History Class

"As your co laborer on the path to glory." Maziz Kazire said firmly. "I will settle for nothing less than that. My knowledge of the unive-"

"Antiquated knowledge." I corrected him.

"My ABUNDANT and HIGHLY USEFUL and TIMELESS knowledge of the universe." Maziz Kazire paused and glared at me before continuing. "Deserves nothing less than equal recognition and reward to your protoplasmic actions which may or may not successfully utilize my valuable insights."

"Hahaha. What makes you think I need your so called "timeless" knowledge? I can simply devour my way to absolute power. Afterall, that's why my skill is so overpowered isn't it? Once I figure out how to devour life forms, I will have no problems figuring out the abundant, highly useful and timeless knowledge on my own." I gave him a sly smirk.

Rule number two in negotiations. Make them think you don't need their product or service as much as they need you. It's all about positioning.