An Alternate Solution

After a long discussion, Art and Thebe had come to the conclusion that they should leave for elsewhere. Where to, they knew not, only somewhere that was not a home, a prison to a monster, an abominable violation of nature. With their minds made up, they went in search of Minos and found the Cretan Monarch wearing a bull mask and holding a double-bladed axe in one hand.

Taken aback by the sight before them, Art took a small step back while Thebe took hold of his right arm. Minos merely removed the mask and uttered: "I'm just preparing for a religious ceremony. What can I do for the two of you?"

"We intend to leave Crete, King Minos." Answered Art. "Daedalus may be building a prison for the Minotaur, but he could escape from his chains before then and neither me, Thebe nor Timaeus wish to live in the same place as a violation of nature."

"Well then, Art…" began Minos, putting the axe down. "Wherefore don't we just situate you elsewhere on Crete? Away from here, away from Asterion! You will both be safe from him and from Argus. I will give you the Palace of Malia east of here, it is only three and twenty miles. You will both be safe from the Minotaur possibly breaking from his chains and I will still be able to grant you protection from Eurystheus' son.

Minos' solution was perfectly reasonable. What could Art and Thebe do except accept this alternative to leaving for who knew where? Would Timaeus accept this alternative? What would his argument be? Did the Minotaur not have legs? This palace they were being sent to was three and twenty miles away and Asterion could have gone in any direction if he were to get loose.

This solution was perfectly acceptable.