Chapter 29: The End

The man smiling to the masked man. "Ah look at that the first thing you worthless bastards got right." Dalen spoke bitterly to them with sarcasm in his tone. The room got silent listening to the scene in front of them. Dalen looked around the room. "I give you simplest tasks. Like a math problem I work out most of the equation already for you. I give you the solution to put into the simplest form and you FUCKED IT UP!!! HOW?! How did you get this far up the food chain of our world being this incredibly stupid?" "Watch your tone mother fucker. Last I checked you were just a damn butler yet you think you can run your mouth to a room full of DONS?!"

Looking around the room he noticed and saw them all. There they all stood The Yemen Don Amari Osman. The Don of Bolivia Kael Moreno. The Don of Libya Baheer Hassan lastly the one running his mouth Kostas Spanos Don od Cyprus. "You better watch your mouth Kostas before you sink yourself into even further more trouble than you are really worth. If you think I am just a butler you're stupider than you look. Not only was I smart enough to get close to the enemy and have complete access to everything about them. I successfully brought her with me. In lock down as we speak." Dalen smiled to the rest of the men whose jaw dropped.

"What's wrong? You are not scared gentlemen are you?" Dalen smirked to them. "How did you manage to get the dark angel here without any way of tracking here?" Armani asked in a choppy voice. "It's easy when you know how to do your job right? I got to say I expected so much more from you Tobias. You really let me down." Dalen said to him giving him a daring look. The room looked shocked. "I could say the same to you Dalen. You had all the resources, the brains, everything you think we need yet you still let Tessenia get the upper hand." Tobias question making them all doubt him.

"Yet you managed to kill off all my experiments. I think we may be borderline even." Dalen asked him in anger back. "All that hard work down the damn drain for nothing. No one is willing to give us the resources we will need to continue on. Not only that there is no longer any land to conduct them on for results we needed. So excuse me if I was a bit busy doing my fucking part! All you had to do was become Don of Sweden how was that so hard? You were the one who had the sympathy card down to connect to Tessenia and you blew it. The only thing you did right was convince the damn brat of Anneline Callendar that you loved her enough to betray the original Don of Sweden's family to knock them into play in the first place! You screwed the rest up royally." Dalen roared in the room.

How the fuck did he know that? Tobias was nervous no way in hell could he know that. What the hell is Dalen doing? "What's wrong Dahlberg multiple personality disorder messing with your head again?" Dalen asked him in a mocking tone. It's been years since he had an episode and no one knew about it. Something was wrong. Better to play along than to out himself. "I think the only thing wrong here is you. You come in here with no real evidence to prove to these men you are who you claim to be. These men know how smart the Donna is, you should know better than to come in here without proof." Tobias shook his shoulders to the room.

"You don't think I have proof of what I say? Well shouldn't you be enough as you were the one relaying messages. I mean who else could have been giving the instructions? One would think that you were playing a small role in front of them and pulling the main strings in the background? However we are all to smart for that. I will give these men what they need." Snapping his fingers he had two guards bring in a body with a sack on the head. "Not only do I have the proof. I succeeded in the memory serum and have already injected it into the subject." Dalen said as he lifted the sack of the person to reveal the Donna herself looking around the room in a tired haze.

The room looked shocked and everyone held their breath, even Tobias who wanted nothing more than to run to her and hold her up. The other men and their men were scared breathless. They knew what this one tiny person was capable of. "Let me demonstrate for those who still have doubts just who you really work for." Dalen said smiling turning to Tessenia bending down to her as she was sitting on the ground hands bounded ankles still together trying to sit up a little.

"Hey there my sweet flower. DO you remember me from earlier?" He asked her sweetly as she nodded her head in agreement. "Do you remember your name?" Thinking for a second looking around the room looking nervous of the attention. "Tessenia. Tessenia Alderman." She answered softly. "Who am I?" "You are my boss Dalen you saved me from the American mafia Don Brooks and my father Angelo Alderman." She said in a scared panicked voice. The men looked shocked she looked as if she believed what she said.

"Do you remember what I said about these men?" "They work for you. They are going to stop the other mafias and help you with the miracle injections. We are going to stop illnesses around the world." She said with a small smile. Looking at Dalen with admiration. "What is your part in the process?" "I will marry and use any resources I have available to the cause for whatever you need." "Who will you marry?" Baheer asked loudly in shock. "Dalen said he would tell me." Tessenia looked confused. "Originally I was going to have her connected to Tobias as he was to be a Don. However that fell through so I guess it will just have to be me. If you want something done right, best to do it ones self." Dalen said looking around the room for any one daring enough to object him.

Tobias was now shaking in rage. "I think you should let her decide. It should make no real difference as she apparently knows her role and can play it well thanks to the drug you perfected right? However do you really want to raise suspicions as you are the only one here not from a successful Don bloodline?" Tobias raised the question. "Not only that I have spent more time with her in the past years than you it would be more believable to have me marry her than you. Besides if all of us are just your pawns why put yourself at risk unnecessarily? You are asking to get caught." Tobias spoke rationally.

"Dahlberg is right in this matter MaCallister." Kael spoke up as well as the room nodded their heads. "It would be more fitting to be than to be you Tobias as she has already taken one commoner under her wing and shaped him to be one of the top Dons ever to come out of training just wait until I get in there next and challenge him. "What chance do you think he would have after all the work I have put into this business and family?" Dalen spoke as he laughed. "A pretty fucking good one." A familiar voice that brought everyone to their guns. As Gage his crew along with Dimitri and Tony's crews behind him. Everyone looking in fear as Angelo tilted his head as he stood in the room ahead of them all. "Let's see you put your money where your mouth is bitches." Angelo added.

Hours Earlier.

"What the hell you mean Tess is gone?" Gage yelled on the phone. "Get over here kid." Angelo hung up the phone. Rushing through his future dads front door he saw everyone his father Dimitri and his crew. Tony and his crew everyone who ever worked close to his Angel. "What the hell happened?" Gage asked grabbing Jaxon by the shirt and slamming him in the wall. As the others tried to get him off. You can feel the anger flowing through Gage through his finger tips.

"You are her second. YOU ARE HER FUCKING SHADOW WHAT. THE. FUCK. HAPPENED?!" Gage roared out in Jaxons face as the other men finally got him off him. "She left the office. Said she was going home. She had a driver on the phone saying he was down stairs. I had some shit to finish I stayed back. She had me checking into some things I went downstairs and hour later the driver was on the ground door was opened and tire marks on the ground along with a bottle of Chloroform and a syringe. The driver got the chloroform and she got the syringe. Security was knocked out in their office and cameras were down for five minutes it took less than that though to grab her." Jaxon said as he stood straight up.

"What do we know?" Vince asked around the room. "We know she cracked the Sweden case this morning and she was getting ready to get the four other Dons picked up." Dre' told them sadly. "She said she found out who it was but she just needed to draw him out. Only way to do that was with bait. Although she never got down to who to use." Hunter told them scratching his head. The room got quiet. Gage looked up out of no where. Walked straight up to the man who has been silent this whole time. Sitting behind his desk. "You know. I know you know. Tell. Me. Everything." Gage spoke in a low growl to him. "Now is that anyway to speak to your future father? Angelo asked him in a mocking tone.

All you could hear was a low growl and some stream coming of Gage. "Sit down boy. You know how Tessenia operates. She only lets those around her know their part until they are needed that way nothing gets in the way of the bigger picture plan. My part is to get the calvary ready. We got a man on the inside he is with her every step of the way right now and will only step in if he needs to. He's got his own part to play Gage. So now get your gear and turn your damn phone on. See if any of the jewelry you gave her is still on her. Throwing his phone Axel. "Get the spot I'll grab the gear." "Yes sir boss man." Axel said as he already getting into what they needed.

"The plus side to being computer nerds I guess." Ace shrugged his shoulders as he took his phone out to get the address into his maps. Walking up next to him as he was getting things into the bag. "How long ago did you wait for them to take her?" gage asked out loud to the man behind him. "How do you know I let them take her?" Jaxon asked using air quotes. "Are we going to play stupid with me today Jaxon you think that's smart right now? I know you. I know her. I know you let them take her." "Really?" "Yup because I know she told you to." "You are smart." Jaxon smirked to him.

"Whose our mole. I don't know. It's a you'll know it when we see it thing I guess." "Seriously?" "Yup so try not to shoot the wrong guy. This is why you can't go in there guns blazing man. It's also how we secure everyone enough to have a safe trail. She did let me know to remind everyone the four other out of 6 betrayers were Dos and people of Libya, Cyprus, Bolivia and Yemen. So if you do get trigger happy and need to make an example out of someone shoot their way." Jaxon smirked to him and walked him back.

As they were all in their cars piling over there Gage and Axel and some other Tech guys were already taking over their systems and cameras. They won't see or hear them coming based on the mountain type place they were heading. Hacking into some of their weapons and door locks to malfunction and have to be used manually or a special tablet that they have that will be with four tech soldiers. Gage was so lost in his mind.

'This all had to happen with someone close to her. Or at least someone who thought they were close to her. This was such a huge operation from the jump. The research itself took years to gather. What possible benefits besides the obvious would they have had to gain? How could anyone get off on biological warfare. How could anyone do this to women and children. I mean a lot of medicines and other shit we use today was tested on holocaust victims this was in no way a good thing. How can anyone purposely give someone mixed diseases in the first place? I know how they can mutate with each person and turn into something worse. So how would a cure be the same? What if it would have turned worse why play God like this?'

"Stop over thinking this. You will never think this through. You will never get it." Angelo told them as they pulling up the drive. Gage stopped and stared. "You can never fully get it because you will never be in the mind frame of a pyscho path you don't have any needs that could come out good from this. You have nothing connected to this project in a any way shape of form. Therefore you will never understand why this is happening. You just need ot focus on shutting it down." Angelo told them getting out of the car.

"How can anyone try to even make this sound right?" Gage asked him as Angelo stopped. "You have a family right? You have someone now you would do anything for? Maybe someday you see your future child in front of you yes? Now if a child gets no immunity and catches everything so easily and all of a sudden you get news of a special cure for specific things what would you do to get it to make your child live a normal life? Let's think about another thing."

Still staring at him he continued. "How many family do you have left after let's say a little war. Maybe a gang turf war those happen all the time. Think about how great and peaceful your family they slaughtered was now imagine you can take vengeance against most of them the same way they did you kill them slowly with no help coming to help them and all they can do is watch. You will never know what's going on with someone because you have to put yourself in their place. You can never be in their place fully so you do the best you can with what you think you could do with their education, and background. It sometimes gets easier that way." Angelo told Gage making him think twice about it.

"Let's just get our head and end this. The faster the better. Getting through was easy after they sent a first wave of people to pave the way from every entrance possible even the windows, roof and basement entrances. There was no one where he didn't have at least six guys manning the ways. Working their way slowly to each hall ways they had opened without noticing he saw her on the floor watching the bag come off her head. Hearing every word. Anger flowing off him in fumes as Angelo put his arm up to hold him back and speak loudly.

. "What chance do you think he would have after all the work I have put into this business and family?" Dalen spoke as he laughed. "A pretty fucking good one." A familiar voice that brought everyone to their guns. As Gage his crew along with Dimitri and Tony's crews behind him. Everyone looking in fear as Angelo tilted his head as he stood in the room ahead of them all. "Let's see you put your money where your mouth is bitches." Angelo added looking around the room. The men looked scared shitless. Knowing they were easily out numbered. Tobias looking at the guys he's leaded on and Tessenia on the ground. It only took one gun shot from the first nervous soldier and the whole room was up in smoke and bullets.

Dalen got rushed and shoved away from Tessenia when he went down to try to cut her ropes. Tobias looked at her and was rushing to grab her looking up to see him still in her haze she rushed to him as quick and safely as she could. "Please. Help me. What's going on?" She asked tears glistening in he eyes. Grabbing her quickly and with all luck he got them into a different room no one saw. He had the door closed or at east he thought. Looking down and quickly cutting the ropes with a little pocket knife she gave him one year in school.

Looking at it she stopped his hand looking at it. "We're friends aren't we?" She asked confused. "Do you not remember me?" He was sad by the question but for his benefit was really hoping maybe she did forget since she could easily kill him for knowing the truth. "I know you Tobias. I know of my school time it may feel blurry but I know you. What's happening? I was remember I was walking down from an office building. I got jumped and injected with something that made me feel. Weak and tired. I feel so lost help me." She was starting to cry a little he's never seen her be so vulnerable.

"Dalen said he got you after work. I guess maybe he had some men take you. We have been working on some special things in a lab to help cure against some diseases and it's been a secret because if fallen into the wrong hands it could turn into some deadly warfare type things. The main thing is it wasn't done in a legal sense so if you can get behind the project than I guess those involved won't be harshly punished." Tobias said putting her stray hair behind her ear trying to help her sit up right.

"If this is all for greater good why wouldn't you send a message to my dad. I mean he would have helped and then no would be in this mess right?" "Well angel that's kind of the thing. A long time ago when we were in school someone approached your dad in secret to do this work. He not only destroyed the research at the time but killed the family involved. I think all but one boy got out since he wasn't around. He got adopted into a higher up family. The work then I guess was seen as too monstrous even for Angelo and he never wanted anyone to be able to have these types of control over anyone. I don't think he thought through all the great possibilities of it though." Tobias added in a soft tone.

"Maybe the worry is whoever developed these types of things can control the world by fear. I mean world domination by biology and chemistry is the scariest kind. What if at any point the person who did this changed their mind of doing it for the right reason. What if the bad people got ahold of this information." "That is all the biggest concern but Tess think about all the greater good it would. People would finally get the life expectancy they deserved to have instead of being cheated by death. Pain and suffering would be cut in half and parents can finally help their children in a way they never thought possible instead of watching them die. No one should ever have to bury their child Tess." Tobias told her in a pleading voice.

Grabbing his hands and holding them to her chest near her hear. "Tobias. Is Dalen the one who discovered this? Is this his work…or yours?" She asked him with a smile and loving eyes. "What do you mean mine?" He asked in confusion. "I met you in school because we stood out. I was adopted and I wasn't the only one. You were too. You reminded me of how we have so many things in common a few months back right. I remember you being adopted. You said brother was sick and your parents died in an accident. Were you the boy that got out in your story about the family who came to dad?" Still holding his hands and rubbing the back of them.

Looking down at her glistening eyes she was always reasonable. His own eyes started to water. "My brother had no immunity. He got everything flu, virus anything you can name of. My father had mental health issues but he was a great father to us. My brother was always near death in the hospital and he minored in math and was a chemistry major. He worked in a pharma lab. He started to create some little things to help build his immunity and they worked he was able to sell them in stores and help lots of people." Taking a deep breath before he looked back into her eyes.

"He started to make more and more little creations and he wasn't informing his proper protocol about it. So he ended up getting fired. There was no real telling what he was creating and what it could do to others. His mental health took a dip to where all he could think about was my brother and I dying from all the virus's out there since it was still a huge possibility for my weak brother. My mother was chained up and used as a test subject. He was doing some calculations and ended up going to Angelo because apparently he thought he would be twisted enough to see the benefits it would bring him and others. Even help keep government in check. Which he obviously didn't need." Standing up and helping her to her feet.

"Your father told him he was a monster. My father attacked him again he was mentally ill. I was coming back from a trip with my school at the time not home. My brother was at home in a special tub I guess soaking in whatever my father needed him to. My mother was trying to recover from what ever mess he injected her with at the time. Your dad and his men came to the house and destroyed the lab unfortunately it caused a fire. My brother special tub lit up instantly and no one could save him he succumbed to the burns that night at the hospital. My mother died from grabbing a soldier of your dads knife and stabbing her own stomach. It was said she was trying to get everything he put in her out. She even gutted her arms died laughing cutting herself no one could stop her."

"My dad fought your dad in hand to hand combat to the death in a burning down home. I was adopted in a high ranking family that couldn't have children. I was now inline to rule Sweden. I am the one who brought back the research. I want to avenge my family in the right way. I want to help those in ways they need. Yes I also wanted the power I will go to warfare on your father with this and make him submit to me in order for the greater good. I will run this world in the vision I have. You can fight me if you must." He tilted his head.

"The other option we have is you can create it with me and no one goes to war. We just take over together. Healing the world we made in our own vision. Your dad did it by dominating by his fist and weapons. We can do it with medicine and chemistry. The biological way is so much easier. Less mess because those lesser than us know what the possibilities of recovery are. What the worths are. The choice of how this all ends is really up to you love. Are we doing this an easy way to save a word or the hard way to end yours?" Tobias asked her stepping back.

"I'm surprised you even have to ask." She smiled walking up to him running one hand up his face cupping it. "I am sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for the suffering you went through as a child. The struggles you must have faced most the time alone probably." He cupped her hand over his cheek with a silent tear rolling down. "I know what is like to suffer alone. Always being told and forced what I can do. It's not living when you are being forced to live a certain way." Taking her hand down and slugging him hard in the face to where he fell to the floor.

"Why the hell would I inflict that upon others." Picking him up by his color and slamming her head into his. "You are out of your damn mind if you think I can ever create a world destroying hope by fear of dying by disease." He started to hit her back throwing blow for blow upon each other. "You are so short sighted like your father that is why it was so easy to fool you this whole time." He told her rushing to grab her from behind by the throat. "To shove my creations into perfect specimens of every shape gender age and size. Watching the wonders take hold. It was such a sight to see. Too bad none of them made it." He grunted in her ear with amusement in his tone for her to throw her head back taking his arm and throwing him in front of her.

She grabbed the knife she got him and stabbed him in the chest deep enough to get through to his heart and lung area. "Tessenia!" Gage roared through hall and came rushing in. "Babe the house is on fire we need to get out." He saw Tobias on the floor. Ready to rush up and kill him faster. "Leave him." She told him walking over to where Gage was. Tobias managed to grab his gun and shoot at Gage. If he couldn't have his happiness she won't either. Tessenia shoved him quickly after hearing a click and fell to the floor on his knees as another shot rang off. Dalen made a clean shot at Tobias in the head catching Tessenia as she was landing on her knees. Holding her chest.

Gage rushed over to her picking her up and going out the window as the flames were surrounding them every where now. "Gage over here." Dalen said opening the door and getting them in the car men all over watching what was happening most of them getting in the cars rushing behind them. "Come on baby stay awake stay with us." Gage was doing everything he knew how to control and try to manage the wound. Reaching her hand up to his face tracing his lip. "I regret nothing. I-I came to life when you came into mine. I love you. All of you." She said giving into her darkness.

After waiting for hours in the emergency room waiting area the doctors came out. Talking to Angelo and Gage who both backed up falling onto the chairs in shock and sadness. Hearts feeling like they were being pulled in every which way. They all heard her conversation with Tobias thanks to the hidden walkie on her. The words kept ringing through Angelo's ears. "No parent should have to bury their child." Those words ringing in his ear as his eyes closed and everything around him faded away.

Two years later

The phone was ringing when he answered it. "He mama caught me at odd time." Gage told her packing his things away in the elevator. "I know baby I just wish we could be there with you today. I can't get out of Milan until tonight." She said frustrated. "Hey son. We just wanted to send our love we know how it is for you today and we will be there first thing tomorrow." "Alright well don't worry about it. It's nothing time won't handle soon enough. I have to go I already know I got people waiting for me at home." Gage said in a sad voice. Grabbing the small bag with a heavy heart.

Finally walking up to his door. 'I don't think I have enough strength for this today.' Opening it up it was fully decorated all over in blue and grey streamers. Balloons and banners all over the place. His friends and family arguing about where things should go. Until he heard the voice that made his heart melt. "DADDY!" a boy of two waddling over to him clapping his hands with his grandpa running behind him. "hey kiddo." "Hey pop. Hey big man. Happy Birthday. Where's mama?" Gage asked hugging his son and kissing the top of his head.

"Mama!" The boy was pointing to the kitchen. "How is she doing?" "Well she is waddling all over that place making and eating everything in sight. Hormones are not there but they can pop out any second I'm just happy you on time." Angelo told him running his hands down his face. Gage laughed putting down his kid and walked to the kitchen as Dre and Dalen were decorating cupcakes. Hunter trying to eat the cookies Ace and Vince were decorating and Axel and Jackson arguing over the playlist. Tessenia was barefoot and dancing around as she finished icing the cake.

Gage couldn't help but smile as he read 'Happy Birthday Xander.' "How is mommy and baby girl doing today." Gage asked rubbing the belly. "Well we are well fed today by all the awesome things around half the fruit side is gone because I ate it other than that my boy is happy so I am happy. How was your day?" Looking down at the bullet hole scar on her chest and rubbing it slightly with his finger curved. "Still better than most. Everyone at the office misses you by the way." "Well they will get me soon enough." She said kissing his lips sweetly.

Looking around as he held his son as everyone gathered around and sang happy birthday to his sweet toddler. He looked at Tessenia and couldn't be more grateful. Looking around at the man she who turned her whole world upside down and his little twin on his lap. Thinking back two years ago when in surgery she barley made it out. As well as their son. Doctors were convinced the trauma of the body and recovery the baby who was five weeks old wouldn't make it. Apparently they don't know where this kid comes from. She smiled to herself. Gage wasted no time in running me down that aisle and chaining me down three days after I was discharged I can't believe they had a wedding fit for a queen in less than two weeks. Well I guess when you properly motivated everything is possible. The world is still spinning in the direction I choose for it to spin whether I want it to or not.

Gage is still running things like a boss. Our company has went up over five times in value with him running teams. Axel and Gage are creative in security and cyber security taking the whole world by storm. Dimitri and Gage still bang heads I don't think anything will ever stop that. Dad and the others are still the same. The fights over who gets to be godfather are endless. I wouldn't have it any other way though. This is my life. I went from a girl who had nothing. No name no emotions. To a woman who has it all. Most days I still don't feel like I deserve it but I dare anyone to try to take it from me. I am in fear incarnated. I am the Donna of Dons. I was born to be strength in it's finest form because I am the Queen of kings.