Chapter 5:Meeting The Talented Artist

I woke up in the morning because of the alarm clock from my phone.As usual,I fixed my bed and eat my breakfast.After that,I feel the urge of taking a cigarette early in the morning,so I picked one from the pack and smoke outside.

Then I proceed on taking a bath.Unlike from the usual time,it took me longer to wash my body.Maybe because I don't have energy today.

After that,I changed to my uniform,prepared my bag and the "things" I needed later and left the apartment.

Upon arriving at the school,I parked my bike and went to my classroom.When I enter,few students rose their brows.Although it is lesser than yesterday.

After seating from my chair,I checked my watch.It was already seven-fifty in the morning;ten minutes before the class.Izumi,

who usually approach me when I arrived at the school early,didn't approach me today since he was busy talking to his friends

So I decided to kill time by starring again at the sky,through the window beside me.As expected,the weather is good and bright.While looking,I heard a couple of conversation.

Specifically,from a group fo girls in front of me.

"Hey,hey.Did you hear?.That Mishitsu-san won again the art competition in division round?."

"Yeah.I heard,I heard.I mean,the art itself is already displayed in the main hallway."

"Huh?.I didn't noticed it."

"Maybe you took a different route going on this classroom."


"Anyways,you should check it out.It was so beatiful.Sometimes,I been thinking if it was really made by human hands."

"Well I'm not surprised anymore,she's been doing those masterpieces since she transfer in this school."

"You're right."

Haruka Mishitsu.She was our classmates in this class.I can't really describe her appearance specifically since I haven't really give much attention to her.But all I can say is she has a medium-length brown hair,a height that is of course smaller than me and a slender body.

But the most important thing is that she was known for her talent of drawing.And just like what the girls said earlier,she transferred here in second year highschool.The reason for that was never been revealed.Probably they wanted to keep it in private.

By the way,she and Izumi were also

classmates that time.When our art teacher is finding someone who wants to compete in a art competition,she immediately volunteered herself.And the rest is history.

Not that I'm exagerrating here,but she completely dominated this art competition,

winning every single time and even won the nationals last year.Some teachers were saying that it would be better if she attended in this school much earlier,to fully utilize her talent.While most of them are thanking her for transferring.Because of that,our school was already known for its art competition domination.

Although she was popular because of her talent,there is one thing I noticed about her.

"I really like her drawings and I would deny that she was genius in art department.But did you noticed that she doesn't have friends?."

"Huh?.What did you mean?.Doesn't she always talk to our classmates cheerfully?."

"You're right.But how should I put it.She doesn't someone who she can called a 'bestfriend'."

"Now that you said it,I think you're right.Based on what I observed in the last year,she was the type who doesn't want to hang out to other people."

"You're telling that if she is not that good in art,she was just your typical loner girl?."

"Well something like that.Either way,even though is an art genius or not,she has this charming personality.She could use that to make friends in this school.But for some,she doesn't want that."

"So it is not like 'She can't make friends' but 'She don't want to make friend' huh."

"Yeah,yeah.Something like that."

"Maybe she already have a boyfriend.That's why she doesn't hanging out to other people."

"Eh,really?.Then who could be that boy?."

"Of course it is not among this school since she doesn't make sense to the way how we describe her."

"Maybe a foreigner?."


"Now that we come to that,did you hear-"

The three girls earlier continue their topic about Mishitsu-san.Although it immediately turn to something different when the topic of "having a boyfriend" was talked about.

Anyways,those girls seem like have the same impression as me about Mishitsu-san.To make it simple,she was truly popular because of her talent.But again,well not like I want to compare myself to her,she was just like me.She is the type of person who will go home early unless of some important circumtances.Of course,there is a huge difference between us.

She was talented artist and I'm a failure writer.

I glanced in her seat.Right now,she was busy writing something in her notebook.Come to think of it,the art competition held the same day when the results from the webnovel competition I participate was announced.

Moreover,I didn't saw her in the last two day in the school.That's because the school are giving her a rest day everytime she participated and finished a competition.

"What a great life." I muttered.

Anyways,going back to her,two girls approach her to congratulate her victory.Mishitsu-san happily accept the praise and said "Thank you." in a calm expression.

Right after that,the bell rung and the morning class started.My classmates immediately went back to their seats and patiently wait for the teacher in our first subject.

After some hours,the morning classes finally ended and it's now for lunch break.I immediately stood up from my seat and left the classroom to buy my lunch in the canteen.

After purchasing my lunch,I searched for a vacant table and sat on it.Today,Izumi doesn't hang out again to me in the lunch break,as he busy on going out to his peers in another table.

I eat my food my silently.After finishing,I returned the tray to the canteen and immediately left the place.Upon arriving at the classroom,I went back to my seat.

As usual,Mishitsu-san always bringing her own lunch food.Right now,she was in the middle of eating,together with a girl who also have her own lunch food.They were happily chatting to each other,probably talking about the art that she made in the competition.

I'm actually haven't seen that art.Although I could tell that it was a masterpiece art work again by just looking at her past works.

Anyways,I killed time by doing nonsense stuff with my phone.After some minutes,I got bored with it so I immediately stopped.

After putting back my phone,I starred again in the sky outside.

"Maybe I should do it now."

Yeah.I think I must not waste time anymore.

When I'm about to stand up,someone-Izumi suddenly called me.

"Yo,Satoru.Did you already see it?.Mishitsu-

san's art?."

"Ah,no.I haven't seen it yet."

"Really!?.You must check it out,my friend."

"Don't worry.It's not like they will immediately remove it right?."

Since he interrupted my 'plan',I guess I will just do that later after the whole class.For now,I will chat for a bit to Izumi,for the one last time.

"How's my story,Izumi?."

"Hmmm?." he replied with a puzzled a look.


"Well it was unusual for Satoru to start a conversation.Usually,I'm the one who is starting a topic between us."

"Is that so?."

"Anyways,that was good thing to hear.Going back to your question,I still haven't finished reading your story.But I'm I already read for about eighty pages."

"I see.Well you don't have to force yourself reading it.Although I will be happy if you finished it until the end."

"Don't worry.If I will be honest,I really like the murder case here.It seems like it was impossible for the culprit to commit the crime in that living room."

"Well,it was a locked-room mystery story afterall."

"Anyways,I will give you my own review after finishing.Just wait for me while reading it, okay?."

Wait for you huh.But I'm not alive anymore by that time,Izumi.

That was the answer I wantef to give to him but it will just make him confuse.

"Yeah,I will be waiting."

At the end,I lied again to him.Right after that conversation,a girl called him out.Izumi said "That's it for now,my friend." and left my place.

She went to other table and talked to the group of students.Specifically,to his 'close friends'.

"I wonder if he also consider me as his 'bestfriend'." I muttered

Anyways,I went back on starring in the sky.And after some minutes,the bell rung.It is now time for the afternoon class.

After finishing the first subject,the next one is English.Meaning,it was our homeroon teacher turn now.

When Samejima-sensei entered the classroom,he didn't proceed first in the lesson.Instead,he did something completely unrelated to the English subject.

"Well before we start our lesson,let's give a round of applause to Haruka Mishitsu-san,for winning again the division art competition."

Of course,we clapped our hands after hearing that.As I looked to Mishitsu-san,she just gave us the words "Your welcome" while brightly smiling from her face.

"By the way,when is the regional round,

Mishitsu-san?." asked by Sensei.

"They said that it was around August.But I'm not fully sure about that."

"I see.Then goodluck to your next match,


"Thank you very much,Samejima-sensei."

"Well for now,just focus again with your studies.The same also with all of you." he said the second sentence,turning his look from Mishitsu-san to everyone.

Some of my classmates giggled a little bit about that statement.Those people are probably the one who doesn't do well in their


"Okay,enough with the chit-chat and listen to me now with the lesson today."

After he said,the class finally went back to their senses.I'm maybe late for this,but I just noticed that my class is really obedient when it comes to teachers.A pretty good thing to know.

Anyways,the class continues.And after some time,it was time to go home.I packed my things and prepared to go to "a certain place."

Izumi didn't call me out this time.I saw that he was happily talking to his peers.That fact makes my plans go smoothly this time.They were probably planning to go again to the karaoke.What a good life you have,Izumi.

Going back to my surreal plan,I stood up from my seat and walks towards a certain stair.

There,I waited for some students to remove their sight on me.When I reached that moment,I immediately walk to the stairs,

leading the rooftop.

Yes,this was the place I want to go since morning.Some circumtances stopped me for doing so but right now,I'm finally here.

But the door was locked here.That's why I bring some lockpicking tools.I'm actually know how to unlock this locked door using these tools.I first learn it when my curiousity came to me about how the murderers in the locked-room mystery unlocked the door from the outside.Well it was inevitable thing to happen since I wrote few locked-room mystery stories.Although it was all was rejected in a competition.

Anyways,after some minutes,I finally unlock it.I entered the door and just like what I expected,it was the rooftop of the school.I closed the door slightly and put my bag in the ground.

You might be thinking that my "surreal plan" is bomb this school or do a mass shooting but of course,I will not do that.

I'm just here to commit suicide.Of course,by jumping from here.This school is three floors in height.I think that was already enough to kill someone who will jump from here.

"How ironic.My surname is Harakiri.I was supposed to kill myself by stabbing."

But I don't like the idea of stabbing myself.

Because whenever I always tried that,I can't kill myself.

I walked towards the end of the rooftop.And when I was three stepped way in jumping off,I heard a series of footsteps and suddenly,

someone grabbed me from the back.

That someone pulled me back,making me to follow his/her direction.I tried to freed myself from his/her grip.When I suceeded with that,I look to the mysterious person.

No.It was a girl.And I could immediately recognized who is this girl right after seeing her face.

"What the hell are you doing here,Mishitsu-
