Last time:
Akio who already knew of the girl's suffering still had his heart moved. He already planned to help with this girl's problems the moment he arrived in Tortus. Turning around he saw his lovers were all looking at the girl with sad eyes, they may have grown to a point where they could not go around helping every person with a sob story they see but they still were affected by the guts of the girl in front of them. They all looked at him with calmness ready to accept whatever he chose however a hint of unease could be felt. Akio simply smiled before turning to Shea, he patted her on the head making her look up at him. "Lead the way." He spoke with a smile making the young rabbit girl stare at him like he was the light of her life. Still, she spoke, "Thank you!"
Even if Akio said to lead the way he knew it would take too long to walk there. Instead, he simply flew up and with his enhanced vision looked around for the forest. When he spotted it he made a portal to it and ushered everyone in. When they went through the portal they were greeted by endless trees, making them think the name 'Sea of trees' was fitting.
"Now lead the way" Akio repeated his earlier words, and was met with a nod from Shea. She started running in a certain direction and after a while of following her, they finally came to the scene of a bunch of rabbit-man slowly walking through the forest. They all looked extremely malnourished, their arms and legs as skinny as bones. When they noticed the presence of the group they all jumped in surprise before calming down after noticing Shea. A man with dark blue hair and a beard approached. The man looked like would snap in half at the slightest breeze.
When he arrived in front of Shea he hugged her. "I'm glad your safe Shea we were worried." The man spoke relief evident in his voice. "Hmph, I told you I'd be fine, and look I brought help," Shea spoke in a tone as if there was doubt and Cam finally took notice of the group behind Shea. He let go of Shea before taking a few steps back. "Humans!", Cam was terrified at the sight of the group of people. They were on their own now and completely defenseless against anyone who wished them harm.
"It's fine, remember the group I said I saw with my ability, it's them they can save us." With his daughter vouching for them Cam lowered his guard a little. With that, Akio stepped up in front of Cam before he introduced him and his group. Cam followed suit not wanting to anger Akio.
Akio expressed his willingness to help the group as a favor to Shea, something Cam was more than ecstatic about. Truthfully Akio didn't want to go through the pain of training them like in the original and looked for a different option.
(This is probably a good time to tell you this, there is a way to do this without a training montage.)
Akio suddenly heard the familiar voice of Ava in his mind. 'How?'
(Well it relates to how you ascend to being a true God. There are two main ways of achieving true godhood and those are either by gaining complete control over a concept(s) or appearing through faith and belief.
'Interesting so which are you?'
(If I had to say I am neither, I was the first-ever being to come into existence spontaneously. With the power, I had since when I first gained consciousness I eventually created all there is, which includes concepts. Other beings started appearing after that but none had the same power as I did. Eventually, they started mastering those same concepts I created and used them to do different things. I was interested in what they were doing and decided to see how far they would go. I created the concept of creation, although it was nowhere near the level of my ability. They created many things keeping me interested including lower life forms such as humans etc. They made whole worlds and a multiverse that these lower beings would inhabit. Eventually, those same beings looking for a reason for their creation started making theories. Those theories gave rise to religion and faith, and if that faith was strong enough, it would create new gods that were the very image of what those beings prayed to. Still, those newly created gods were nowhere near as strong as those that spontaneously appeared as they were technically their indirect creation. Hmm, seems I got a little off the topic.)
'No that was rather useful information so which do I fall into'
(You are not limited to just one category. If a God born through religion was thought to be the reason for a concept like time, that God although not having full control over the concept will still have a small control of it. Your mastery over the concept of infinity is at 91% meaning you are pretty close to reaching the status of 'True God' but that doesn't mean you can't make your own faith. Take Ehit as an example, although the idiot is nowhere near being a 'True God' he has managed to gain divinity because of the faith of the people of Tortus. He was not born through faith but still gained along the way. This means that his personality was not shaped by the people who created him allowing him to do whatever he wants even if it was unrelated to what the people think he represents.)
'So, what is divinity then?'
(Remember the anime 'Danmachi', think of it like that, the god's divinity relates to what they're known for. As an example, Hephaestus is the Goddess of smithing so her divinity is related to smithing and her personality was made by what people thought a goddess of smithing would be like. Think of it simply as a specific authority/power gained through faith.)
'I understand so back to the original topic, so basically, I can create a religion and gain faith through followers, correct?'
(Exactly, also you can give out your blessing to people you deem worthy of it.)
'Wait I can make a blessing?'
(Yes, think of it like your skill that allows you to give others a temporary power boost. You can make that permanent by making it a blessing.)
'And how do I do that?'
(I'll walk you through it first you need to establish what you want your blessing to do.)
Akio spent time thinking. He wanted to above all allow the people he blesses to get a massive boost in physical and mental strength. With that as his main goal, he waited for Ava to explain the next part.
(Great, now you need a way to make that into a skill, and the quickest way to do that is manually doing it once. Do this part extremely carefully, remember the feeling of using mana, and dig deeper. Feel for the very essence of your being, it should be pretty easy for you, you did remain as just a soul for 100,000,000 years.)
'I think I found it, damn that's bright.'
(Fufu, yes it is. Now very carefully tear off a very small amount of it, it could even be a single atom you just need something to place in the one you're giving your blessing to, to establish a connection.)
Akio followed Ava's guidance slowly ripping out the smallest piece of his soul he could.
(Great, now imagine yourself holding that piece and think of endowing it with what you want your blessing to be.)
Akio followed her words and slowly a microscopic glowing spec was in the palm of his hand. He then thought of endowing it to which it started to glow brighter.
(Great, now take that to the person you want to bless and imagine merging it with their soul.)
Akio looked up at the people around him, it seemed to them like he was just standing there staring at nothing for a long time. "Ah sorry I was just in thought, Shea come here, please," Akio called out to Shea reassuring everyone that everything was fine. When Shea approached Akio put his hand on her hair between her two ears. Her face grew red from the action and she was about to say something but was stopped when she felt a change deep inside her. She felt a connection to Akio on a spiritual level as if he was giving her power.
She also felt a change in her body, like she was an entirely new person. A feeling she found herself enjoying, it was like a momentary feeling of omnipotence like she could do anything. She basked in the feeling for a while before it disappeared. Still, she felt incomparably stronger than she was previously.
{Congratulations, the skill [Power sharing(X rank)] has evolved into [Blessing] skill name can be changed at any time.} (A/N: I know just calling it [b
Blessing] is pretty bland, leave a comment on what you think I should name it.)
(A/N: Another chapter to make up for the one I missed yesterday. This was just a giant info dump, the example with Danmachi and Ehit is AU as I'm not entirely sure if that's how it works in the original. Please tell me if there are any inconsistencies with what I said, and please don't flame me in the comments because I made a mistake, nice criticism, please. Your boy Akio is growing in power I wonder what the revelation of faith boosting his power will do for him. 🤔 Good night.)
Ps: If you guys have any suggestions for the name of the blessing please leave a comment.