Get Ready For The Sports Festival

(One and a half months later)

"Uwaaaa! I'm so nervous!" Izumi waved her arms around. "All these famous heroes will be at the stadium tomorrow!"

"They'll be here for security reasons," Shinichi stated. "Rumor has it that a new villain has been going around killing people."

The girls shivered.

"Yea," Hiro agreed. "People say that they kill people slowly and painfully."

"And worst of all," Kai continued. "After you die, they take all your intestines and they sell them off the black market!"

"Waaaaaa!!!" The girls screamed.

"Your all such wimps." Satsuki crossed her arms. "It's just a rumor. It might not even be true."

I laughed at this small argument. Tomorrow was the sports festival. I could now use OFA at 8% without breaking anything. Deku had told me when he competed, he broke his arm and all his fingers. It made me feel uncomfortable. He also said that he hadn't understood OFA as well as I did.

"I heard the teachers are planning to let us do internships with the pros," Habuto said. "That's why they hold the sports festival. Heroes watch and if they think that we're good enough, they ask to mentor students that competed."

"Ha! I'll have the most heroes after me!" Haru yelled. "I'm gonna be number one! I'll end up above everyone else! HAHAHA!"

Haru opened the door to find another class outside. It was class 1-D.

"Hey! Look!" A blond boy yelled. "It's the jerk that says he's going to win! Are you sure about that? We may be from the supportive course but we can still kick your ass!"

"Monama!" A red-headed girl smacked the boy, known as Monama, in the head. "It's already bad enough as it is. The whole damn class is in on it."

Sasori Monama. He hates and envies class 1-B. I think it's because we have so many overconfident and rude people. Like Haru. Although, our students were the top examinees from the entrance exam. I would be jealous of us as well if I was in his position.

Monama pushed through the crowd. "Just becuase you think you're the best doesn't mean you'll win!" Monama poked Haru's chest. "Your all stronger than us but students like us, from the support course, have our ways! We'll get into the top 10 AT LEAST!"

A hand smacked Monama on the neck. he fell and a girl caught him by the collar. It was the redhead. "I'm Ami Sasaki. Sorry about that. They're all jealous of you guys. That just means more work for me." She glared at her classmates. They shuddered and backed away a step.

'She's like their big sister.' Our class thought, scared.

"But still," She continued. "We all a little envy over you. We're going to win. After the sports festival, why don't we call it a truce. May the best class win."

1-D walked off back to their class. Everyone was confused.

"Whaaat did we do?" Hitomi asked.

"I'm not entirely sure," Shinichi answered. "But one things for sure is that we're gonna win!"

"YEA!" The class shouted.

"Who's up for pizza tonight?" Ayame asked.

"Hell yea!"

"Let's give it our all tomorrow! We're gonna win this thing!"

Shinso was right outside the Commons, listening to us cheer.

'It's just like when we were in school, Right Aizawa?'

We partied till ten at night. We were determined to win. Heroes around Japan would be watching us and take us in as interns. We were prepared. We were ready to win.