I Bought A Friend With Me.

I couldn't contain my smile. I was happy imagining the look she wore on her face when she found out to my surprise.

Surprise right.

Last night when I was in her room I realised that it needs an upgrade since she decided to stay here with me. I made some efforts to show my devotion as well.

I arranged the room next to me and made sure that she liked it. How did I know what she likes? Well I did not know a thing about her more than the information on paper but her personal maid Lucy did know more about her. At least more than I did. 

So I signed her up to make sure that her master liked the arrangement and could not refuse it. 

I was planning to stay there and wait for her to see her new room but I had some work to finish which I couldn't wait. 

Unfortunately I missed to watch that surprise look on her face. However it did not mean I could not imagine that in my fantasy.