Platinum Designer

Hmmmm. I don't think I should go as a VIP. It just doesn't sound good enough." I thought aloud. "What's a VIP among big headed princess and conceited princesses? I need to visit the Empire as someone important… someone that will give me clout."

"Being the VIP guest of THE Princess Louisa is someone with clout." She said with a slight pout.

"But if I do that, I will automatically take on all of your social and political trappings. I am not free to make my own friends and bash up my own enemies. I don't want that." I said firmly. "What does the Empire value? What position will make me a valued asset?"

"Hmmmmm. You… You have a small point." Princess Louisa agreed very reluctantly and sulked lightly at that point.

"Well? What sort of person would be highly regarded in the Empire?" I pressed.

"You're a ten year old boy! How valuable can you be?" Princess Louisa's pout was getting more pronounced and her sulk was gearing up in strength.