Chapter 23: Hail To The Queen

"Something troubling you babe?" She asked him tilting her head walking closer to him to put her purse on the coat rack she had in the corner of the room behind her desk. "Oh there's a lot troubling me at the moment honey." He said get up walking her into a walk both hands on the sides of her face. "Let's start with why you've been avoiding me like the damn plague last two days." He titled his head down to look her in the eyes.

Reaching up using her hand to touch and cup his cheek. Smiling while she was taking in his handsome looks. "I'm not avoiding you Gage. I just have been busy. I'm trying to get certain things done before tomorrow. If I don't well then that would just cause me some more problems I don't need later. I'm trying my best to just get it all done quickly. I'm not doing because I don't want to see you." She spoke in a soft tone.

Grabbing her hand and kissing her palm. "I believe that you are doing what you said. But I call bullshit on you avoiding me." He told her looking her in the eye daring her to tell him his wrong. "I wake up after one hell of a great sleep to an empty cold side of the bed. Where my woman was supposed to be after a week of literal hell and tests. I know damn well just how limited your time is love. I swear I do. I was just expecting a little more than one worded responses from you by text. If I got response from you at all." Gage told her sounded insulted and hurt.

"I think maybe your having doubts about us. Maybe you didn't mean it when you said you take me back." He told her taking a step back than another. "Do you even want me anymore Tess?" He asked in a shaky breath taking everything in him not to stutter. "Your are the only thing I've ever wanted. I need you Gage. I'm selfish for it but I do. I want you Gage." "Then why the hell you doing this to me? Are you punishing me for something. Like what the hell did I do to make you want to stay this far away from me?" He asked in a heartbroken tone.

"I don't deserve you Gage. It's simple as that. You did all this for me. What have I done for you? Nothing. Don't you think you deserve someone who can give you what you give them?" "Not this again Tessenia." Running his hands down his face. "I didn't just do this for you I did this for us. Without you everything would be worthless. I love you baby. Do you love me? It's been so long so I heard you say it. I need to know." Gage told her taking one step closer to her holding her hand.

"Yes. I love you Gage." "OK then that's it. Nothing else matter anymore alright. It's you and me. Alright? No more doubts. This is what we want right? We in this or not Tess?" Gage asked her flatly. "We are in this so deep I don't think we could ever get out." Smiling to him. "Then that's it. No more holding yourself back from me. Understand?" Nodding her head to him. "I need words Angel." "Yes baby I won't hold back from you anymore. I really have been busy. I wasn't even the one who texted you it was whatever assistant we had around at the time." She told him wrapping her arms around him.

"That explains somethings." He mumbled lowly. "Do you need any help. Like is there anything I can do to help make things easier for you?" "Actually mister computer genius. There is can you pull up these places and check into them I think they are unmarked brothels I need to know to get them shut down. The workers out safely and the men who put them there in a much less peaceful environment." She growled lowly. "Make sure you use a laptop not one of the computers here. It's not that type of business. NO traces left behind to lead to here on the computers." She told him pointing a finger to him.

"Yes boss. I will let you know what I find might take a little time maybe a day or two. However if I get Axel on it half of it we can get it done by today?" He raised an eyebrow to her. "Do it the faster the better I need this information the fastest you can get it. I mean like you don't sleep until I get it. I'm serious Gage I really need this done. I trust no one else but you." She told him desperately. Looking at her he knew this was a direct order but more of her coming to her man for help. Maybe there isn't a line like he thought there could be. Maybe it's exactly the same thing. "Don't worry about baby. I got you." Walking up to her kissing her deeply he turned and walked out calling Axel into his office. In the building they ran the floor together. It would raise no questions if they were locked up in the office all day. He had Kane doing the legal business while they started digging.

Tessenia had left and went back to her home. Looking around she saw Jaxon with a duffle bag and a four dresses hanging up in the kitchen for her to evaluate. Smiling to him. "I know damn well you don't have a thing to wear to the biggest night of your life in our world. So Me and the guys took the liberty to pick a dress for you and even your dad. Hunter got you a anklet." He showed her with a wolf. Dre' got you a hair piece." It was a beautiful silver beret clip with also a wolf on it. "I got you a necklace that matches mine. It even matches in a way the one I gave Gage. The chain matches mine. The wolf matches Gage. Lars already gave you a bracelet. We just wanted you to have parts of us when you go up there tomorrow. We have waited along time for this too Tess." Jaxon said to her smiling widely with pride and love to her.

"I truly love you guys." She said running her hand through them all with love. Looking up to the dresses. She smiled. A red sweetheart one that went down to her knees. "Dre' got this one." Shaking her head. "Yup." Walking next to the white one with a cross in the front and slit down one way. "Hunter." "You're two for two." The black one that hung a little off the shoulders a slit on the side designed to show off a woman's curve in an elegant way. "This is all but screaming your name Jax." She laughed. Tapping his nose with a smile. She saw the deepest darkest beautiful blue that was a halter top. Split on both sides of her legs when she spins it will have a beautiful twirl around he body. Making all her curves look like a piece of artwork.

"Daddy." She said in almost a whisper. "Yup. He looked around and said 'this is my flowers dress. This is what she will wear when I give her everything I have'. Jaxon told her trying to say it in Angelo's accent. Making them both laugh hard. "Yeah he was right. Then again he's always right." She chuckled. Thank you guys for everything." Jaxon waved her off. "No Jax I mean it. Thank you for everything from the first time we met to everyday after. I don't know where I would be without you guys in my life. Everything we have ever worked for is literally going to be handed us tomorrow. Do you think were ready?" She asked him in an emotionless tone.

"I have been ready to follow you through hell and I even have for all but minus Tessenia you are my best friend in this whole world. I love the guys you know they best friends to. But you and me. This is like a soulmate thing right here baby girl. You are the bestie. We are the ones that will always hold it down. You are the sister I was meant to have. You are the other half me I need in my life besides my other soulmate. In my heart half is you and the other half is my future wifey. That's it the guys and family are the side with you. I needed you just as much growing up Tess."

"There is no doubt in my mind that we are ready for this. We got this. With Gage by your side just got even stronger. That's all. We got this." Jax said as he took a step up to hug her. "What's with the bag?" "Well I know you're not going to leave here unless you have to. So I came to spend the night with my bestie and help get ready to go back to her real home tomorrow. I know you Tess. There is no other place I want to be then right here." Jax smiled to her.

The laughter as the door opened and shut and the two men each with a duffel bag at their side and snacks, drinks and four large pizzas in their hands. "What's good bitches." Dre' asked as he set the food down in her living room with the big couch and coffee table. "NO WORK! Just come eat." Hunter warned her. Her heart was swelling her three best friends. Brothers who always been there for her was going to give up their night to be with each other because deep down no matter what they admitted they were just as scared and ready to take this next step together tomorrow. They spent the next few hours laughing telling stories not talking about work of any kind at all. Feeling like normal people. Just being the real them.

They stopped when they heard the door open and close. Making them all turn to see who was coming all having a hand on a weapon they had hidden. "ANGEL?! Baby where you at?" She heard his melodic voice call out. "Living room baby." Dre' hollered back making them all chuckle. Seeing Gage, Axel, Ace and Vincent face made her a little more sober at the moment. Quickly getting over the natural high they were having sharing the stories of the past.

"Man do I got story for you." Gage told her holding a huge, big file. "The places you told me to look into. Are even more then unmarked brothels. They all have one other activity attached to them. Some are making new unmarked drugs that haven't even been cleared. Some are trafficking not just sex like selling slaves trafficking. Some are trying to make weapons but they are so poorly made they make a bigger death mess on those trying to use them. Baby it's like someone who was just born got up and said you know what I'm going to be a pharmacist or chemist today. Just like oh I never shot a gun so I'm going to make them." Gage told her running his hands through his hair.

"I don't know if they are supposed to be like this or if maybe this is like a distraction. It's almost too good at being bad." Axel told her. "I was going to say the same thing." Tess nodded reading into it. "The most interesting thing is they are only in about four countries however the owners are like seven other ones. No one person owns it by the same country. Like if one is in Sweden it is not own by someone from Sweden. It's like whoever did this wanted the other six countries to get caught. Whoever is behind this really wanted these Dons of these countries to get caught. I bet their names is nowhere on any of it. It's most likely not even a Don." Vince told them Grabbing a piece of Pizza from Hunter.

"Pineapple on pizza is an abomination." Ace told them looking down at a Hawaiian. "Now is not the time to get into a discussion that crazy now let's focus on the issue at hand no matter how much I agree with you." Jaxon told them with no room for argument. OK so lets actually start with Sweden who is the country that owns that one?" Hunter asked. "That's the thing Egyptians own it. However they do not run it. I think their names are being used as a front. No one in there even speaks Egyptian. It is the Egyptians who have their name on the deeds most of them. Spain is the other one." Ace told her.

"No this is not like either of them. They are a beard. A liability. It's the Slovakia and Croatia." She told them with bit of a growl. The weapons is Slovakia and the random drugs is Croatia. This bit of evidence you guys dug up proves it. The could only get the materials that were used there." Tessa said. "Are you sure?" Axel looking up to her. "Yup we're sure it's the only place they could have gotten the materials and herbs for most of their drugs which is why none of them are working." Hunter told them looking at some of the woman being forced to try the drugs horrible reactions.

"Also that's the only place they could mine that type of metal. Question is why are these low class gangs being allowed by the Don to do these things. Ok so of the seven countries in question. Egypt and Spain are cleared. Leaving five. However it's obvious Croatia and Slovakia are responsible for four of these places two each. What about the other three brothels selling slaves?" Ace asked looking little lost. "I have a good idea who else is behind this however I need to do a little digging of my own. Thank you boys for your hard work tonight. I want you to know none of this information leaves outside these walls unless its to dad. Understand?" "Yes boss." "Yes Angel." "Got it Beast." "Yes ma'am." "Yes." "Yes." "Yes Donna." She heard them all answer back. "Good let's get some sleep. It's going to be a long night tomorrow." She said walking into her room.

The décor was beautiful. The building was massive. Security was everywhere no one was getting far any where tonight. Gage and his crew was being introduced to many new people as they were all eager to meet him. His parents were floating around as well laughing with old friends. The hall was starting to get everyone in their chairs. Once finally got to their proper places. Gage was more uneasy he couldn't be with her tonight. How badly he wanted to walk her down. He knew how important it was to Angelo so he took his place. After all he was just a boyfriend at the moment. Nothing more he could do. Gage was wondering as he saw Angelo and Tessa walking to the center of the stage. Just how mad she will be when she notices how all the guys had moved her back into his home earlier that day. Smiling to himself he sat back and listened.

How beautiful she looked and felt in the dress her father gave her. Standing in front of everyone at the podium one last look back to her at his side. All he could see was the beautiful girl he met when she was about nine years old looking like she was playing dress up. Feeling the weight of the life that has past them by in good memories he couldn't have been more proud as he was right now. Looking back up he was more then ready.

"My great Don's and Donna's. My family within families. Friends. Welcome tonight. Tonight we will not only crown our new Queen but a new Don of Sweden as well. The choice was given to the Beast herself. So with no question we all know how truly earned this title will be." Everyone clapped and roared knowing how fair and how long Tessenia will have looked into every background of those truly worthy.

"Tonight is a night for history. Many years ago. I set out on a quest for power and I conquered. I took every single country on this Earth. In just less than five years. I took what I wanted. I was merciless and even ruthless mainly when I over took every government that came with it. I was the true King and made it known. I did all of this for a few reasons. I could no longer watch innocent people have their lives taken from them. Their choices, their families, their bodies the very basic life choices stolen from them. Living to survive is not living. You are not living when the governments and even worse Dons control how much food you can have to the clothes you can wear. To the amount of children you should be granted to have." Angelo spoke with passion.

"I conquered this whole world so I could give humanity back their lives. In a world where they were actually able to live they way they wanted to. By being govern by people who deserved trust. Who proved their worth. Someone who was willing to fight for them. Years ago you all know how I found my daughter. How hard this now grown woman has trained and proved her worth over and over again. Battle after battle. War after war you all have seen with your bare eyes they power in this one soul can over power us all. No one deserves this more than her tonight. I could not be more proud of the future Queen as I am right now."

"God only knows we all did not get here alone. I got here by the help of all of you. I know she feels the same. So thank you all for years of hard work and loyalty. I ask you keep it up for her for we can most agree she is much better than I ever hoped to be. Let's get on with this. "Do you Tessenia Angel Alderman swear to protect all those innocents walking this Earth. DO you vow to uphold the law in the fairness and justice only. DO you swear to never let your actions be clouded by vengeance and the actions always be lived up to the crimes of those who caused it. Do you swear until your last breath to be the protector needed when needed to be."

"Do you swear to keep the peace and the light even in times of darkness? Do you swear to keep to the families until your last breath or until your successor takes your place?" "I swear on all that is within in me." She said as she took a knife and made a small cut in her hand as she put her blood in the holy water cup. Angelo smiled to her. Placing a beautiful black tiara on her head. "I give the world you're Queen. Donna of all Dons who will rule you fairly. Tessenia Angel Alderman. The Dark Angle. THE BEAST!!" Angel shouted out in passion as the whole room went up in applause and cheers. Whistles heard everywhere.

"Eat, drink, dance and enjoy the night is far from over." Tessenia spoke loudly with pride. Taking her hand Angelo was given the first dance with her on the floor. Gage of course the second. He did everything he could to make sure he stayed close to her throughout the night. Turns out all that hard work paid off the long list of suitors was cut down tremendously after watching how Gage handled himself in the arena in the trials. After being passed around and enjoying light conversation it was time to announce Jaxon, Dre' and Hunter into the line of council in their proper place.

Once it died down and they stood behind her they waited. "As your first act as Donna I will announce the new Don of Sweden. We all are in understanding that Don Angelo will be head of leaders and council to help govern us. He has let this be my decision as I never take a choice like this lightly. After much checking and blood line background checks. After the long lists of checking what each candidate did to earn this job knowing how much it is needed as one of the top twenty Mafias in Europe I know I made the right choice. No soldier deserves this more through his blood and sweat. When he gets cut Sweden is the blood that drops from his wound." Tess spoke with such admiration it was hard not be taken with this soldier she was speaking of.

"My family please welcome the new Don of Sweden Lars Lundeen." Tessa looked him in the eyes as he stood just starring at her like he almost didn't understand basic English or the familiarity of his own name. His family was going crazy with pride and cheering. Standing up finally and walking over down the way with his chosen three men they all stood trying to keep their smiles contain to a minimum although failing. After being sworn in she wished to hug him but that would go against everything her character was. He knew though as he took his knee as did his men and stood with a small bow of their heads and returned to his seats.

Angelo couldn't be more happy with her choice. He always like the quiet young lad. He was an old soul for sure. As the night wore on and everything was dying down. The security guards had gathered six men and brought them to the warehouse basement. It took one loud slap across the face for them to wake up. Hello gentle men so happy you could finally join us." She told them brightly Gage standing right next to her. He knew what perverts these men really were and in no way would leave her side in front of them. "What happened?" Why are we here?"

"That's easy my dear. We drugged your drink and brought you in here in less then minutes and no one even looked twice. You were out for a couple hours." Jaxon told them simply. "What crimes have we committed to treated in this manner my Donna?" The Don himself asked. "I think we both know the answers to that now don't we. What we need to be starting with is what we don't know. Don't you think? Tell me." She said walking close to them with a special button with a tone and look that scared every man but Gage and the boys in the room. "What are you willing to do or share for your family?"