1 month later…
A lone figure with white hair and golden eyes floats in deep space.
This figure, Akio, had his concentration fully on the planets and stars around him.
He was currently using his barrier to observe everything around him. He could see every atom of every planet, star, or anything else that so happened to be in his barrier.
It had gotten to a level where he could see it all almost instantly.
Still, this wouldn't be the hardest part as currently, he was only seeing the present.
It With even more concentration Akio uses his concept of time encompassing the entire barrier. Instantly, a seemingly infinite amount of information constantly flooded his head.
He was seeing an infinite amount of outcomes of what would happen to the space and what could have happened.
The entire possible history, present, and future of the space was entirely his to control and observe.
He felt no discomfort with this process and at this point, it just felt natural.
Over the month Akio had not only been training with Chronois but also working on his omniscience. After he was able to get rid of the weirdness of the feeling it seemed that there was no limit to how much he could take. After all his infinity did affect his mind.
A grin formed on Akio as he realized he could now finally move on to the next part of his plan.
Similar to how he used his infinity Akio spread his void, throughout his whole body.
The result...
Akio completely disappeared and was replaced with nothing. It was as if he was erased from existence itself.
That thought may have remained if not for moments later when suddenly everything vanished just as Akio himself did.
There now existed nothing in the space but void.
That lasted for a few seconds before suddenly everything in the space seemingly returned. The planets the stars everything returned as if it hadn't disappeared in the first place.
That was until yet again moments later everything yet again disappeared. This time however it wasn't just the space Akio's barrier was before. No, the entire universe that space was a part of disappeared completely.
It didn't matter if one time traveled to the past or future everything was gone as if it hadn't been created in the first place.
In that place that was now completely empty, Akio materialized back into existence. His face morphed into a huge grin as he felt an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment overcome him.
With his evolution, he had become an 'Infinite Void Dragon God'. (AN: I know cringe but I can't think of anything better.)
With this evolution, his existence had somewhat merged with the void giving him complete access to anywhere the void existed or once existed.
With that same process, he could quite literally change the information of anything that existed into the void, effectively erasing them from existence.
With his now mastered Time-Space concept that erasure could be applied to the past, present, and future and across all parallel timelines of whatever he was erasing.
His body had become completely self-sufficient and could exist even without magic.
On top of that, his concepts had become something of the passive ability. This was made clear by the fact that Akio was now completely Omniscient or at least Nigh-omniscient.
Alas, he wasn't truly all-powerful as his soul could be instantly destroyed faster than he could erase that person. Put frankly he wasn't absolute.
He was sure he wasn't the only one with access to the concept of void or any of the others he now had. Although, it did put him at a higher level.
It is best to take note that the universe Akio erased held no life and was something created with a snap from Ava.
"WOAH, so cool!"
Two excited voices rang out through the dining room.
The first girl was Myu who hadn't changed much in the past month.
The other was Aimi who unlike her sister had changed. Aimi had grown into the body of a 5-year-old and was quickly catching up to Myu.
She was not the only one to grow however as if one was to look around they would see that the girls who were pregnant were all starting to show.
Akio to celebrate his achievement had decided to cook dinner hibachi style.
The group quite liked the performance, especially Myu and Aimi who were now wearing chef hats while playing around with the utensils trying to mimic Akio's earlier actions.
Akio just smiled as he watched the two slamming the utensils together in an attempt to make the food fly in the direction of their parent's mouths.
The result...
A bunch of sliced zucchini lay on the floor.
When dinner was over Akio made the two clean the floor of their mess before they ran off to play before bedtime.
Akio on the other hand followed after the girls who were going toward the bath.
These were the girls that Akio considered to be his wives or mistresses only a month prior.
Now, however, that list included Fate, Akane, Ophis, Gabriel, Rose, and Albion.
Fate on the last day of his training had taken him in front of Ava where she directly requested her approval.
As laid back as Fate was she still did not want to do anything that went against her master. That included changing the relationship between herself and Akio behind her back.
Ava seeing the determined look on Fate's face had simply said, "If I didn't want this to happen I would've taught him myself."
Hearing those words Fate could only smile before giving her creator a hug ignoring their relationship as master and subordinate.
Soon after Fate had run back to Akio and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him while at the same time teleporting them.
In the end, the place they arrived was the same as where they had spent most of their time. On a cushion floating over Kuoh.
The two while keeping the passion cloaked themselves with magic before fully indulging in each other's bodies.
Ophis one day while in the bath alone with Akio and Akane had simply pounced on him, her lips meeting his.
Akio initially wanted to stop her as he was sure she was acting out of curiosity but upon seeing the blush on her face he knew she was absolutely serious.
From there, they continued their exchange until Akane who had been rubbing her legs together had complained and soon enough she joined.
The pleasure the three felt was on another level from what they thought possible. Perhaps because of something similar to what they had experienced in Kyoto tower.
Gabriel on the other hand remained as innocent as always. Akio had to directly attack her before she was finally able to truly understand her feelings.
That 'attack' also seemed to open up another side to her as she now was occupying his bed more than any of his other wives.
Weirdest of all was the fact that Michael and the other two Seraphs had asked if they should consider Gabriel their mother, something Akio had to quite literally beat out of their minds.
Albion and Rose had both been aiming for Akio from the start and as soon as they were recognized as worthy by his wives they made their move.
Their love and devotion for him were made clear as they surrendered everything to him letting him do as he pleased with their bodies.
In the end, Fate, Akane, Ophis, and Gabriel had gladly accepted a ring while Rose and Albion were more than content with settling as his mistress. They quite liked the idea of their master taking them anytime he so chose to.
As soon as the group entered the bath the group undressed as usual before making their way to the shower to wash up.
If they there were something strange about this however it would be the two people who were washing Yue as well as the silver-haired girl who was washing Akio.
Sometime in the past month, Akio brought Yue to Romania where she was given a tour of the Tepes faction.
Seeing the resemblance to her former kingdom Yue couldn't help but tear up a bit.
As the tour continued she soon learned of the war going on between the two factions, albeit stopped because of Akio.
After Akio had told her she could do what she wanted it took only a day for her to completely take over both factions. Her methods were questionable as she on more than one occasion did the equivalent of brainwashing.
In the end, however, she yet again returned to being a queen although she left Valeri for the actual duties soon after. She would not allow herself to miss out on her time with Akio for something like work.
Sometime later she appointed Valeri and another girl named Elmenhilde as her personal attendants. In the end, however, the two ended up helping her while she was pregnant as Akio for some reason thought that any sort of minor physical movement would cause the baby harm.
(AN: AGED-UP CHARACTERS they are both now over the age of 18, don't insult me in the comments.)
Alas, her infinite love for her husband simply made it so his illogical worries seemed cute instead of ridiculous.
The other woman who was now washing Akio's body was Grayfia Lucifuge.
She was someone even Lyu who was an excellent made had to pay respect. Over the month her maid power had completely risen to a whole new level as she now openly completed with the other maids on who could service their master the best. She managed to make the other three concede however Lyu proved difficult.
Still, she persisted.
The two's maid power only continued to grow to a level where Akio thought they could read his mind the way they did everything he wanted without even having to ask for it.
Soon enough the washing was done and as always Akio was the first one to go to the bath.
As soon as this was seen two girls snapped their attention towards him.
These two Yue and Ophis immediately disappeared from position trying to claim the most luxurious seat in existence, Akio's lap.
However just as they disappeared they reappeared in the same location as they stood in confusion.
Looking back at Akio they saw a girl firmly sitting on his lap with her arms wrapped around him.
The two upon seeing who it was gave up hope of claiming the seat as they knew it was pointless when Ava herself was involved.
Akio upon seeing the goddess who was now acting like a Koala only chuckled knowing the reason.
(You are lucky, I didn't pounce on you sooner. Such a big accomplishment how could I not?) Ava spoke directly to his brain as she dug herself further into his chest, not wanting to lose a single atom of his existence.
Akio could feel the various emotions flowing from Ava. Relief, lust, love, desire, obsession, and even one that he didn't expect, fear.
Akio had on multiple occasions questioned the true reason why Ava had done what she did. Simple curiosity simply wasn't enough of a driving force.
There was also how fast she seemingly fell for him. Somewhere in his heart, he knew it was obscured. Though he tried to shake it off as him fearing her leaving over time he started to think more about it.
The conclusion he came up with... Get stronger.
One truth he absolutely knew for certain was that Ava wanted him to get to her level. He was sure at that point he would be able to pry open all her secrets.
Until then all he could do was wait. Ava herself was aware he was skeptical but did nothing about it instead ignoring all the thoughts related to it.
'Big accomplishment huh?' Akio thought.
(Slight R-18 warning)
(Nn, ah I've been waiting all day, husband please.)
Ava moaned as she rubbed herself against his manhood.
Her wet pussy lips opened and enveloped his dick.
Akio seeing the need plastered on her face smiled before immediately grabbing onto her hips as he pulled her closer to him locking her in place just at the tip of his dick.
As a result her chest also followed allowing her decently sized chest to hit against his own.
Akio could feel her pink erect nipples against him as he seized her lips and immediately started to battle with her tongue.
Ava offered no resistance giving herself completely to her husband.
As the kiss continued Akio raised the hips the was still holding high enough so that he could fully plunge himself into her dripping cave.
Moans quickly escaped her mouth loud enough that the whole bath heard it.
Still, nobody reacted already use to hearing those moans all throughout the day. Instead, they stared in admiration at the two impossibly attractive people going at it. It truly looked like art.
Soon Akio's thrust had started to turn into a blur as he was now moving at the speed of sound. Every one of his thrusts knocked against Ava's cervix as she cried out in bliss.
"Nn, I LOVE YOU HUSBAND." She couldn't help but scream her love as she reached her first climax.
Just after Akio also reached his first climax he stopped as he noticed that the water had been evaporated multiple times and Remia had to replenish it.
After the two settled down with Ava resting her head against his arm to his side, Tio and Lyu immediately came over.
The two with perverted smiles on their face immediately plunged face first into the water. Soon enough Akio's hands also made their way underwater as he guided the two as controlled the two heads exactly as they wanted him to.
Like that the group enjoyed the last few minutes of their bath as Akio was busy getting blown by Lyu and Tio.
(AN: Please, please, please recommend some names for Mc's children.
Perhaps one more time skip before world hopping. At this point, Akio is stronger than even Rimuru at the end of WN and put in vs battle wiki tiering system should be at 2-A. This novel was never one where MC was being challenged and something I made for my enjoyment. Please remember this before commenting something about Mc being too weak.
Also, started to introduce some of the mystery behind Ava.
Last thing, my other fic 'Limit Breaker System' will be rewritten completely. I will be trying my hardest to make it something as enjoyable as possible, meaning a slow growth to power with fun concepts.
It will be a harem but I am absolutely keeping it below 7-8 members.
It will be a lot slower-paced compared to this one which I again, am writing for my amusement.)