The Argive Night

The night was cool, the sky bright with the moon and the stars and in the distance, owls could be heard, as well as other denizens of the night. As Art followed after Thebe, he wondered what to say to her. What could he say besides the obvious?

"Thebe!" he called, watching as she turned to face him. "Are you alright?"

"No, I am not alright." She replied to him. "I am being forced into a marriage to someone I despise while I know I may see one whom Aphrodite says I love die by the hands of the one I must marry."

"Aphrodite or your heart?" inquired Art. "Love is something that cannot be controlled, not even by a god. If you love me then it is not by the will of some goddess, but by the will of your heart and if you do love me then I will take you away from here, away from Argolis, away from Eurystheus and his son Argus, I know not where I shall take you, but take you there I shall! A marriage between you and him will not take place."

Her countenance rosy, the Athenian Girl looked upon the Young Gael and asked: "Do you love me, Art?"

"My heart willed it from the moment I first saw you." Art replied. "It must have been like being struck by lightning, but I dare say not quite as fatal." Looking upwards, he then added: "I hope your god Zeus does not take that as an invitation to hurl a lightning bolt at me."

Giggling, Thebe said: "I dare say he would not. You are quite safe, Art." Then approaching him, she inquired: "You know not Achaea, but I have some ideas of where we could go, Art, somewhere outside of Eurystheus' power. As my father said to Atreus, we cannot go to Troezen where his brother Pittheus rules, for Troezen is an Argive city and Eurystheus rules all of Argolis with all kings recognizing him as their overlord. We could go to Crete where Minos rules perhaps or perhaps Lacedaemon."

"I know Crete to be an island." Stated Art. "Perhaps there shall be the safest, unless Lacedaemon is an island as well."

"Your thinking is correct about Crete, Art, but Lacedaemon is on the mainland just as Argolis is. Eurystheus could bring an army down on the city and sack it."

"And as the overlord of every Argive king, he would have the greatest army Achaea would ever know." Commented Art. He was correct to an extent, for how could he ever imagine that Agamemnon would ever grow up to lead an army with almost every Achaean king under his command? "I suppose Crete will have to do."

Staring into Thebe's reddish-brown eyes, Art could hear his heart telling him to kiss her, but alas, this was too soon. Maybe a little later.

Returning to the abode of Thebe's family, she and Art spoke to Pandion and Melia while Atreus and Timaeus both listened. Nodding his head, Pandion placed a hand upon the shoulder of his daughter and the other upon the shoulder of the Young Gael and bid them luck on their journey, while promising he would await their return should Eurystheus and Argus both die.

"Be careful, Pandion." Spoke Atreus. "My cousin the King has ears everywhere." Then addressing Art and Thebe, he said: "Minos is my grandfather-in-law. I shall write a message that will explain to him who you are. As for you, Art, I can give your armour and weapons if you so desire to have them."

Nodding in thanks, Art did receive armour and weapons and Timaeus vowed to follow the Young Gael and the Athenian Girl to Crete.

"Only a beast to keep you two company?" The Corinthian inquired, raising his cane and laughing. "Wherefore, I will not have it! I hear that Minos has met Heracles, who is his paternal half-brother, I would hear what this King of Crete can tell me!"