Chapter 26: Alive and Happy

It was a few weeks of long studying and going over every file. Thank God for an eidetic memory. Gage silently praised himself. It's been a great month of living together with Tessa. They have adjusted well. They have even grew to the staff on hand. Gage couldn't help but noticed Dalen weird behavior sometimes. It's like a switch goes off and he runs off. It's weird but Gage knew how much he really did in a day for him, the house especially for Tessa. All in all Gage was just grateful for the help in general. It was a quiet week this week and he was even able to do his job at the office.

"There are no meetings as of right now sir. However there is a meeting a luncheon actually with two other Dons. They seem to be having a problem. They both are opening something new in Atlantic city and are quibbling over property, land and some other little things. Its been a headache since they got this whole idea." Kane said rubbing the back of his head. "Had they had professional surveys done on the land they bought?" "Well yes but there was a fire few years back so both surveyors were using different outlines from previous years and they need the city to publish it. Until then government has given the task to you to decide." Kane told him as Jaxon entered the room.

Looking over both of them online. He decided which one to go with. "Alright call them in now I'm not giving up my lunch for petty ass shit you bring them both here I already have an offer of what's going to happen." Gage told him with Authority. "Yes sir." Kane walked out making the calls. "Now this I got to sit around for. You have no idea how the French Don and the Irish Don quibble over the pettiest shit since school man." Jaxon said rubbing his lower jaw. "You don't say." Gage chuckled.

"How you doing man? You settled in well?" Jaxon asked him taking a sit in front of his desk as Gage was working on his laptop. "Honestly? I have never been this happy in my life. I got great friends I work with. A great family whose in good health. A good job. An amazing woman waiting for me at the end of every night. I swear this is my idea of heaven man." Gage told him with a big smile on his face. "How's Tessenia settling?" Gaged asked Jax looking him straight in the eyes.

"Why ask me?" Jax laughed. "You know damn well why Jax. You know we both get the best two versions of her. We both get her in very different ways. I just want to know if she's really ok as she seems." Gage asked him. "You worried for nothing man. I have never seen her so happy. Hell I never seen her with emotions. You are the best thing that has ever happened to her. Hell she is going through her work like a lady on a mission. She has done more things in the last month than the last five years. She is through though don't get me wrong the work and plans itself flawless. She just wants to make sure she gets home to you at a reasonable time. I guess she trying to still give you a hint of normalcy in a way. You know home in time for dinner. Spend time together work on dates and shit." Jax told him.

"She's not over doing it or anything is she?" "Dude honestly I think she is using you as an excuse to not deal with some other face to face meetings. She's not stressed out or anything. Gage she is fine in fact she got the whole Sweden thing almost down to a wrap she got maybe one or two final things she's waiting on and it's a close matter." "Are fucking serious that whole case was a mess. This is a serious matter and she already got it handled? Does she need help?" "She will probably come to you or extra man power just in case to make sure some places are still covered other than she is good she will tells us what we need to know when we need to know it." Jaxon said shaking his head slightly.

"So in other words no one else but her knows what's going down?" "You know the woman well. We all played the parts we were asked. She's been talking to someone on the phone a lot lately some guy she says is the her key to this whole thing. I don't know if he's a rat or the actual man making deals but I won't be damned if she's got this whole thing by the balls. You coming tonight?" "Yeah I'll be there. I'm only staying the hour or two than I'm bouncing out of there. I'm tired today. Want to try to get home and watch a movie with Tess." "Well she should be there early or if nothing else by nine. So plenty of time to clean up. Have you told her Angelo has been teaching the art of torture?" "You know I can't tell her that. How much she puts herself through when things like this come up." Gage told him shrugging to him.

"I wonder how she would feel knowing your almost as twisted as she really is. I mean seriously dude I never thought you would have this in you. You two are both like in the same mind set link you two should share notes. I never seen even people born into this life be as crazy as you are you. You are more open-minded than I ever thought you would be. It's almost like you're a different person when you on that Don mode. Angelo is so proud." Jaxon told him. "I never thought I would be into this shit either but I guess we all have secret hidden gifts. Talents that are unknown to us until they are called upon to use. I think it might freak her out a little." "Might just turn her on who knows with her." They both laughed hard and shook their heads.

It was then when they heard a knocking and Kane peaking his head in. "They're here. Sir." "Yeah bring them in." Gage said adjusting on his chair as Jaxon stood up and stood behind Gages chair keeping his work mask on. It was a fearsome thing to look at when he was blank in emotion and serious at the same time. Both men came in and was immediately taken back by Jaxon's presence in the room. "Gentlemen thank you for coming on such short notice. I think you all already know Mr. James. Mr. James was kind enough to have me a little visit. Hope you don't mind the extra company guys." Gage told them sitting forward a little bit.

"No it's fine." "Alright well let me see if memory serves me well Chase Beaumont Don of France and Rian Barnes Don of Ireland. You two seem to have purchased land in Atlantic City and are having problems since there is no efficient information on where the property land is correct?" "Yes." Chase told him quickly. "Alright well I already have sent into the city and all that about who gets the bigger piece and I am going to go with Don Barnes. You will get the majority of the property." The look on their faces drew him in to continue.

"I wouldn't be getting to happy there Rian. See as I looked further into this matter I started to realize you have to purchase and sell property to my hearts content seeing as you are well in my territory therefore Rian you will be buying Chase out of every dime he put into the land in Atlantic City." Gage told them flatly. "Are you kicking me out of my own project here?" Chase asked in an angry tone. "In Atlantic City? Yes I am. I started doing a little digging around about both your projects and I have discovered a little place just on the line of outskirts of Las Vegas. Chase you are going to purchase this land here it's a little more then you originally need but you can have a better parking structure which you will need. See you will be the only building out there like this. Therefore you will gain much attention." Gage told him showing him the structure of an updated proposal.

"Rian you also will rethink your layout I have come up with two for you and it will in deed double your original profit thesis. I will expect twenty percent of all earnings. I do believe this is your safest bet. You see you both are doing similar projects in the same city it won't work as well as you think it would since you're too similar and basically next door. However Atlantic City and Las Vegas are both most sought out for this type of project and being so far away will attract more cliental. They both in taxes and values are just about the same and you won't be spending nearly as much as you were about to. Now you two can either agree to this plan or you can pack up and get out. I have bigger things I need to attend to than two grown men squabbling over land. What you say?" Gage asked them while Jaxon smirked to them.

"Well I got to say I didn't even see this coming, while coming in here." Rian said looking over the information. "This is very detailed work Gage. Like serious very well thought out down to the last detail. I accept this and will start the paper work soon as I leave." Chase told him standing up taking the proposal with him. "Twenty percent is very reasonable are you sure you won't push it to thirty?" Rian asked as all oft hem shook hands. "Nope don't need to. I trust in you however you come to me again should you have any problems here. I'll do my best to see you through." They all nodded and left happy men with the new agreements.

"I am impressed you not only fixed the problem. You even bailed them out. That would have been a future nightmare of loss in finances both of them next to each other like that. Here you go making their projects like five times better with ten times more profit. You really are genius boy." Kane said shaking his head. "Sometimes it really baffles me to watch your mind work. Really it does." Jaxon said to him as they laughed and Gage threw them both out.

It didn't take long for the work day to end and the guys to all be at the gym. Gage was still trying to get use to people bowing their heads in respect to him. It felt really weird. "Just wait until your announced King of Dons. You know when you and my little flower tie the knot. Just imagine how much weirder and more bows you get then." Angelo told him as Sean was smirking to him. "Does it ever get like unweird?" Gage asked him. "No but you do get used to it and sometimes you meet certain people you make get on their knees for you and that's priceless." Tio Eddie told him with an evil smile Angelo smiled with him.

The men took a good hour sparring and training together. Cracking jokes and teasing each other. "I got to say son you have taken to your role very well. I am impressed. In more ways than one and that is not something that is easily done. I knew you could do this. A little more training and I believe you can be one of the best Dons in history." Angelo told him slapping him on the back. "Although you do give him a run for the money all in but one area." Angelo told them smiling to Axel.

"Yeah. I guess I will get used to all the blood. Ace however man at least he stopped vomiting at the sight of the things and images of damn blood." Everyone laughed. "Hey in my defense this is the major reason why I was never doctor." Ace spoke up in defensive mode. "Well at least you all got better at sutures." Sean told them shaking his head. "Yeah that was a long week." Vince told them running his hand along his face. "Seriously though son you are doing a lot better than I thought you would be. Are you sure you're ok?" Sean asked nervous as some of the men came around him.

"I am. I feel amazing. I feel like I am alive for the first time. I mean were all living but are any of us really alive while were living? I never been this happy. I never expected this life style. I never thought I was this kind of guy. I was just a well-built nerd too smart for his own good. Now I feel like I really have it all. I worked my ass off to get here. I got my friends, family I work with. Were healthy and wealthy enough to live on. The only thing missing is a ring on Tessenia's finger and some kids in time. There are a million things in this world I could have seen coming for me. But this, all of this was the best one I never saw coming. I wouldn't trade this for anything." Looking t everyone smiling nodding their heads in agreement.

Turning his head to Ace, Vince and Axel. "You know I don't think I ever really thanked you guys for all this." They looked confused. "You lost us man." Axel told him. "I wouldn't be here today. I wouldn't be this happy without you. You guys were the ones who dragged me out to that damn club I didn't even want to be in. I just was stuck in this repeated rut of going home watching T.V. or reading. Just doing all these repeated thing yet I was praying for a change. I was begging for a change in my life either to find meaning because they had to be more than just that. Then just being… alone. I was never going to find it on my own. So thank you for dragging my sorry ass out to a club and letting me meet the best thing that ever happened to me. And staying along my side for everything else that came along. I really think were nothing without each other." Gage told them as they all smile to him.

"It takes a big man to admit that. It was kind of gay. BUT we love you anyways." Vince told them as the whole room went up in laughter and Gage chased him as they roughed house a little longer and then grabbed their things to leave. Angelo getting ready to turn to leave stopped and looked at Gage the last two men who were about to leave. "You know. I never thought Tessenia would find someone like… you. You were the one thing I never saw coming either Gage. I sure as hell am thankful you did though. As a life long single parent. There is so much you need to do and worry about because you are on your own with it. You are the only safety net you and your baby have. There is no room to make mistakes but trust me you make plenty along the way." Angelo said in a small chuckle rubbing the bottom of his jaw.

"With you around though. Seeing everything she ahs done and seeing who she is turning out to be. I can see the difference and change you have brought to her. You have my permission to take away the only great thing I ever had that was truly mine to give her in the first place." "What was that sir?" "My last name." Angelo turned and left him there getting in his car and leaving. Gage stood there for a moment and let everything sink in his head. As he got in the home he went straight to the shower and scrubbed the day off him. Looking in the mirror with a towel wrapped around his waist starring at himself. He was lost in the happiness. He just got the Don of Dons approval to be with his baby TWICE!

Am I really worthy of it? Tossing that thought out of his mind because he knew damn well he would never let another come and take her from him. God help the sorry fucker who should try. Dimitri was a prime example of that. Hell a month later he is still on the mend. No one will ever take her away from me again. Not even us. Gage went down stairs into the living room to wait for her to get in he was working on the laptop when the doors burst open and Tessenia's men dragging six men through the door. All of them saw Gage and bowed their head to him. "Evening Don Brooks." They all said and acknowledged him as they drug those men into basement.

After the rest had greeted him he knew most of them he noticed most were bloody and all were a little bit dirty. Finally he saw Tessenia walk in as she was wearing blood and dirt on her as well. He hadn't seen her in two days as she went out of country to meetings. "Baby you ok?" Gage said running up to her looking her over. "I'm fine Gage. None of it is mine. Or ours." She smirked to him. "Just business meetings huh?" Gage told her in mocking tone. "Well yes and it was. You know how random things can just come up." "What the hell came up for you to be coming up the door with special guest Angel?" He pulled her close to him pushing a stray hair behind her ear in that deep voice that made her knees weak.

"I found them. ALL of them." "You found what my Angel? The brothels?" "Yep. I found every single last one. AND I made damn sure to have every single one be nothing but dust and ash on my feet as we left." She told him in a tone that made everyone's blood run cold. "The victims? DO they need extra care? I can build a place or get a hotel to vacate." "No my love but thank you. They are all well enough. None of the ones listed as experiments survived." She said in a sad tone. "However I did get the special message to them about how they liked the new formulas they have been using." She laughed to him. "I don't get baby." Gage asked her in confusion. "The formulas they have been using I got a mole to change them. I changed everything." Smirking to him Gage smirked back.

"Go get in the shower love. I will make sure Dalen keeps the men feed and come back to tend to you soon. It's been far too long." Gage said as his face was nipping and playfully biting her neck causing a sensual moan come out of her. "It's been Three days." She laughed. "Three days too long. Hurry up. Don't bother with clothes after your ass is mine tonight." He growled to her. "Yes Daddy." She purred to him running up the stairs. Gage went to the kitchen before he could turn the corner he heard him on the phone. "That's right, I want everyone there. I know what happened and I have the way to get everything back on track trust me you'll all want to be there. Get everyone there and don't tell them the real boss is coming." Gage was stuck in shock. This can't be what it sounds like. Not from him. Walking into the room as soon as he knew he hung up. "Evening Gage what can I do for you?" "Who the hell were you talking to just now?" Gage said in a voice that scared even himself.

"Angelo. I was speaking to Angelo he has some ideas about all this as do I and we will be needing to catch up with the Donna about all this. Can I get you anything sir?" "The men who will need to be here with the special guests downstairs. Make sure they have what they need for the guest bathrooms and showers. See to it they are fed well. We don't want to be disturbed tonight unless it's absolutely life or death. Alright Dalen?" "Yes sir. I will go make sure it is done now. Will you acquire anything else sir?" "No that's it thank you Dalen. Oh and Dalen?" "Yes Gage?" "I think this goes without saying but if you ever cross my woman, betray her in any type of way. It will be the last thing you or your whole bloodline will ever do. Have a good night Dalen." Gage turned and walked away. Feeling uneasy about everything he made a mental note to check security cameras in the morning. Things were not adding up. It will have to be a thought for another day his woman was waiting and the night was still young.