Go back to your momma's...

Having gained a small but important height advantage over the Wangs, the Lin mechas were able to regain their initiative and dove on the Wangs before they could even reach a respectable height in the sky.




Three Lin family light mechas sacrificed themselves and purposely crashed into the Wangs!

They fell back to the ground as quickly as they had risen, and powered down instantly.

The remaining four Wang mechas were able to swerve away in time to avoid the other Lin mechas.

They fired their thrusters at full throttle and immediately swung to the North to regroup. Their hammer had lost much of their striking power, and had to retreat!

However, Sheera Lin was not one to let her prey escape so easily. The North Wing fired their thrusters at full throttle as well and gave chase!

A swirling high speed and relatively high altitude battle started then as the airborne mechas proceeded to take the battle away to the north.