
"What are you talking about? Arblesta Dwarves? Baktor Metal? They are aliens right? They are here??" I asked him with wide eyed surprise.

"No question about it. I can recognize their work anywhere. One of my old secret lairs I made when I was very young was actually built by a tribe of Arblesta Dwarves. Those bastards were so competent and so blind to art that after they were done, I was actually pissed for a very long time.

The lair they made was so ugly that I just had to destroy it and remake the entire lair! The only problem was… I could not!

It was too sturdy, too well made, too damn strong!

Even after exerting all of my strength, I could not even destroy the front gate!

Of course, I was really very, very young then. Just fifty or so years old, barely a newborn baby in human terms.