A New Beginning

Deku, Dynamite and Shoto were my favorite heroes. But the best of them all was Deku. Although you can always rely on your heroes to save you.

My name is Hibiki Tanaka. I'm quirkless but it doesn't bother me. No one really new I was quirkless except my parents, two brothers and sister. As long as I'm living a good life. But there was one day that changed my mind.

I was in English class when the teacher started bringing up what school we wanted to go to. Since our last year of middle school, we would be choosing different high schools to go to. Even without a quirk, I aimed for UA. I wasn't going to let being quirkless stop me.

"What school do you want to attend Tanaka?" He asked.

"I don't know." I lied.

"Really", He looked at a peice of paper, "Because it say here that you want to go to UA."

"Ha! UA! You want to attend UA? I don't think you good enough! Do you even have a quirk? You need a quirk to get into UA!" A boy with Light orange hair yelled.

Name: Haru Sato

Quirk: Daggers

He can turn his fingers into daggers and throw them

I stayed quiet. I wasn't going to make up a quirk that didn't exist in me. The class would only want me to show it off. I did the one thing that spilled my secret.

"Wait a sec", Haru said, "You don't have a quirk do you? It should've been obvious from the start! You don't have a quirk!"

The whole class bursted into laughter. The teacher tried settling us down. I wanted to punch Haru in the face but I was pretty good at managing my feelings.

I was so glad when the bell rang. My embarrassment stopped and I packed my things. I left the building as fast as I could. Haru pushed passed me with his three goons. They called something that completely shut me down: a quirkless loser.

To make things even worse, it started to rain. I walked home through the rain, clenching my fists in anger and embarrassment.

I looked into a small alley. When I looked in, I heard a whisper. Even as a whisper, it was loud and creepy.

"Bad day at at school school huh," The voice said, "Y'know, the world treats us unfairly."

I stepped away from the alley. The voice spoke again.

"I give you an offer to join us at Abandoned. Think about joining us."

The voice disappeared. That made my evening even worse.

As soon as I got home, I took off my shoes and flopped on the couch. I turned on the news. It was the same thing everyday. Some villain shows up and then a hero comes to save the day. Honestly, I'm starting to think that they're just doing it to show off. Oh my god, did I just say that? I can't let a bad day get me down.

One thing I thought was strange was that my dad, Kanji, wasn't home. When I looked out outside, the window seemed gray. I opened it and realized it wasn't the window. It was smoke. I hadn't been paying much attention to the TV. When I looked back to the news, there was a fire happening at the bank. That's where my dad worked.

I did something a total idiot would done. I put on my green jacket and blue sneakers and ran to the bank. It was a 5 minutes run from my house to the bank.

When I got there, the whole bank was on fire. Once I saw what was causing the fire, my heart skipped a beat. A bulky, black, one red-eyed, white tongue monster. He had a limp body his tongue was carrying. It was my dad.

I did another idiotic thing. Something the heroes didn't want me to do. I ran at the monster, screaming to let my father go. The monster swatted me away like nothing. It caused my arm to hurt very bad. As I was losing consciousness, thinking my father was going to die, a gust of wind flew past me. The last thing I saw was a figure punching the monster in the face.

That's was the last thing I saw before I fell unconscious.