Heroes vs Villains Training

"Ok class, were doing a hero vs villains battle today. Your part time teacher today will be-" Mr. Shinso was cut off.

"I am here! Coming through the door!" Deku popped through the door.

Everyone started to flip out. I mean who wouldn't when you get the honor of the No.1 Hero in the world to train you.

"Put your costumes on! We're going to go out to Ground Gama!"

We split into our lockers to change. Natsu started nudging me.

"If we do partners, your gonna go straight to Sakura, aren't you?"

"Shut up," I swatted. "You don't know that."

Natsu smirked. I pulled on my suit. It was a light blue and black jumpsuit, with a metal mask and gloves that helped shoot my Air Force that Deku taught me. I wore my blue sneakers with it as well.

We walked out to the mock city where we would be battling. I saw Sakura as we walked. She was wearing a white and light pink Japanese, two sided skirt-kimono thing. She was wearing white wristbands, black converses, bandage wrappings on her thighs, and a small pack on the back of her hip. She carried a whip on her side and on her other side was her Celestial keys. She looked beautiful in her suit. Izumi was right next to her, wearing a girl version of Deku's suit.

"Here we are!" Deku yelled. "Back in my time, this is the first thing I did. We will be in teams of two. I want you to choose your partners!"

Natsu went straight to Satsuki. They became partners. Izumi looked like she was talking to Sakura. Sakura shook her head. Izumi shrugged and partnered up with Akira. Sora was with Noami Kaminari.

I just waited for one more person left. Sakura walked towards me. She looked up at me. Her cheeks were pink. She pointed at me, then at her, and put her hands together.

"You wanna be partners?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Ok then."

Everyone found there partners. I saw Haru was with Asahi Ashido. Haru shot a glare at me.

We were assigned team letters. Sakura and I were team D.

Deku pulled out two balls, one from a box labeled Heroes and another box labeled Villains.

"The first two team are...these teams!"

Deku pulled out the letter D and C. The worst part is that Team C was Haru and Asahi. I had to go against Haru. Sakura and I were Heroes and Sato and Asahi were the Villains.

Deku told us how things worked and gave us the tape.

"We should go to our places." I suggested.

Sakura nodded.


The battles began.

"Let's go see if we can find them." I suggested.

Sakura followed me. We started looking around the giant maze.

"Shouldn't we guard the weapon?" Asahi asked.

"You can guard it, extra." Haru stormed off.

Haru began looking for me and Sakura. We heard a clang and stopped where we were. We hid behind a corner. Sakura held a key that looked like it had scorpion legs. I held here wrist too signal not to summon anything. Haru dashed behind us. Sakura caught him at the corner of her eye and summoned her spirit.

"Open, gate of the scorpion, Scorpio!"

A golden halo circled around her and Scorpio appeared. The halo disappeared.

"Yo Sakura. How's it going?" Scorpio said.

"Didn't think you could talk, pinkie." Haru said.

"Great, Haru's first I guess." I complained.

"Shut up, Hibiki!"

Haru went straight for Sakura. He started throwing daggers from his fingers. Sakura pulled her whip out. It turned from a normal whip to a blue and yellow magic weapon. She whipped all the daggers away. I used 3% Of OFA and punched Haru in the gut. Haru crashed into a wall. He started laughing.

"Ha! Now you can fight. Then fight me with all your might!"

Haru dashed towards me. Sakura pointed at Haru and Scorpio sent a wave of sand at Haru. Sakura called on another spirit.

"Open, gate of the water bearer, Aquarius!"

The golden halo surrounded her again and Aquarius appeared.

"What do you want, now?" Aquarius asked.

Sakura gave an annoyed look, pointed at Scorpio then at Haru.

"Fine, I'm only doing this becuase Scorpio's my boyfriend."

Aquarius shot me a glare, telling me to stop fighting and get out of the way. I jumped backward.

"Get ready to dieeeeeee!!"

Aquarius threw a wave of water from the jar that she carried. Haru lost his air and was knocked out. We wrapped him in the capture tape and he was out of the match. Scorpio and Aquarius started flirting with each other.

"Oh, what a hunk."

"Come on, baby, let's go."

They disappeared. Sakura held the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"Are your spirits always like this?"

She nodded. Then she said something very quietly.

"They all have...personalities."

"That's interesting."

We found our way up to the weapon. We hid behind a pillar and watched Asahi. He was mumbling about how reckless Haru was. I mean who wouldn't?

"I can...take care of this," Sakura said very quietly. "He's not a very...strong type."

"How do you know that?" I whispered.

"...I read his...file." She answered.

"Um, o-ok. Did you read mine?"

"...My dad is the principal."

"I didn't know that. Doesn't that make him a hero? He's gotta be at least powerful."

"He's very powerful...He trained me."

Sakura walked out quietly. Asahi looked at her.

"Where's your partner, pinkie?" Asahi said rudely.

"Is he always this rude?" I thought to myself.

Sakura pulled out a key.

"Open, gate of the ram, Aries."

Aries was summoned. Pink smoke surrounded her. When the smoke cleared, Asahi's nose started bleeding. A sexy girl was in view.

"I'm sorry, Sakura~chan. I didn't mean to."

Asahi fainted. Sakura wrapped him in the tape and touched the weapon. Sakura was so powerful.

After Sakura touched the weapon, Deku yelled.

"Heroes, Win!"

Haru stormed off after the battler. He was mad that he lost. I was talking to Sakura after our match. She was an interesting figure when it came to fighting.

"Do you only yell when you're summoning?"

She nodded.

"Does your weird halo represent something?"

"It means I'm summoning them."

"Right, stupid question."

I looked her up and down while she drank her cup of water. Her hair was so long, and it looked silky.

"What's your mo-"


I paused.

"Date of birth, 1976. Date of death, 2018."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

She looked at her keys. She counted them.

"One, two...five, six...nine, ten, eleven."

She stopped.

"I'm missing one." She said very softly.

"Missing what?"

"A key."

"How did that happen? They're always stuck on that ring and I'm pretty sure your the only who knows how to get them off. Which key are you missing?"


"Isn't that the ram girl?"

"Mm hmm."

We ran over to Deku, as fast as we could. When we got there, Sakura didn't stop to catch her breath. She tugged on Deku's cape. He bent down to her height and she whispered in his ear.

"I'm afraid we'll have to stop the battle for today. Miss Yamada here lost one of her keys."

"Can't she just summon them?" Haru yelled. "Her quirk is Celestial Spirits. She shouldn't need keys."

"Sato," Deku started. "Miss Yamada needs her keys to summon them. When her quirk appeared, she says that the keys came out of nowhere and the spirits were summoned automatically. She needs them."

Sakura whispered in Deku's ear again.

"And they are part of her family."

Haru scoffed off. Sakura didn't look too happy. She had a frown on her face and was biting her nails. I walked over to her and held her wrist gently.

"Your gonna wreck your nails doing that. I'm just saying."

I pulled her wrist down slowly. When it was at her side, I curled my fingers to wrap hers. It was only the second day and I'm already starting to bring romance down on us!

She hugged my arm. To comfort herself, I think. Her hand was squeezing my own. She was really upset about the key. She was staring at Asahi. I looked at her, at Asahi, then back at her.

"You think Asahi is behind it?"

She didn't answer. She just stared at him for a little longer, then stormed off towards him. I went after her.

"What are you gonna do? We don't know for sure if it's Asahi."

"It's him. I know it's him."

"Well, your instincts aren't always correct."

She just kept walking. She pulled her whip out and cracked it on the ground one time. Asahi looked over at Sakura. He looked scared. Sakura was glaring at him. Once in range, Sakura round-housed Asahi in the stomach, knocking him over. She stomped on his chest. The class looked over and gasped.

"Now, now Sakura," Deku said calmly. "There's no need to beat up other students for your key."

"He took it." She pointed the handle of her whip at Asahi.

"How do you know that?" Deku asked.

"He was the last person I was around during the match."

"Sakura, calm down."

A new voice stepped in. We looked where the voice came from. It was a big buff man, in a black suit and had black hair. It was the principal. He walked toward Sakura. He gently took her off of Asahi's chest. Then he spoke.

"Give my daughter the key, Asahi."