Chapter 16: The Trails of Gage

Tessenia started to work back at the office Monday and Gage was in full plan to win her back the way he did before. The arrangement of multicolored rose on her desk. The edible arrangement of strawberries both regular and the white chocolate dipped her favorite. Her blended cappuccino was on her desk on a coaster waiting for her. Lincoln looking at her. "He may have acted like a dick but the brotha got game boss." Laughing his way back to his office. Reading the Yoda note. 'Sorry I am. Idiot I am. Love you I do.' Smiling to herself. "Yes, he certainly does." 'Too bad he deserves better.' Placing the card in her drawer her friends came in and out eating her gifts. The day went by pretty good.

Finally getting to the door after the loud non stop banging he was irritated. "WHAT! What the hell you doing here?" Leaving him in shock the rest of the group of men came around into view to see who had the balls to knock on Angelo's door like that. "I want to go through the trails." Gage told him flatly. "I'm sorry I couldn't hear you over all the crazy crap that just came out of your mouth." "I want to go through the trails." "Why the hell would you want to do that? DO you even understand what your asking or what those are?" Tio Eddie asked him looking at the boy in front of him even he loves as a son. "I do Tio. Well somewhat." "Get in." Angelo told him with a heavy sigh.

"Hey guys." Gage told Jaxon, Hunter, Dre', Kane the rest of the group of men looking at him like he was crazy who nodded a hello back. "I went to her and we talked things out. I want her back and she's fighting me on it thinking I don't need her and all this other crap about how I could go off and be regular guy. I don't want to be a regular guy. I just want her. So if I can prove to her that I can do this and be apart of this, than she will be willing to take me back. Angelo I know I fucked up; I won't let her go. At least not without one hell of a fucking fight." "You really think you can go through the trails man? Those are not easy. Hell some of us barely got by." Hunter told him scratching the back of his head.

"Alright fine. I will give you the trails. All you men will bare witness. I am still Don. I grant you permission to prove your worth to the Familia. We are not responsible for whatever happens to you in them. You will be alone in most of them and you will have a team in some should you hurt or cross them in the trail you will be punished in a very painful way do you understand me?" Angelo told him. "Yes sir. When do we start?" "Right now. Get in the car." "Seriously?" "You have less time to get these done and my reign is damn near over you want this or not?" "Let's go." Gage told him hopping in the car.

Getting out Gage was confused. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" Looking to Vince, Ace and Axel. "Dre' texted us the address to watch you get your ass kicked. Ain't no way we missing that." Axel told him laughing. Vince brought out snacks and Ace brought out drinks. "What the hell is that?" Vince asked looking at the long obstacle course. "This is a design your woman drew up when she was in the orphanage Angelo made it and now every soldier has to pass going through it without making a mistake, falling and with in the time frame." Jaxon told him smiling. "Why are they here?" Gage asked looking at Dimitri, Nico, Tony and a few others he hasn't met yet.

"They are other Dons in town early it is tradition for them to be invited or too watch or use the training grounds. Which is where we are. Gage this is where we train my soldiers." Angelo told him looking back with his arms spread openly. The space was incredible weapons of every origin known to man people welding them like it was a third arm. Gun ranges, archery, track field. Everything you could ever think of was here. Getting through the wall and barbed wire fence it seemed like he was actually getting tested to be a soldier. "That thing looks like if American ninja and the beast had an ugly psychotic baby that's what it would be. Good luck cuz." Axel told them sitting down.

Gage glared to Dimitri who glared back. "What time do I have to beat?" "Ten minutes. It was the fastest and no one has come close yet." "Who's time was it?" Ace called out. "Tessa." "Tess." Gage and Dre' answered at the same time. Gage already knew he would have to beat the best times on everything and he knew exactly who that would be. Gage nodded to Tony who pressed the go buzzer and timer on the wall. Taking a deep breath he took off like a bat out of hell. Running up and over the wall. Sliding under the rotating pop ups that are designed to knock you out. Jumping over the water pit. Crawling under the fence. He got a harness and got himself in and climbed a wooden pole using two blades where he would connect a safety line to cross the tight rope after disconnecting he had to hop on small poles a good thirty feet in the air. No safety nets, but there was a deep end of water to catch your fall.

After making this way across that he got on a zip line and had to dodge the fake bullets and arrows watchers got to shoot at him. The fake bullets had the effects of getting shot by a real bullet but only left a welt on your skin and the pain in your nerves. The arrows were small and had some of the numbing effects to help your body fail in the test. Soon as he hopped off and disconnected and started to run hopping up huge steps still avoiding getting hit by the flying dangers around him and the pop ups to toss him up and off the course he finally got up and slammed the button. Looking up behind him he let out a huge breath not being able to believe the time on the screen. Nine and a half minutes. Barely beating his angels time. Angelo looking down at him with pride.

"Not bad kid. You know Tess got hit six times when she finished at ten minutes. I would love to see you both go at this at the same time." Angelo said looking at him rubbing his hands down on his face. "Get up you got one more drill tonight. Since were so short on time, also you will have to take a test it's three hundred questions." "What kind of questions." "Well you need to prove you are educated. You are not taking trails to be apart of the mafia like a common soldier. Oh no kid your taking one to prove you can be in the higher ups. That test is up to three hours. Covering science, history, math, computer science, geography, wood work, mechanics, welding, auto repairs, things like that. We pulled the languages one so that took off over a hundred questions including to write three essays in three different languages. Seeing as they can't relate to you. Now let's get to the next drill before you take your test." Gage's face dropped man the higher ups aint fucking around.

Walking into a the front entrance of the huge building. He saw The other Dons dressing up in gear. "Alright now y'all I know you weren't expecting this so your welcome I guess." Tio Eddie told them as they were all smiling. "Gage all these men get to participate in this part. This is what's going to happen. There are six color teams. Blue, which is yours, Green which is Dimitri, Yellow which is Nico, Purple which is Jaxon, Black which is Angelo and Red which is Tobias. Nico is the German Don and Tobias will be becoming the new Swedish Don after the Tessa's ceremony. Now your goal is to get and claim the flash drive USB before anyone else without getting shot. These bullets will feel like the real thing and leave the welt. However there is one advantage. You get one other color as an Alliance you can not hit your alliance if your alliance wins you also win. You just have to stay alive until the game ends. However if you really want to pass you could get it before anyone else. Also you have to deactivate the hidden bomb." Eddie told him as Gage eyes went open wide.

"OK so deactivate the bomb get the flash drive don't hit someone who is on my team or my alliance's team and I can't hit someone who is already out. The person who is out can't hit me either right?" "No one hit is allowed to hit someone who is still in play the consequence for that is your whole team and you get to shoot the shooter. So now pull a piece of paper from the hat and that will be your alliance. "Purple." Gage said looking at Jaxon who just winked at him. "Black." Dimitri said with a smile looking at Angelo. "Such a shame on that one. I really was looking forward to shooting you." Angelo growled to Dimitri. "Still mad I see. I can't apologize anymore than I have." "I don't care about your apologies boy. I just want to shoot you." Angelo growled walking away tohis team.

"That means I'm with Nico." Tobias said walking over to his color. "I'm shocked you're not running your own team." Gage said buckling in to the gear to Antonio. "Yeah Jaxon covering for me we all think you need the help. You need as much back up as you can get. I know me having feelings for your girl puts us in awkward spot but I have kept my Don word and respected you both in you choices. However Dimitri is a slime ball and will do all he can to get you out of here. Tessenia turned me down and I made my peace with that. I will not let this little fuck wit, fuck with our girl anymore than he already has. Not going to lie Brooks most men here are going to be making a B-line to you and D since you both hurt our future Donna. It's my job to play your second in this today." Tony told him looking him dead in the eye.

"Well thank you. I appreciate that I really do. I can see why she's close to you, you know. You're a very honorable man. Alright so what's this bag?" Gage asked as they all got him familiar with the weapons. "That's the tech bag see not a lot of Dons and soldiers ever use that none of us trying to be like hackers and such you know it's rarely used. We just grab some helpful things in it." "Is this building eight floors or ten?" "Eight." "Are they all on a CCTV?" "Well it's disabled but yes. No one ever put it together." "Hmm. Alright guys gather in." "Are they really going to be apart of this?" Eric asked in confusion looking at Vince, Ace and Axel. "Angelo said it was cool." "Yeah because if you win your in this family. Do you understand that since you will not be higher us you don't require much testing. Other than this because it hits sparing, guns, knifes, arrows like everything. Are you ready for that?" Tony asked them to make sure they knew what they were doing.

"This is my blood, if he this is what eh got to do to get the life that will make him happy. Than this is what I'm going to do. We ride or die cousins. What's the plan?" Axel asked looking at all them men who nodded to him with a smile and respect looking at the other two. "We all for one and one for all." Vince shrugged scratching the back of his head. Ace just nodding along with it. "Well this is what's going to happen." After a about thirty minutes of prep time it was time for the game to start. Angelo looking at Gage not surprised to see a bunch of gadgets connected to him and his men. Jaxon smiling knowing just how well this could go one man from each team is being chosen to try to search and deactivate the bomb. The team that gets it done first the whole building will buzz with the teams color and it will stay on each floor at the openings that the bomb with the color of the people who got it off. If not one finds or gets it everyone has forty minutes to get in and get out before everyone gets killed; or in this case sprayed with water.

Every group has to start on different sections of the building none of them close to their alliance teams. Gage had managed to get the CCTV connecting to everyone's wrist guards like a small tablet that covers half their fore arm comfortably. Now they have a map of the whole building and where everyone is. Taking out the little device he found in the bag he sets it up quietly while his men covered him and connected it to the computer in the first office. The men were shocked when it gave off clues about where the bomb and the USB there were only two floors it could be the sixth floor and the third. Which meant the bomb was on one of those was well. "Alright we move up each floor in five minute intervals we do what we have to get to level three since the building is a big circle you guys will go that way and we will go this way to cover our ground quicker and not get captured at once also this will help pin the enemy down if they get us first. Go." They split and went around. Once they first floor was clear Gage nodded and they all got out their little wires and harness.

Gage gave a nod as they all went out the fire escape. All his men followed suit you could hear a bunch of men yelling and crying out in the pain Tobias team was getting gunned down by Angelo bad. Gage's men were still all secretly and well hidden until they got to the third floor. He signaled to the other team to get up to the sixth floor and keep area clear and stayed hidden using their tablets to watch where everyone was. Gage, Tony, Eric and Axel went in the third floor. After about three minutes of searching and connecting to the clues from the computers on the first floor, he dropped himself into a hidden vent Tony followed, as the other two guarded and kept watch. After the third turn they found an opening they could stand in another room.

Hearing foot steps of the yellow team bands on their vests. Gage and Tony didn't waste a second with their silencers shooting the six men down crying gout in pain. "We're out. Good luck." They waved off. Not being able to speak anymore to their team they went down the elevator to wait outside. "They were cutting time in half at the twenty minute mark. Gage opened up the device and started looking around the wires remembering everything he learned about this type of thing an dalso keeping in mind these people like to throw curve balls he decided to cut the wrong wires connect them to different sections. Which he than connected to a special hand held remote. Which no one noticed he slowly hid small censors through out the walls and inside the walls. Once the fake device showed it was no longer connected to the original system the buzz went off immediately with the beautiful dark blue light all through it.

Angelo, Eddie, Jaxon and half the guys were smiling knowing only person who would do it on their team. Going back to his original plan sneaking back out the four shooting and taking down the black and red teams. Their wasn't much of them left yellow was already out. Half of green still stood. Once they safely made their way back to the outside wall still climbing it he got into the sixth floor and the second he got in he had his gun nose to barrel just like his opponent. Smiling brightly to him. "Was wondering where you was at?" Jaxon smirked turning to him and going around. I got this side." Nodding he took the other side after studying the map he realized he was never going to find this damn flash drive in the obvious places. The clues in the computer stated the man who stole it did it for his family his sick wife.

His sick wife who loved to read. "Why aren't we going to like the bedrooms, or the study or den?" Ace asked. "That's because everyone else is there the man who stole it wouldn't put in the places he would go, only the places she would be. We're going to the library." Gage said every one on his six over half his team got taken out as Tobias went down to. The indicator on their watches showed red and yellow off the grid now. Only a few colors of Black like three and two of the green were left to look for Jaxon had half his team and now so did Gage. Gage had the most. Not only had the most shielded his team along the way keeping them alive pushing them out of the way. Tony was proud. "Alright. Jaxon look behind the paintings of his wife. Eric look in the frames, Axel look in the desk. Vince, Dre', Hunter, Lincoln, Ace and Kane keep look out from the doors and windows." Gage told them going to the shelves and scrolling through every book that fit the field of something his wife would have liked that matched their love story.

After opening up Pride and Prejudice he got it, put it in his pocket and called everyone in to get out the building the same way they got up it. They were all quiet until just Tony and Gage were left to get out this time they all used a zip line to get down quicker. The time was thirty minutes in. When the door busted open and Angelo, Eddie, Keith came in. Along with Eli and Dimitri. Tony and Gage both hit Eddie, Keith and Eli in the chest. Before Dimitri shot Tony Gage shoved him outside as he was still connected to the zip line cutting the line the second he got half way so neither Angelo nor Dimitri could get him.

"I have to say you moved smart and faster than I thought you would and you protected your men the whole time. You played smart and brave I am proud of you. So tell you what you give me the USB and I won't shoot you." Angelo told him. "You win without the big win." He added. "I'm sorry Don Angelo but I am not that stupid. You can just as easily shoot me and take it. I will not betray my men by getting this far just to betray them and give into you now." "You really are a smart boy. SO quick to see the obvious tests in front of you. That's the nerd side of you coming out I believe." Dimitri told him gun still pointed to him.

"You never fail to impress me Brooks. It's over though. Like you said nothing is keeping me from shooting you and winning." Angelo told him. Keith and Eddie still just watching in the corner. "That is true nothing but this." Gage told him smiling holding up the little remote control. "What the hell is that?" Dimitri was curious. "Well when Tony told me no one ever goes to the nerd bag." He said glaring at Dimitri. "I took it upon myself to be the first one. I dismantled the bomb connecting them to a shit ton of censors that will trigger like a bunch of other bombs while the main bomb is still in my play its now on my trigger and not the main system. If for any reason I let go of this clutch the whole place blows. Metaphorically speaking. I placed them all over every floor inside the walls and out. There is chance of you leaving here unscathed. So now either you put down your weapons and back off or you die with me." Gage told them with a smirk.

"You're bluffing." Dimitri told him in anger. "One way to find out." Being so close to the window he jumped out throwing the device at them. Shooting Dimitri in the process right in the heart. The alarm went off like the bomb would and sprinklers went off everywhere. Gage took his little gun and shot it off at a near by building to swing himself safely to the ground holding the USB up everyone cheered around him. Thirty-five minutes. He beat Tessa's time by three minutes." Jaxon roared up as the rest of the men cheered. Gage was shaking hands catching high fives as well as his breath. The whole crowd grew quiet as a soaked Angelo, Dimitri, Eddie, Eric and Keith came out to surround them coming straight at Gage Angelo stood there dripping wet. Taking him into a huge hug.

"I'm damn proud of you boy. You will make a hell of a Don." "I'm not doing this to be a Don. I'm doing this to win my woman. She is the Donna." Gage was confused. "That just makes you more worthy. Look Gage there is no Don placed here. Tessenia is the Donna of Dons that means she runs everybody. This town has never had a Don beside me because no one was ever worthy enough to hold it. You have two more tests you pass these the title will be yours unless you release to Tessa. Either way we will all be under her law. You would actually be running it all together. She being the Queen and head boss, you being the King and Don of Bell Brook the town no one has ever been able to hold." Angelo explained to him.

That was not something Gage saw coming. Staring in surprise and shock he and his three best friends were truly taken back like they all just got mentally slapped in the face. "By the way you three are in." Eddie said winking to Axel, Vince, and Ace. "Alright now we had our fun. Let the man get his test done and we will be meeting Wednesday night for the last fight. We need the contenders what Don wants to step up?" "Contenders for what?" Axel was curious. "Gage will have to fight three Dons. Only Dons and beat them all. It is very gruesome. You fight in nothing but shorts and shoes if you'd like. You are allowed to wrap your hands by the referee in the ring only as no weapons are not allowed it's a straight hand to hand combat or martial arts can be used if you like only your body is your weapon and you fight until the other person is knocked out, or body can not stand up any longer. There is no conceding. In this world if the time ever calls for it you may at one point have to fight to death to save you or the family. Only the strong survive. Only the strong are worthy to be Dons." Angelo explained to him.

"I will be a contender." Dimitri told him the first to speak. "I look forward to it." Gage told him stepping nose to nose catching Dimitri off guard. "I too will contend. I would like to see who my beautiful Dark Angelo replaced all of us for." Nico smirked. "Nico Don of Germany. Nice to meet you." Gage only smirked never been properly introduced but he already knew how crazy this man was, he was actually a smart and nice guy." "Anyone else?" Hunter hollered as seven other men stepped out they quickly stepped back down. "I'm the third." Angelo told him looking him dead in the eye. "Deep down as a father watching my baby hurt it's my right to get a good swing. However it's my job as Don to make sure you are worthy of it. No one but Tessenia ahs ever beat me. You take me down you will walk away a legend in this world. You will show your worth to every little boy Don who thinks they are better suited for my baby than you." Angelo whispered to him.

"You knew this day would come. Didn't you? This is why you've been working out with me last couple months. You groomed me like you did Tess." Gage was taken back connecting all the pieces together. "Maybe, maybe not. Maybe I like spending time with you son." Angelo shrugged turning away with a smile. "Eddie finish his third test y'all go home." "I'll see you guys in my office tomorrow." Gage told them as they nodded letting everything sink in. "Thanks for everything tonight." He added watching them get in their cars and drive away.

'Never in my life did I ever think I would be doing all this. Now look what I 've done. I got my three best friends in the fucking mafia all because I feel in love with a woman. An incredible woman. How the hell am I supposed to be a Don of this town after I talked all that shit about these people monsters. How the fuck can I be expected to shoot someone or torture them. Maybe once I win I can just let Tessenia keep things the way they are. Maybe I don't need to be an active Don. The point is going through these things to prove I could be in her world and be fine. Now that it's looking pretty good. Can I actually be a Don? Could a simple nerd like me really run the town of Bell Brook. Dad would be so proud. Mama would flip her shit.'

"Alright you got three hours brainiac get on it." Eddie told him placing a drink and some fruit next to him with a smile. One thing Gage respected about these older men. They were always a father first to everyone. Gage honestly loved that feeling of walking in and everyone of these men rather they were working as a guard, soldier, collector, runner, Don, second or third hands. No matter what you got treated like real family. That was the only reason he really could see himself being apart of this world. Picking up the pen and going to work. He was beyond exhausted. His body was starting to feel the effects finish the test in two hours. It was now one in the morning. Handing it over to Hunter who scanned it in the machine and within five minutes printed his results. Tessa was pure score of 100 only person ever to do that. Until Gage who also scored 100. "Welp being a big ass nerd paid off my man. You passed." Hunter told him hugging him. To pass to be a Don you had to get a 90 and higher. To be a second and third you had to get a 85 and higher. Finally getting in his bed after a long day. HE slept just enough time to get up and seven.

Running to the café he got their blended mochas and a few new books he knew she would love. Placed them sweetly on her desk. He had a bruise or five from the work out he gotten the night before. Tessenia still being in the dark would be coming in soon, so he nodded to the guys who smirked making whip sounds as he flipped them all off using the regular common elevator back down to his floor. After getting there he found his three best friends in his office. Shutting the door behind him he sat down. They all looked around at each other for a good few minutes.

"Look I just want to say thank you guys for everything you did last night stepping up for me and with me last night. I can never thank you enough for that. I also want to apologize for last night I didn't know what exactly would come passing all these damn trails. I just wanted to prove to Tessa that I can do this. That I would be ok in her life in her world. There is nothing on this Earth I wouldn't do to be with her. I love her. I also love you guys and I should have stepped up for you guys as well last night I didn't mean to make you part of a fucking mafia. I'm sorry for not asking you what it is you guys wanted." Gage told them with a few tears making his eyes water all the men in the room had there eyes a little watery.

"Gage you are my best friend there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I know how much you want this and I know the happiness she brings you and if this is the road you have to take to get what you deserve in this life than that is what we are going to do. Together from cradle to grave baby. I'm actually ok with this. Angelo told us we could have a say in what or where we get placed and if you take over than it's up to you if you use us or not. So either way I know job wise I'm set for life." Axel told him laughing hard The others joining him.

"You know how I feel about this type of thing." Ace told him flatly. "Last night though. Last night was one of the funniest most heart thumping things I've ever done and I think maybe I was too quick to dismiss this entirely. I have never felt so alive and they way they make you feel like you belong. It's crazy. I know none of us had this planned in any way shape or form but maybe this is the way it's supposed to be." Ace told him with them a shrug. All of them starring at him like he lost his mind he was the biggest scenic yet here was happily on bored.

"Gage I don't blame you for anything that happened last night. No matter how unexpected it was, we are each grown ass man and we are responsible for our own choices. We were told what would happen and we saw it through anyway. I think you forget how close to the group we all got as well and no matter what happens we are really like family. This was bound to happen one way or the other. We all love the guys and Tess. We love you too man and you are going to need us if you really want to get through this off." Vince told him hitting his shoulder playfully.

"Besides man we would like run this town. Picture it man never paying the parking meter or taxes like ever again." Axel added laughing even harder. "Dude we still pay taxes man." Gage told him with a frown. "Yeah but according to Tio Eddie we don't have to." Axel winked catching their attention. After a good few laughs they all went back to work. Natalie came in handing him some files from other departments trying to brush against his arm. Flinching back. "Is there something you actually need that is related to work, because if not could you kindly get the fuck out." "I couldn't help but notice that the boss hasn't been around in awhile so I thought maybe we could go to dinner? A little dancing maybe you could show me what you got?" "What I go tis zero interest in the office slut so kindly get the fuck out of my office and from now on go through Kane you're not allowed back in here period. Also I'm placing an write up with H.R so please for future reference keep your distance from me." Natalie mouth dropped opened as she walked out offended and mad.

"Natalie I was just looking for you I'm afraid based on the amount of sexual harassment claims against you were going to have to let you go here is your termination paper. You have five minutes to pack up and leave you must leave your badge and all company things down at the security desk where Greg will escort you and check through your things." "You have no right to do this." "I have every right. So are you saying you didn't engage in sexual relations with the copy room with Mr. Powers, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Crimson, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Letson last week. Their wives were definitely not happy coming in to bring them lunch and seeing some simple receptionist bouncing up and down or sucking them up and down on their husbands who by the end of the month will also be their ex husbands and as of today unemployed and black listed just like you. You brought shame to the company and yourself. Also that's not even including the males who turned you down complaints. Plus I own this company and have every right to fire the office slut as I see fit when your whoring yourself off on my time and dime." Slamming the termination paper in her chest while Lincoln nodded to Greg and Riley to walk her off.

"Angel?" Gage asked shocked to see her coming in his office shutting the door behind her. "Are you fucking kidding me right now Gage?! You seriously went through the fucking trails last night. Do you have any idea how much that is on one human body, and that's when you've been trained properly. DO you have any idea what you could have done to yourself. I saw it all." "How?" "REALLY that's your question. That's what you have to say? Eric sent me the videos. Not only Eric I've been to school and trained with most those Dons you tested in front of yesterday. Gage you have no idea how brutal the next trails are no joke Gage. Why are you doing this?" Looking at him lost and confused.

"I told you I would prove to you I can do this be apart of your world and be alright. I'm doing this for you, for us. For the future and stuff. I know you can't stop being who you are going to be crowned to be in a few days, and I'm ok with that. I will be and do whatever I need to do to be able to be apart of your future. I love you Tess if this is what I got to do to atone for everything I said than I will." "Gage you have no idea how dangerous this could be. You don't have to do this. It's not to late to back out and call it off." "I'm not going to quit Angel." He told her in a sing song voice stepping up to her reaching out his hands going around her waist.

"Do you have any clue what your doing? Do you even wan tot be Don of this place?" "I've come to far now Tess you know very well I can't just stop. I don't have to be Don if I win I know it can it take over. Nice try. Tessenia I swear I will be fine. I know you're worried about me and I love you even more for it but I swear to you I will be alright. Now one believed I'd get this far and look at me. Hell Tess look at the size of me I'm fucking mountain. Everything will be ok." His hand going up to her cheek. "Besides I have the word of a future Donna of what will happen when I succeed in proving to her my worth in her world." "Gage I just don't think." Cutting her off smashing his lips to hers.

Pushing him away after a few minutes. "Do you really think this is the only way you could have come up with to prove yourself to me?" "I believe this is the only way to prove myself to everyone else and make you stand proud at the same time. This will get all those God damned fucking vultures of your damn jock Angel. No one can step up to me after this thinking I don't deserve you. Not even you." He smirked she glared at him knowing he beat her times. Smacking his chest. "Tell me love is this working? All of this? Are you starting to see me in your future again?" Gage asked in a shaky voice. "I don't know. You don't have to be apart of all this Gage it's not as easy as these trails there will come a time where you will have to order a kill or do it yourself, than what?" Crossing her arms she was bringing up good points.

"You said these people you punish are bad right? You said you get the proof and you help the victims. When push comes to shove and it comes down to it. Yes Tessenia I think I could if I saved someone one. Besides maybe I will release it all back to you and still work here being a trophy Don husband." "You're just so funny." Rolling her eyes. "I got to go meetings and all. Just I really hope you actually thought these things through Gage sure would hate for you to be a human less monster like so many of us." She snipped making him sigh heavily. 'I got so much further to go.' Running his hands through his face and hair.


Getting home she felt her body drained. She made sure to tell everyone not to call her in for any reason anywhere. Getting a drink and feeling the heaviness in heart. Thinking of everything Gage was doing. Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on him. This life is just too much he deserves someone so much better. Someone who can give him normal. Than again who the hell am I to tell him what I think he needs and deserves the only one who truly knows that is him. If he went through all of this maybe he is ready. Hell those videos were incredible it was hot as hell. Maybe Gage is right. This could work. I need to call him, I think its time to go home. *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* Opening the door she smiled widely. "Hey, I didn't expect to see you tonight." *Smack* Holding her face in anger and shock. "What the hell have you gotten my baby into?"