Consequences of my uncle

In April 2022. Three friends are sitting together drinking tea at a tea stall. Their gossip topics are the progress and harmful aspects of the present generation in various matters.

Gossipy One:- Nowadays the world is very advanced. New inventions are very important for this. The world is now running on a two-way system. The first is to discover something new and the second is the harmful aspects of these discovered elements.

Gossipy two: - What does it mean? what are you saying That means that this civilization is growing in the midst of all the inventions, are there many wrong inventions among its elements?

Gossipy Three:- Actually every element discovered has some default. Many kinds of new things exist around us in this world. The most popular among them are internet and internet related accessories discovery elements. The present world cannot survive for a moment without the ever-newly discovered elements. Due to this, the current generation is going to destruction. Most teenagers are associated with these harmful days. They are introduced to internet devices from childhood. They become experienced in their use. Then their behavior becomes like that of a teenager or an adult. So this internet world is very dangerous.

Gossipy One - Yes, after they were born, they got everything they needed or didn't need from us. But we didn't have time for it and we didn't get it even if we wanted to. Today teenagers have more knowledge than us but we are totally inexperienced to them.

Just as the story is piling up, a newcomer joins the gossip. Here the visitor is the senior among those who are discussing.

The visitor addressed everyone and said,

What news! how are you all

Everyone together said we are fine. brother how are you

Everyone present here is under thirty but the man who arrived a few moments ago is over thirty five. Still they are good friends. This man has suffered a lot in every stage of life. Basically from the teenage years. So everyone in the tea shop is curious about him. To hear every story of his life, all the friends join in the conversation at different times and places. Every day everyone spends a certain amount of time listening to his story. Which continues like any other activity. Actually the visitor was Rafi. Rafi describes every incident of his life one by one. He makes new friends and tells them stories. Even if no one showed interest in listening to his story, he became interested within minutes of starting the story. Today there are many known and unknown where he will tell the story. One of the familiar friends who had heard his earlier stories said "Brother what happened later when you came back from Labu's house. What happened then?"

I returned to my family from Labu's house. Due to our poor economic condition, my family was not allowed to live there. On the other hand my cousin is currently staying at home and mom doesn't want to see her with me. So my mother invited her cousin. The reason was to arrange a job for me. Mom doesn't want me to stay at home. Because she can't stand my cousin at all. He can never think that me and my cousin are talking or talking together. Naturally, my mother is quite a clever person. My mother understood that I did not want to go to work with her cousin. So he brought uncle to our house without any option. He stayed at home for several days and gave me an idea of ​​the current situation. After much persuasion, he convinced me to go with him and do the job. Besides, I had no choice.

what do i want What do I need? Parents did not want to know that for once. What have I done for my family? Currently I have lost my trust from family members. So without any conditions I had to go with my uncle to look for a job. My uncle is five years older than me. His mind is very friendly. He is my mother's neighbor cousin. Good looking, stylish slim figure. Actually I didn't know him deeply but in a very short span of time, we developed a good relationship as uncles. So he is not only my uncle but also my friend. Two days later on Wednesday morning we left home for the new city.

The new city was very busy. I came to this city with uncle for a job with deep trust. I knew he was working in a smart company. I don't understand what he does here. The first day went smoothly. I didn't have much money in my pocket, but I didn't have any problems. On the second day, I woke up at eight o'clock in the morning. I have been waiting for breakfast for three hours, there is no breakfast. I am still waiting as the afternoon sun sets in the west. I was waiting for breakfast. I was waiting for lunch but no, uncle did not prepare any food for me. I am very hungry, and if I can't bear it.

So I went to look for my uncle. He is nowhere to be found. Later in the evening I took a pie to eat from the sidewalk. I played with the biggest pitha among the many pithas arranged. After eating pita, I started looking for my uncle after drinking a liter of water. I started walking along the sidewalk. The road passed by the house where my uncle had brought me.

While walking along the road, I suddenly saw two teenagers of ten and eleven years old sitting on the road. Perhaps they can be street children or taps. They were a bit restless. They seemed like uncaring children. I saw a polythene bag inserted into their mouth and they were breathing slowly. I went to them and asked what are you doing? They continued their work as before without giving any importance to my words. After I asked the question again, the first child replied with a smile, "It's dandy. I like the smell of it."

I asked again "What's the smell? It's a polythene bag."

Second child - you got it wrong, polythene has a sticky gum. Whose scent is very dear to us.

I said, if the scent goes in with the breath, there is no reaction in your body? From whom did you learn to use it? It can be very bad for your body.

First child - it's called a dandy, man.

I was amazed at the behavior of these children.

Dandy is a type of sticky glue. The four types of organic compounds present in this tube are toluene, benzene, acetone and carbon trichloride.

This adhesive gum is used as an aid in the repair of various types of leather goods such as shoes, rubber-tubes, wheels etc. If these volatile glues are introduced into human muscles, inhaled or inhaled as vapors or fumes, the respiratory tract and blood are continuously contaminated. Its users are mainly street tappers, vagabonds, porters and workers in big cities and a particular society. Generally they belong to all categories of young, old, and adults. Most of them are deprived of benefits. Due to ease of availability and not being recognized as a legally prohibited substance, the prevalence of such drugs appears to have reached epidemic proportions. Currently, this drug has started to spread from the lower class of society to the middle class. This type of glue is readily available at hardware stores. Bad company, post-traumatic stress and anti-social personality disorder increase the tendency to become addicted to such drugs. People addicted to such drugs suffer from various mental, behavioral, physical and social problems in the short and long term. Also, the harmful ingredients of this type of medicine have various adverse effects on the respiratory, digestive, nervous and circulatory systems of the human body.

It's fifteen minutes past ten at night but uncle still hasn't come home. So I am also trying to collect some information about him. After visiting a few places, I realized that uncle does not work in any organization anywhere in Asan. Actually he has no job in this city. He handwrites various types of advertisement banners, signboards, festoons. However, he does not have a specific shop or institution. When he gets the order for these he starts writing. From what I understand he doesn't get much work in such a big city. A person told me about uncle that he uses some cheap drugs like ganja, dandy. Since such drugs are cheap and readily available, he is more addicted to them. He has long used it as a readily available item. Usually he forgets everything when he takes such drugs. So maybe he didn't remember me. Here I stayed seven days, got no work, sometimes ate food and sometimes had no food to eat. Spent days like this just thinking about family.

Uncle was addicted to some of the cheap drugs that are most harmful to the human body. As a result his life is dying but he doesn't feel the need to understand it. So he never let me understand that he was addicted to drugs. He was very well behaved and when he talked to me I had no idea that he had a permanent addiction. He spoke very slowly.

I was here for seven days. After a few months, suddenly one day I came to know that he died of respiratory failure due to taking excessive drugs.