Chapter 2

I knew my parents had left when I heard the gates open and close. I tucked myself in and went to bed. I could say that I was already in heaven when I heard Aunt Theresa calling me, I wanted to ignore her but didn't want to disrespect her. When she called the fourth time, I answered.

Aunt Theresa; Pascal, I need a hand, I need to move these boxes.

I got up and went towards the direction of her voice. She was in their room,

Me; you said you needed my help?

Aunt Theresa; well, don't just stand there.

I picked up my steps and walked towards her. I helped her move two light weighted boxes to the storage and an old painting on the wall. Everything was right in place and in order except the old draping hanging on the wall.

Me; do you want to change the curtains?

I asked hoping that she will conclude fast so that I can go back to sleep. She touched the fabric and disappeared behind it. Moments later she came back out all sweaty.

Aunt Theresa; the curtain will stay. I think I like it here.

Me; okay then, goodnight Aunt Theresa.

Aunt Theresa; good night sweetheart.

She kissed me goodbye on my lips and pecked my cheeks. I was beyond surprise because my Aunt is someone who believes in Chastity and Purity. She's the church choir president and a vibrant Christian. So, kissing me was something I would have never imagined. As if kissing me was not enough, when I turned to leave, she spanked my ass with a loud smacking sound echoing in the room. I turned around to face her, I lost all consciousness before her. I managed a weak smile and exit the room.

When I got to my room, I couldn't sleep. Thoughts of my Aunt's lips on mine filled my mind. It was like a note written with a permanent marker that cannot be erased.

Around midnight when I had fallen asleep, I felt someone's presence in the room. I believed I was dreaming until a certain hands reached out and touched my thighs. The sensational feeling I had when I felt those soft pair of hands on my naked thighs was something I have never experienced my whole life. I relaxed in my sleeping figure and let the magical hands work wonders on me. Soon, I felt it travel up to my breast and pinched my nipples. I must say that I jolted immediately and after a while I relaxed back on the bed.

Minutes later my big black penis was exposed, pointing towards the ceiling. I was so hard and ready to devour any pussy available, but a certain hands kept rocking my dick in it, from the tip down to the balls and then back up.

I couldn't hold it any longer, the hands have awakened the demon in me, it was a spirit of sex and destruction and I have tried so hard to suppress it and for the past nineteen years it worked. Now, someone is trying to wake it up and once it wakes, nothing can stop it from destroying souls.

I held the hands and slowly wake up, I was surprised to see my Aunt but the moment she saw me naked I knew she will visit my room tonight. That was why she claimed to be weak and sick. She intentionally missed the prayers tonight just to sex me, too bad my demon is kicking her first.

I felt another presence in the room and when I looked up, it was my father, my real father, the DEMON. He have felt my body language and came to know who it was. The Demon is my biological father, he is the DEVIL himself.

When my parents couldn't have a male child, they went extra miles just to get one. They went to so many prayers and congress to conceive a male child. It was at one of the congress that they met JELLY, a demon messenger. He was able to convince my parents to seek for solution at the Northern River. I was a prince then. When my parents came, the seer assured them of a male child, father summoned my spirit into the woman's womb, that was how she got pregnant with me. Weeks later, she was tested positive with me. They might be my parents here on earth but we have no connections. Our blood group, genotype and anything else are completely different.

Back to my Aunt.

I peeled off my clothes, she followed my lead and took her clothes off too. I grabbed her by the neck and kissed her hard and rough. One thing about us demons, we are always into rough hard sex. It leaves our partner weak and wanting more. They will feel weak after the whole thing but will definitely come back for more. I didn't have the time to romance her but I fingered her well, her screams and moans were the only sound emerging from my room. I took my time in sucking her pussy lips and clits. I inserted a finger into her pussy but spiritually, it could be up to five or seven fingers fingering her. That's why she was having multiple orgasms. I left the pussy when I felt her fifth orgasms building up. I took her breast in my mouth. I sucked her breast hard and quick that she had an orgasm.

It was time to get down to business, I spread her legs wide on the bed. She ached her back to give me better view and position of her pussy. I checked the depth and wideness of her pussy lips and adjusted my dick to the perfect size for her pussy.

I am a demon and I can change the size of my dick anytime, any day, from size 10 to 5 or 7 or 9, depending on the pussy's wideness and depth. I noticed my Aunt is a common fucker. I used common because she's no different from a whore, she fucks any man or boy of her choice, she have had about ten quickies right before mounting the podium to preach the gospel.

I adjusted my dick to size 8 and penetrated her. She held on to me for dear life. She might have thought that I will be no different from the boys she fucks at the church but I surprised her and fucked her till she fainted. I didn't stop at that, I withdrew my dick and let my dad finish up. My father's dick was at 10 inches but he didn't resized it. He penetrated her with it and sped off. Because my aunt was unconscious, she didn't know what was happening, we rammed her like a dog. Father damaged her pussy while I dis virgined her ass hole. When we were done we cleaned her up and took her to her room, I bid father god bye and went to bed. Aunt Theresa will not know what hit her tonight.

That's the advantages of being my father's son.