The door opened as Mr. Dan walked in to a very rowdy class as usual.

"Seriously guys, just five more days of school and this is what I get."

The class hurriedly comport themselves and the noise ceased. They obviously had respect for their teacher.

"Guys, please give me the opportunity to introduce your newest classmate, drum roll please." Mr. Dan said as the back benchers drummed on their locker and he walked in.

"Whooooooooo, damn, who's the hottie?" The girls cheered as some whistled, while the boys rolled their eyes, at what their girlfriends did, as they were already crushing on the new guy.

"Girl, are you from hell because you set my soul on fire," Janis said as her friends cheered, and did a high five together.

"Quit it, girls, seriously. You are making a very bad impression. Why don't we let him introduce himself to the class"?

"Hello guys, I hope we can be friends, my name is Brandon Scott."

"You?" A voice cut him off as everyone turned to face Romeo

"What's happening? Does Romeo know him? From where?" Whispers could be heard distinctly.

Brandon looked at Romeo inwardly shocked that he remembered him, but kept a straight face and said

"Am sorry, do I know you? You must have mistaken me for someone else."

"Maybe I did, Romeo said not being able to look away."

"Anyways so I am Brandon Scott and I hope I am welcomed."

"You are welcomed, very much welcome, you are always welcome in my bed as well." Ruby shouted as the class laughed, as Romeo rolled his eyes. Sometimes he wished that Ruby wasn't his twin sister, because he was always disgusted with her.

"Enough of the jokes already. What's your seat number, Brandon?" Mr. Dan asked.


"What?" The whole class screamed.

Nobody ever got that seat because it was the neighbor to BT12 which obviously belonged to Romeo.

How in the world was this possible? CB15 was obviously declared to be empty until Romeo graduated, not even Ruby could seat there and yet a new student got the seat without blinking an eye.

"CB15 you say? Okay it's over there. You can get seated and make yourself comfortable okay." Mr. Lockwood said as Brandon walked to the seat and sat down.

"Also, class perfect don't forget to turn in the notes on biology for this term so that it can be given to you guys by the end of the day. And for the senior perfect, later you will take her on a tour, getting him familiar with the school."

"Yes Mr. Dan. Barry and Anya" chorused as the teacher turned and left the class.

Immediately he left, the whole class started a ruckus.

Jeiel(Arianna) faced Ruby and asked "who is that new guy?"

"No idea"

"How does Romeo knows him"

"No idea."

"Oh I see, it's awfully strange. And they happen to be seatmates too."

"Yup. Who exactly is Brandon Scott and how does my brother knows him?" Ruby mused to herself.

****************** ******************

The cafeteria was filled up as hungry students stood in line to collect their lunch.

"Arrgh, finally I was so starving." Louise said as she collected her food and joined her friends.

"Me too. I wonder why the chefs couldn't have prepared this in the morning and served us, earlier on time, why make us wait."

" To be exact, why make us wait for six gruesome hours?" Janis complained.

"Quit complaining. If the first years can wait, why can't you?"

Ruby came to their table and sat down. "Finally!" she exclaimed

"Uhmm, R.B?" Arianna called


"Isn't that like your fourth helping?"

"Fourth helping?!!" Louise gasped

"Oh yeah sure, is there any p?" Ruby asked cheekily

"I didn't know that the chefs gave more than one serving" Louise said

"They don't."

"Oh well, maybe they like me." Ruby said stuffing her mouth as usual

"More like they are terrified of you and don't want to lose their jobs," Arianna grumbled.

"Like I said, this chicken is damn!" Ruby said with a mouthful.

After a while, Arianna stood up, and said,

I am coming guys, I just remembered that I forgot my stuff, in my locker, let me go get them, okay. She said as the rest nodded their heads.

*********** ***********

I could hear Romeo parking up his stuffs to leave. How am I going to pretend that he isn't here for a whole freaking year? Since he had nothing better to do, and he wasn't heading to the cafeteria, he decided to find his locker, at least it would keep him busy for the meantime, before he could find pretty girls to mingle with yet.

"Oh well time to find that locker then". I said as I stood up and walked out of the already empty classroom and walked eastwards. The corridor was eerily quiet and empty which would make a normal person scared but not me. I was born for this.

"So where will I find that goddamn loc....." I had barely completed my monologue when I slammed into a wall and fell down, or rather someone slammed into me, and we both fell down.

Oww, that definitely hurts, He looked up to see how he could have collided with a wall in the middle of a pathway where he saw the most beautiful creature on Earth. You know what, I am so freaking crushing on her and he don't give a fuck.

He was still staring into the godlike face when she snapped. Brandon could only think of one thing, and that was he wanted to kiss her, lips so badly, it almost ached. But her words soon cut through his day dream, as his ears registered what she said to him. For a minute, he thought that someone else was saying this words, and she was just miming it, but it came from her mouth, her angelic voice, sending him to the ninth paradise and the same time, breaking him completely.

"Are you freaking blind? Can't you see where you are going or are those eyes for fashion?" She yelled, as she picked up her books that had sprawled on the floor.

Did she? Oh no she didn't, WHAT?! And to think I was crushing on her, Brandon quickly stood up and faced her.

"Listen here, you freaking floating piece of undiluted rat ... the girl's mouth dropped open in shock but he wasn't done with her.