet. "your highness, the prime Minister want to see you" the new captain of the royal guards said

The king turned and looked at the guard "is he here"

"yes my king and he is asking to see you" the captain said

"okay I will see him" the king said

"yes my king" the captain replied

Mathias knew that the king would be happy if he hears that the council have approved the action they are about to take and that would be a starting point for him to get the big fish and if he played his cards very well he can as well get the reward to himself as well.

"your highness" the prime Minister said and bowed

"yes Mathias how is your meeting with the council today" the king said as he gestured to Mathias to have his seat

"it went well sir and I managed to win their favor on our actions that we are about to take " Mathias said

For some minutes, the king went stunned with surprise, how was the prime Minister able to do that and many other questions poured out in his mind

"how did the you managed to do that" the king asked after he had gotten himself

"it wasn't easy to have them do that bit I put in some little effort and made them believe us" Mathias said

"what made you do that" the king asked

"I did that because I knew that you ard doing all you can for that good of the country " Mathias said

Shale was at the hotel when his boss called and he picked it up on the third ring

"hello sir"

"how are you doing Shale"

"am fine sir"

"have you made contact with the lady"

"no sir" he replied, his boss and him have avoid using the witch word for the fear that their called might be monitored by the Intelligence agencies

"you have to come back to the country"

"yes sir but sir can I can ask why"

"I got a call from Mathias and he told me some good info that I can't say here"

"okay sir, I will be in the country by tomorrow morning"

"I will be expecting Shale" the chairman said and the line went dead. Shale wondered what be cooking in his country now for the chairman to call him back, but Shale know one thing for sure, that the chairman is going to have is way again and this time it is going to be a big one. A Very Big One.

The fighters are doing a great job stabilizing the situation but it is not enough, their chairman had gone to Columbia to get the Magic team. Kelvin had been thinking about the whole matter, they would be working with another set of team and as the head of the fighters, he had to make sure that everything goes well. What is this new team going to bring? They will be a set of people who are specialized in magic practice, the greatest evil practice all over the world. Most countries have tried to curb this practice but it is never enough. As many people are killed for practicing it, many are also indulging in it. Kelvin still remembers the secret order that the king had give him when they are leaving the ball room after having a little word with the team. "you need to know as the leader of the team that you are not to spare any members of the Magic team when they are throu with their work in this country, you must never hesitate to carry that work out" the king said. Why kill them after they have finished their purpose

"hey Kelvin are you good" Louse said

Kelvin spuned instantly to see where the voice is coming from

"ohh louse how are you doing" Kelvin replied

"you look worried is anything the matter" louse said

"you can't understand louse I have been thinking about some kind of shit things" Kelvin said

"i see but would you share that with me" louse said

"nope,you can't, that is the work of the leader" Kelvin said and left the place

Louse looked at Kelvin as he walked down the field, he is a very great and intelligent man and he had to carry out his duties do well. Now another team is going to join them now and no ones know how the team is going to be.