Tell That To The Robot

Oh my god! I looked like a total idiot during my exam! Instead of fighting the robots, guess what I did. I ran away from them! What a total coward I was. There was somebody fighting a robot at every turn.

'All that hard work,' I thought to myself, 'Wasted.'

Then I heard a yell. It wasn't a yell for help, but it was for anger. I recognized the voice.

"Screw you mechanical bitches!"

Yep, it was Haru. Him and his terrible language. What I couldn't belive was how he was struggling. I mean, a top student since kindergarten all the up to the last year of middle school, struggling with just a robot? That's insane.

When I saw Haru struggling, I didn't move. Haru was getting punched around like a doll. All he could do was throw daggers at the tough metal. Then I remembered what Pinky had said. She said that heroes also rescue. If I can get that robot away from Haru, I might get some points. I'm currently at zero anyways. But what chance do I have against it. Even Haru is having a hard time.

I guess I didn't care because I moved without thinking. I started running towards the robot. Once I was within range, I did a spinning hook kick to it's head. I must have kicked it pretty hard cause the whole head was smashed. My foot hurt like hell. I must've broken it.

"What the fuck are you doing," Haru yelled, "I had it totally under control!"

"Tell that to the robot that was punching you around like a doll." I answered.

Haru scowled and walked passed me. Before he could leave, he said something that I never thought he would say.

"Thanks...or whatever."

I started walking home with my foot in a cast. My crutches made clacking sounds as I walked. When I got to the exit of the school, I saw Haru.

"What do you want from me now?" I asked.

Haru scowled and walked towards me. He stopped right at my side.

"Your so stupid." Haru said.

"What?! How am I stupid?"

"You literally broke your foot for a stupid exam! How stupid can one get?"

"I don't know! What was I supposed to do? Run around screaming like a lost little girl in Chucky Cheese!?"

"Pft. So specific. Whatever, you better have gotten into UA or else!"

And he walked off. Haru had been strange all day. I don't know what made him different from every other day.

I was about to walk out of the school grounds when I saw a man with green hair running straight towards me. When he stopped right in front of me, a strong gust of wind blew at my face. I swear, almost flew away with it.

"Hello, young Tanaka!"

"Oh my god! Y-your Deku! The No.1 Hero!"

"Yes, I am. But please refrain from yelling."

"Oh, sorry."

"Anyway, I saw what you did during the exam."

Boy, did that change my mood fast.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't do to well. Hopefully, your not here to rub it in."

"I would never do that. I'm here to tell you how great you did. You saw someone struggling and you protected them when they were in need. Even without a quirk."

I have no idea how he knew I was quirkless. But it sure was great getting praised by the No.1 Hero. Now why was he praising me for something so small and stupid?

"Getting points for defeating the robots were important," He continued, "But there were also points for rescue. To me, what matters most is not defeating the Villains, it's rescuing those in need. And although defeating the villian is one of the priorities, protecting those we cherish or even the people we don't know is the most important."

"Ok," I said, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you reminded me of myself. I didn't have this quirk my whole life. I was born quirkless, like you. My quirk was given to me."

"Wait, so you were quirkless for how long?"

Deku's face was serious.

"I was quirkless for 15 years of my life. I was told that I couldn't become a hero without a quirk. Even the hero I dmired most told me that. But right after that, my friend had been attacked by a villain and that pushed him to surpass his limits. He realized how pathetic he sounded when he told me that."

He hesitated for a second.

"My quirk is called One for All. I was meant to pass this down to a worthy person who will defeat its enemy, All for One. And I found that person today. I found you."

"W-wait! Me? I couldn't possibly! I think you have the wrong guy, I'm completely worthless!" I disagreed.

"No, your not worthless," He continued, "It's not about what in here or here." He pointed at his big muscle and then his head, which I think he was referring to his brain, "It's about what's in here." He pointed to his heart. "I won't force you to accept, but I do not know if I'll be able to find a other caring and worthy person such as you."

At first I thought he was joking. But no. He was telling the truth. Tears started streaming down my face. They fell to the ground making tiny, little splashes.

"I-I'll do it!" I said.

Deku smiled. He plucked a peice of his hair and held it to me.

"Alright then," He started, "Eat this little hair of mine."


I stared at him with a confused look.

"In order to have One for All, you have to a

extract my DNA. You have to eat it."

I took the piece of of hair and he was off ,leaving no information about how the quirk works.