I decided to join the work by accepting all the conditions of my friend. Why will they pay me so much money? What is there among them, this mystery I need to know. So I took the job without thinking anything. I have many questions. I have to find the answers. However I will understand tomorrow because tomorrow is my first day at work.
My friend woke me up at six in the morning. A stranger is waiting for me outside. I hurriedly left with the man. On a motorbike we came to an unknown secluded place. The man dropped me off and left. The man was quite mysterious. He didn't say a word during our thirty minute ride. Dropped me down and handed me only a piece of paper and told me to go with the person who spoke the code on the paper. Not much work today.
I was waiting for someone to match the code on the paper. I didn't have any good clothes. Today is the best dress I have ever worn. No one will like the clothes I wear. Still I am having trouble understanding who or why would ask me for the code? They don't know me. Or that I started a new job from today, don't even know. Nor has anyone met me. I'm so tired and I can't think anymore.
Suddenly my nose smelled something bad . I looked around to see what the smell was. What is the smell? I couldn't match so concentrated deeply. After long observation the mystery was finally revealed. Yes it was cow dung. I sat away to get rid of this smell. But no I was not getting rid of it at all. Because wherever I went the smell came with me. Playing with smell, I forgot my hunger, thirst, sense of time and I didn't realize when it was afternoon. However, after ten hours of today's day passed from me, I regained consciousness. I started to laugh, surprised at my own actions. That smell spread from my body around but I didn't realize it. I took off my clothes. The stranger came back to me with the motorbike again. Yes the man who dropped me off in this lonely place. I told him that no one came to me, no one asked anything, no one said the code. The man said boy your job is done. you can go home Let's drop you off and I'll talk to your friend. I went back to my friend's house with the man on the motorbike. I realized that earning money is very difficult and I don't think I will get the salary I was supposed to get for today. On the contrary, I had to be small with my friend. What will he think of me? He thought he gave me a job but I couldn't do it. I was depressed myself for a while.
After Abu came home at night, we both sat down to eat together. He didn't say anything. I did not say even after recounting the events of today several times. I thought I would tell you after dinner. We have a special person to cook our food. One who cooks food for us and leaves after eating. Everyone here is strange except my friend. The one who cooks and gives us food does not say anything but just looks. However, after the meal, the two friends chatted and prepared for bed.
Before sleeping, Abu gave me a lot of money and said that you have to go to a new place tomorrow at twelve noon, be ready. I was surprised and said that today I have not been able to do any work but why did you give me so much money. Besides, I thought that I would not be employed again. My friend laughed for a long time at the sound of ha ha. I looked at him in surprise.
Abu - Listen friend, the place where you were dropped off was deserted. There were some important valuables hidden around. Which you put there as a guard thinking someone else might take it. Moreover, you have been sprayed with a strong smelling perfume. Also, cow dung has been smeared on your clothes. No one came around to see that smeared dung, camel smell and your running around. Everyone thought you were crazy. When you become the guard there. Originally you were assigned as a guard. That was your job and that's why you got so much money. Understood friend, do you want to know more from me? Do you have any other questions? If you work here, no question can be asked, you know that.
Rafi - I don't want to ask you any more questions but I must answer one question. How did you know that these things happened to me all day today ? You said my job would be to exchange information but why am I assigned as a guard.
Abu - If you want answers to all your questions, you probably won't have a job. And the salary of so much money will not be there either. Do you want this to happen to you? You will know everything but you have to give time. It is not possible to know or learn so much on the first day of the job. Work carefully. No one here will like your question. I know you are quite curious but can't express it here.
I changed my mind. Since I did not get any answer from him. So I changed my strategy. Abandoning the curious attitude, I decided to start working with new zeal in acting like a fool. I can sense that I'm getting into something bad. I feel like I have a lot of ideas about the smelly house off the garden of friend Abu's house, the man in the long robe roaming the streets, and Abu's teenage earnings, luxurious house, mysterious workmen, etc. Maybe something bad is going to happen to me or I am getting myself involved in some bad cycle. I am afraid, I have to come back but how? Here's can be entered but not returned. So I have to try to survive here in a new way or I have to leave altogether.
Thinking about the events, I do not know when I fell asleep and it was morning. The sun is overhead. I feel a lot of pain in my head. I can't open my eyes. My head feels heavy so I can't stand up. A drowsiness seems to have overtaken me. Just like an intoxicated person. The feeling is very much of the nature that one experiences when something intoxicating is first introduced into one's body. I am trying to stand with my eyes closed but I can't. Feeling intense heat and heat. I try to scream but I can't. I can't make a sound with my mouth, it's coming off. A sound like a pig's squeal kept coming out of my throat. Oh I can't anymore. I am screaming for help but no one is coming to help me. Suddenly I heard a dog barking close to my ear. The ferocious dog sat on my chest and started pawing at me. Blood is pouring out from the skin of the chest but still I am calm. Mistaking me for a dead body, the dog started biting my body with its ferocious teeth. I screamed using all the strength in my body to protect myself.
I stood up in one jump. So I was dreaming? These unbearable pains scared me in the dream. A terrible night has passed in my life. When I woke up it was 3:15 in the morning. I need some more sleep. I have to go to work in the morning. I need to know all the secrets. A nightmare troubled me all night. I don't know if the morning light will give any new news. But I have to wait some more time.