Chapter 9:A Good Story Other Than Mystery

I woke up in morning.I immediately removed the earphones from my ears and put it back on my cabinet.When I checked the time in my phone,it was already seven-thirty in the morning.

Even though I know I sleep yesterday much ealier,I still woke up late.This was probably the longest sleep I have since I enter highschool.

Or should I say,when I started writing mystery stories.

Anyways,I ate my breakfast,took a bath,wore my uniform,prepared my things and left the aparment.

I rode my bike going to school.Upon arriving,I immediately went to my classroom.When I checked my watch,it was already seven-

fifty-eight in the morning.I almost got late.I barely attend the class in time with two minutes to spare.

I went to my table and the morning class immediately starts.Some of classmate gave me a dead look.It was surely because of yesterday.I didn't mind it and just starred the window besides me.

While the first subject in the morning is happening,I glanced to Mishitsu-san for a bit.As expected,she was in her usual mood and expression right now,listening to the teacher.As if the things she did yesterday was just an illusion.

After some hours,the morning class finally ended and it was now time for the lunch break.I stood up from my chair and went towards the canteen.

Of course,there were events will happen like me and Mishitsu-san will eat together every lunch break to talk about her request.Just because I meet her in close-up once doesn't mean we can do that kind of situation at all.

We are not even close in the past yeat until yesterday.Lastly,we know that it will just trouble us if we did that.

In the middle of my soliloquy while walking in the corridor,someone approached me,putting their right hand to my back neck.It was my friend,Izumi.

"We meet again in this kind of situation,


"You sound like someone who doesn't see his bestfriend for a long time."

"Is that so?."

Well if you will think about it,we will eventually part ways after graduation.

"Anyways,since we came to this,let me treat you again in your lunch food.Of course,

refusing is not an option."

He immediately blocked my way to not accept his kindness.At the end,I have no choice but to agreed to treat me.

"By the way,I thought that you will hang out to your friends today?." I asked curiously.

"Don't make it look like I didn't considered you as a friend,Satoru.Anyways,today is a special day.And I'm in a good mood right now."

"Special day?.What did you mean?."

He didn't answer me and instead,we just continue on walking.

Upon arriving at the canteen,I ordered again the same meal when he treated me two days ago.But this time,Izumi didn't go to my taste and ordered a different one.All I can say is that it was a little bit expensive than mine.

After paying up,we searched for a vacant table and sat.While eating,Izumi suddenly spoke up.

"I think you have a pretty good story to tell me right now,Satoru."

"Good story?.Ah,by the way,how's my mystery work?.Did you already finished it?.

At first hear,I didn't undertand what he mean.

But thanks to that,I remember the mystery story I gave to him two days ago.

"No.I haven't finish it yet.It was a very long story afterall.But I'm already done reading one hundred fifty pages of it."

"I see."

I was glad to see that he was still reading it even though he was not type of person who reads novels.I'm not really sure if he was reading just for the consideration to me as his friend but it was still nice to hear that fact.

I think I realized now the feeling when someone is reading your work,even though it was not the most like genre in the industry right now.

"Anyways,going back to the topic.I think you have a good story to tell me about yourself,


After hearing again that statement,I suddenly become stiff for a bit.I think I already have a hunch on what he mean by that.But for now,let's pretend I didn't know anything.

"Again,I really don't know what are you trying to say."

"It's about Mishitsu-san."

As expected.But how far did he saw

My anxiety increased after thinking that.Don't tell me he also saw that "scene" in the playground.On the other hand,he continue,

explaining the exact details he saw.

"When I'm about to go home,I forgot some books under my table.So I came back to the classroom to get it.And when I go down from the third floor,I spotted the two of you in the gate.I really don't heard your conversation but it seems like you agreed to something.Even

though both of you walked with a quite distance,I'm very sure you went somewhere.Of course,I want to follow both of you but it feels wrong to do that.So at the end,I just let it by and go straight in my home."

He finished his explanation with that.I see.He didn't saw everthing.Mishitsu-san seems also didn't tell to others my suicide attempt.That was good to hear.

But this guy observation and analyzation skills are really frightening at the time like this.

And thank goodness he decided to not follow us.He really knows how to hold back.If he witness what Mishitsu-san did to me yesterday,then it would be really a huge trouble to both us.

But this where the real problem lies.

"That said,I want an explanation for that,Satoru.Afterall,it was unusual for the average-male student Satoru Harakiri to be together with the popular artist Haruka Mishitsu."

"But we share the same road going home right?.It was not really surprising."

"That's right.But you are the type of person who immediately go home after the school class ends....wait.Come to think of it,when I came back on the classroom to get my books and looked at the clock,it was already four-thirty in that moment.That was also the time you left the school with Mishitsu-san."

"Hmmm,what the problem with that?." I asked,

even though I already have an idea what is it.

"I mean it contradicts to your usual behavior.It

feels like you did something yesterday around four'o-clock to four-thiry.Ah.If I remember correctly,that time,Mishitsu-san was also not present."

After saying that,he looked at me with narrowed eyes.I looked away from him to avoid that suspicious look.

When I did that,I spotted Mishitsu-san.

She was heading to the canteen,together with a short-haired girl.When I our eyes met,she gave me a slight smile and quick wave of hand.

At first,I thought she showed me an angelic ecpression but it was actually a devilish one,as if saying "You will come in the playground later right?."

Don't give me that look,Mishitsu-san.Didn't you know I'm suffering right now in a predicament?.

I want to say those words to her but of course,

that is impossible.


Probably because of the long silence fell between,Izumi suddenly called my name.


"The good story.Tell me."

"Before I tell you that,let's finish eating first."

"Ah.I'm almost forget that."

Because of the interesting topic that we are talking about,we didn't noticed that we stopped eating our meal in the middle of it.

He didn't seem to reject my suggestion as he resume eating his own lunch food.I also did the same.While doing that,I tried to come up with a good lie.A fake reason that will convince him.

After some minutes,we finally done eating.At the same time,I finally came up a story that I will gonna tell to him.I hope he like this one.

While drinking water from the bottle,I accidentally glanced in my side.There,I spotted Mishitsu-san and the short-haired girl,walking away from the canteen.They are probably done buying what they want.

After drinking,Izumi asked me.

"You're all good now."


These last few moments feels like a detective(Izumi) asking some questions regarding a murder scene from a witness(me).

As a fan of detective-fiction works,it made me somehow happy.

"Before we started,I want you to listen first to my story.Please don't ask questions in the middle of narrating it.Please ask them after I finished.Is that okay?."

"I understand,my friend."

Since we don't have problems regarding that,I started my story I just came up few minutes ago.

"First of all,I went to the library to return a mystery book I borrowed there last time.After that,I'm actually planning to approach Mishitsu-san that time.Why?.Because I want to request to her to make a cover photo on the mystery work I'm currently writing.

Coincidentally,for some reason,I spotted her in the library.She was probably borrowing some books there,maybe to use it as a reference to her art.I really don't know.

Anyways,I took that opportunity to talk to her.You could also say that was a perfect timing.At first,she didn't agree to me but after I explain to her my circumtances,she accepted my request.Then she invite me to her house to talk more about it.She let me to see her drawings from her computer.She also let me to choose what kind of artstyle I like.Then after deciding,I immediately went home.That's all."

My long story finally end there.Of course that was all lie.I didn't borrow and return a book in the library.Also,the one who made request is Mishitsu-san,not me.

And the most important thing is she is not the type to let a guy to enter a house.That's why it's not just a lie.It was an impossible thing to happen to happen.

Of course,I did the promise of Mishitsu-san of not telling about her request.I also didn't say two important facts:my attempt of suicide in the rooftop and that "erotic" scene in the playground.The former will just make him worried and the latter is also something that Mishitsu-san asked me to not tell to others.

I looked to Izumi.He seems analyzing my story while touching his own chin gently.After some minutes,he started asking some questions.

"First of all,I thought you already gave on writing."

"Hmmm?.Who said that?." I tried to joke him a little bit.

"Huh?.Of course you."

"When did I say that?."

"Two days ago."

"Is that so?."

"You really have a bad memory,isn't it?."

"Well thanks for always reminding me."

Now that was not a lie.I really have abd memory.I tend to forget things,especially the most important ones.

"Anyways,joke aside,I realized that maybe the thing that was lacking in my works is a beautiful cover.And since we have a talented artist in this school,which is Mishitsu-san,

maybe I could ask a favor from her.Thank God she agreed to me to make one."

"So you're thinking that a beautiful cover may attract more people to read your work."

"That's right."

"I see.Then that was good to hear." he said in a somehow relief voice.


I couldn't help but to wonder about that unusual reaction from him.

"No.I'm relieved that you started writing again a new story.I thought you already abandoned those two years of hardship."

Since we become friends,I always told him my new stories I created.And he always listen to my talk.That's why,right now,I can feel his relieveness.

But because of that,I kinda felt guilty for lying after seeing this reaction.Because in reality,I didn't really started writing a new story.

"Anyways,you said you went to her house right?." he continued,changing his expression to a somehow exciting one.


"How's she looked like in home?."

"Uhmm.I guess normal."

"And the clothes,what she is exactly wearing?."

"Wait,why are you so obsessed about that?."

"No,no.You really didn't understand it well,my friend." she said,shaking his head left and right.Then he continue "It was rare for a girl to let them see in their normal clothes for someone they just meet yesterday."

"Is that so?."

Since I didn't really gone to Mishitsu-san's house yesterday,I don't know how to react to his statement.

"Anyways,did her parents also present when you go to her house?."

"Hmmm.I don't think I saw them."

I just gave a random answer,although I immediately realized it was actually a blunder.