Sweetie: Oh!! My God what should I do? I am so much confused what should I do? Argh I never thought I will get all sweaty and will feel blur due to quiz .I practiced a lot with Jill but now it feels like I never had any practice .Oh my God what should I do ? I will be running late if I wouldn't bath and had breakfast. ...….
Sweetie: Hm if it were Jill she wouldn't act like this she would remain calm so, I should do the same. I will not put burden on myself and feel anxious just will calm down cause stress will keep me uncomfortable while this quiz is important for me .
On the other hand;
Jill's mom: Sweet heart get up it's an important day.
Jill: @#%@&$#a
Jill's mom: sweet heart what are you talking about.
Jill: I said let me sleep for 5 mints please .
Jill's mom: if you will act like this than what will Sweetie says ? She will say that her friend is clumsy.
After listening this sentence from her mom Jill sits straight suddenly and tells her mom.
Jill: mom she will never ever think like that about me you are day dreaming .
Jill's mom: you little telling your mom she is day dreaming come here let me beat you a little .
After that Jill laughs in pleasure and her mom start laughing too, then Jill get inside washroom clean herself and get ready for the school she eats breakfast with her family and after having breakfast she hops in the car and her brother drive her to school.
At the same time ,Sweetie take a bus with the money she had that were left by her parents for her in cupboard .As the way to school gets shorter and they get nearer to school both Jill and Sweetie feels confused and ,When both of them reach their final destination that is school ,they meet on the way they talk to each other as the smile appear on sweetie's face Jill also feel relieved and they enters in their class. As for further knowledge Sweetie's behavior with other class fellows is very bad, she doesn't reply to them , she never helps them ,she makes them to beg for help if they need help from her and she never give a hand to them when it comes to the class reputation , she feels pleasured when anyone in class get hurt and she laughs inside her heart when she see them struggling for help.