Brianna was still wondering about the new girl, when the bell rang startling her. Great, it was already school over. It seemed like today there weren't much classes, due to the fact, that it was already last week, of session. Most of the teachers, had already finished their topics for the term, so what was remaining, was just the usual tests and assignments to be distributed to the students, to do during the holidays. Also there was a final big test on the last day, labelled as test day to know the percentage of everything you have been taught throughout the term. She almost felt bad for Brandon… yes almost, because he had shoved her to the locker, causing her to have a migraine, and probably a purple bruise by now, which was hidden, by her long silky black hair… who just resumed today, he was going to fail woefully, on Friday.

Sighing, she packed back all the books, she took from the shelf, after her one to one sing off, with Jane Doe, she has been looking into the encloypedia of Dinosaurs, she was fascinated by them, from their heights to their various kinds, t-rex's wo what not. So she decided to brush up on them for her sake of curiosity. She didn't want to regret not knowing about it.

After she dropped the books, back, on the shelf, she looked around to make sure that she wasn't forgetting anything, of hers behind, before she finally left the library, heading back to the main building to get her school bags, and possibly see Ruby, and the rest. She had lost track of them since cafeteria.

The main hallways leading to the classroom, were congested with people, who seemed to be watching something important in their phone, and from their faces and reactions, it seemed to be the same thing that everyone was watching. Suddenly Arianna panicked, what was it? Did the library had cameras and everything she did, was recorded and sent to everyone? She walked, fast, trying to get to the classroom, and get her bag, before knowing what to do.

Immediately, she got to the class, she met Ruby, and the rest of her friends, who were busy sitting on a locker, watching something in her phone. Immediately she looked up, and saw Brianna coming.

Oh good, you are here. Ruby announced as the rest looked at her and waved at her, beckoning her to come.

What is happening? Brianna said already fearing the worst.

Where the hell have you been? You need to see this. It is unbelievable. Brandon and Romeo had a show off, today, and it has been recorded and sent to the school's website for everyone to have easy access to. Don't tell me, you haven't watched it. Ruby said as Brianna took the phone from her and watched as Romeo dragged, Brandon, and smashed him to the locker room.

Exactly, what he did to me. Brianna said as Ruby raised her eyebrows.

What did you just say? I didn't get that. She said as Brianna shook her head.

Don't bother about it, it is nothing, so this is what is going viral? But what happened? Did Brandon piss him off, or something. Surely, Brandon pissed him off, for him to react this way.

Actually, Brandon did nothing this time, I was there, so being some other people. I didn't want to say anything, but to see what will happen. Romeo signaled for Brandon to come, and by the way, he was waiting there, I knew he was waiting for someone, but I never knew it was Brandon. Anya said as they turned to face her.

And then what happened? Ruby asked curiously as they faced her.

Well, you know the rest, Brandon tried to walk pass him, but Romeo dragged him, shoving him to the locker, getting the attention of everyone in the hall. Then some people went to get the principal and some teachers too. Anya said shrugging, as she packed her bag.

Well, I saw that too. Romeo whispered something to Brandon, which pissed him off. But I don't know what, and the recording, is mostly video, not audio, so we couldn't get what Romeo said. Louise added.

Well, whatever it was, it was enough to get Brandon angry, but why didn't he retaliate or something? He let Romeo man handle him, and judging from the fact that they knew each other, means that there is a bad blood between them somewhere, so they might be arch nemesis. Anya said as Brianna replied,

But I know, Romeo for a very long time, he isn't the kind of person, to act in public, besides he rarely gets angry, he is just quiet, so why the sudden provoking? Brandon did something to piss him off, enough to get him to almost fight, but what could that be?

Don't know, but what I do know is that my brother, just defiled the principal's direct order. And that is bad, if this gets to our mother's ears, she is going to have both of us, placed on strict supervision, and that means no hanging out this summer. Ruby said, dejectedly.

I believe we can find a solution to this. Maybe we need to find out what is going on? What do you guys think? Brianna said.

Are you sure this is a good idea? If this doesn't work out, it will back fire on us, and that would not be pretty. Louise said from where she sat, licking her lollipop.

I think it is a good idea, besides we have the whole summer to find out. It will be cool, we are going to act like spies, get valid information, and know what is actually the reason between the new boy and the star boy.

I guess we can do that, besides I have nothing planned for this summer, so am in. Anya said.

Me too. Louise seconded.

I am in, also, I don't want to miss out on this. Brianna said raising her hand as they all turned to look at Ruby.