Prisoner Escaped!

The midnight moon was hanging high in the sky. However, there was no evidence of sleep in my eyes. Fluctuation in my daily schedule could be the reason for that. Waking up in the dark and going back to bed with the first ray of sun. Following the night creature's schedule, what the heck was I doing?

The cold gust of wind seeping into the room through the small window in my room was not enough. 

The four walls of the room were getting closer and closer, trapping me within. I started feeling claustrophobic.

It had been over three weeks since I was locked here; however, no one came to rescue me. I knew they were not to be blamed here. It was all my fault that they didn't know about my whereabouts. If I didn't run away from the pack in the first place nothing would have happened to me. I would be safe under my territory and probably be happy.