Encounter With A Dangerous Villain

I had set Sakura on the couch in the Commons room. Everyone, and I mean everyone, had sat on the other couch just watching.

"Yooo," Hiro started. "What did you do to her, man?"

"It's not my fault!" I answered. "She just fell."

Then a towel whipped and smacked my face.

"OW!" I yelled.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Naomi yelled.

"What on earth was that for?"

"What do you think, Sherlock?"

Izumi grabbed my ear and looked at me. She had a thoughtful yet scary look on her face. Her green hair was in my face. Then she smiled.

"Hehe, she's fine!" Izumi finally said. "Sakura will be completely fine."

Then she shot another scary look at me.

Sakura sat up while we were talking. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. When she saw everyone she squeaked and grabbed a pillow.

"Hey," Sora exclaimed. "She's awake!"

Sakura threw the pillow at Sora's face and flipped off the couch and behind it. She peeked out over the top.

"Come on, Sakura. These are your classmates. You'll be fine.

"I-its not t-them." She pointed at Sora and gave him an annoyed look. "It's him."

"Moi? Why me?"

One word came out of Sakura's mouth, and everyone heard it.


Sora turned white with a disappointed look on his face. He mumbled in a corner, "It's not my fault your a hottie."

"What do you have against Sora?" Habuto asked.

"Oh, I can explain that," Akira said. "He PURPOSELY fell on top of her and groped her chest."

All eyes went to Sora.

"Daaaamnnnn," Natsu smirked. "No wonder she hates you."

Satsuki smacked the back of Natsu's head. He rubbed where she smack him and gave an awkward smile and chuckled.

Sakura did have big boobs, which was nice. Hey, I'm a perfectly healthy, teenage boy! What boy wouldn't think that's nice?!

"Anyway," I said, ignoring the thought that just crawled through my head. "Now that your awake, I'm gonna turn in."

"O- ok. Goodnight." Sakura said quietly, then hugged me.

After I went up, Sora asked, "Ohhh, can I get a hug too?"

Sakura closed her eyes and dug her elbow into Sora's gut. He curled up in a ball behind the couch and groaned.

I plopped myself on my bed. In my head, I saw Sakura cuddling the pillow like she did on the couch. I couldn't help but blush. She made me feel mushy and warm inside.

Mr. Shinso had an announcement in class that day. We all woke up a little earlier.

'Is it gonna be another pop quiz?' The class thought.

"The sports festival is coming up."

"That's such a normal school thing!" We all yelled.

"Oh, wow! The sports festival?" Hiro yelled.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Yelled Asahi.

"Shut up," said Mr. Shinso. "You all have 2 months to train. So you better push yourself to your limit. Get stronger and work harder. Go beyond..."

The whole class said, "Plus Ultra!"

After school, our class went out to shop. We were all so excited about the sports festival.

We split into groups and wandered about the mall. Sakura and I were all that was left. I stiffened. Sakura looked at me, then pulled away quickly.

"Bye!" And she walked off.

I was now alone. As I walked through the store, I saw someone in a black hoodie. Someone passed in front of him and he was gone. I felt someone's cold fingers wrap around my neck.

"Hey there, Tanaka." A ragged voice said my name. "Why don't we sit down and have a small chat."

I was brought to sit on a fountain. He kept hold on my neck.

"Now don't make any sudden moves now. Once all my fingers touch you, you'll turn to dust starting with your skin."

Turn to dust? I suddenly realized who this person was. Tomura Shigaraki. Leader of the League of Villains. Otherwise known as LOV. What did he want with someone like me? Did he know about One for All?

"Now, listen. You will stay here with me until we're done chatting. If you try to get away, then I'll turn you to ash and dust. That'll cause a panic in this crowd, won't it?"

I gulped. Tomura Shigaraki. He's been Deku's enemy for years. Now he wants me. He wants One for All, doesn't he?


Sakura ran off to a random part of the store, flushed. She held her cheeks to cover the pink she was showing.

'I can believe I ran away like that!' She thought. 'This is so terrible! He's alone now. He must feel so sad! I need to go back!'

Sakura was in her way when she saw through the crowd who I was sitting with.

'Who's that? Hibiki looks scared.'

She walked s little closer before realizing it was Tomura Shigaraki. She shakily pulled her keys out. I saw her through the crowd and shook my head as much as I could, but with Shigaraki threatening me, I couldn't do it much. She got the memo but bobbed her head up and down. I could do anything.

She walked over with her keys being her back. "Hibiki," She started. "W- who is this?"

I widened my eyes. Not only did she ignore me, she was risking basically her life.

To my surprise, Shigaraki let go of my neck and put his palms up. I gasped for air and felt relief wash over me. "Sorry about that," He said, smiling. "I'm just an old friend from a while ago. We were just having a little chat and catching up."

"O- ok. Nice to meet you."

Shigaraki whispered on my ear before leaving. "Don't forget."

Sakura put her keys away. She let out a breath she must've been holding. "Was that," She lowered her voice. "Tomura Shigagraki?"

I nodded, briefly. We could've died that day. Thanks to Sakura, we made it out alive. What had me concerned was what he wanted to talk about. He wanted me to join them. First that weird voice in the alleyway last year, and now LOV. Why did they want me to join them. Were they working together?

We were able to go back to the dorms after Shigaraki. We all wanted to sleep for an early day of training. Tomorrow would be Saturday, so everyone would be getting stronger for the sports festival.