Chapter 30


I rush into the medical room, Rei is having a seizure. I just received a call from the prison, same thing is happening with Yachi.

"What is going on with her? Why are the others unresponsive as well, any answers?" I ask getting tired of having no answers for my family.

"No sir."



I crack the glass and the twins I saw from earlier kick me together.

Their so powerful.

The twin girls hold hands and repair the crack.

"I never had a problem with offing a few kids, you won't be the first I hesitate to snuff out." I charge to attack them.

They attack me and I try to use my power, but every time I do the gold fairy dust leaves my hand and fills the hour glass.

"Don't you ever hurt out sister!" The twins yell at me at the same time.

That glass is the girl? I am not linked to Kaiya, but to Eri. I break or crack the glass, it's no different from breaking or cracking Eri. Okay, that's good to know.

I grab the twins and start using their physical bodies mid fight to damage the glass. Every time they hit me. I slam into the glass. Every time I hit them, they slam into the glass. Let's destroy this thing.

"Sorry Eri, but you're not going to be Kaiya's friend for ever. You will never be her friend." I slam the white head into the glass and it cracks.

I see Eri crack and fall apart just as the hourglass falls apart.

Kaiya cries and the twins look at me with those Hiryu eyes. The beautiful blue eyes I have grown to hate so much.

"It's not over yet Kaiya. Try again, this time, she dies for good." The black haired says holding a knife in hand.

"Okay." Kaiya says.

How old are these kids? They're Hiryu's meaning their height is deceiving. Their probably half the age they look. So, I'm guessing 7 or 8?

The black-haired swings a sword at me and I dodge it. The white haired is just watching me. I turn around and there's a knife through my heart.

"Now Kaiya!" The white-haired screams.

"How are you here? Only children with time manipulation can ever enter." I ask them.

"Rei Arashi is a last name from the mothers side, mom's real dad was also a time manipulator. They never met and she never knew him, but since we're in here we know that."

I look at 2 year old Kaiya.

I thought I was seeing the future, but this is Kaiya's past. This is not happening, it already has. Kaiya's real power is not the same as mine, she inherited her grand mothers power.

"You could have chosen a reality where I was a better mother Kaiya!" I say looking at her.

"One did not exist." The white head explains.

I look around for the triplets, "Where are the triplets?"

"Haven't been born yet, they'll wait a while, but their sacrifice was necessary, now Eri can be in the family, and Kaiya can have the family she deserves. Her fathers won't be criminals. She won't be caged like a bird, and no one will try to kill them at every corner. We will be happy with our parents, our lives will be perfect."

I turn to Kaiya, "Sweety I can change for you."

She shakes her head, "You said that 1000 times and you lied 1000 times. I don't want you."

"You don't get to choose your parents Kaiya, that's the way the world works, you got dirt for a mother live with it!"

"No, now go and live. When you die, I will have my sister? I won't be the only one without a friend forever."

"Live?" I ask the older ones they seem to know more.

"We do not need you necessarily dead to have Eri, we just needed your power, that's what we took from you. You can live as long as you have left. When you die it will impact nothing. We've already decided the year we want to wake up."

I stumble back and I can feel my power draining from my body. The hour glass builds back up and this time it's full to the brim.

"You barely even used 1% of your power." The white-haired comments.

"Do you have time powers?" I ask.

"No, we can only get in here, but we have our fathers power, I have both my parents powers, but my brother mutated my fathers power as well as this wish power." The black-haired answers.

"Rei has a time ability?" I ask, just getting as much info as I can.

"No, just carries the gene. It was never meant to be active." The black haired one answers.

"Is Rei my sister?"

"No, just a distant cousin. Father has an affair blah blah, children grow up away from the family that sort of thing. This happened a long time before you were even born. The original time manipulator is the one who screwed up. He had an affair and had a child he didn't know about. Mom is descendent from that branch of the family.

"The child never had a power so he didn't who his father was. He was born with dormant genes. He's the reason all his descendent do not have powers, until great gramps married a healer and had grandmother who had our mother.

"Therefore, as children of our mother we cannot use time-based powers, but we have just as much of a right to be here, so when ever Kaiya wants us here, we have access here, since we can't get in on our own, we have to be invited here.

"You're under the impression that without your power you'll never see this place again, not true. You at least have the power to come in and out of here, you will be in danger when they find out you don't have your power anymore.

"So, think about this place and you will be in here, you can stay here all you want, but when the time comes, you'll die. You're the last anchor. You can't die too soon or too late. Though it doesn't really matter because you'll end up somewhere safe where you won't stop our plans." The children leave.

I look at Eri and she smiles at me. The giant glass of dust washes over her body like rain and she absorbs all my power.

My grand mother always said she could only check for a maximum of 10 alternate realities, Kaiya said she checked through 1000.

A thousand chances to be a better mother and I blew it. That's unforgivable. I always thought, I would be better in a different life. What about 1001. What if I was waiting behind door 1001, and now I will never even get that chance. The damage has been done.


I'm really sorry.

Eri waves at me walking away.

Kaiya, she takes after her father. A fucking sociopath.

"As your daughter yes, but not as mine." Rei says.

I turn around and she kicks me in the face. She strangles me on the ground before giving me some air at the last second only to punch me repeatedly.