Everything is gonna change

As time passes Jill's parents come to visit Jill and Sweetie.

Jill's mom: where is my daughter-in-law?

Jill: she is in the hotel in front of the school.

Jill's dad: but you said she is living with you.

Jill: yes she did but due to some reasons she had to leave.

Jill's mom: give me her number.

Jill's mom tries to call Sweetie and she gets success when Sweetie receives the call.

Jill's mom: Sweetie comes to Jill's place.

Sweetie: I am sorry miss lily (Jill's mom). I can't come right now I am busy. My work is incomplete and the finals of last year at high school are near. I am sorry miss lily.

Miss Lily: Sweetie gets ready now if you can't come we will come to get you.

Jill: Mom she hangs up the call in the mid of the conversation how can we go to …..

Lily cuts Jill's talk in between

Miss Lily: get ready both of you we are going to the mall to pick up dresses I ordered the owner of the clothes site to make for my daughter-in-law and son.

Honey(representing Jill's father mister Phil ) is ready with a bunch of people to kidnap my daughter-in-law.

Mr. Phil: ok darling.

Miss Lily: hello are you ready? Yes, I knew she will act like this but on this day I mean today I have to act or someone will take her away from us.

Beauty Polar owner( miss Brita): yes, miss lily everything is ready as she comes inside the hall we will grab her and make her ready for engagement.

Hall owner(Mr. Arian): Hello mademoiselle everything is ready and all the invitations were sent to your guests and there is only half an hour in their arrival in the hall.

Miss Lily: ok everything is ready. We are coming to the hall, Mr. Arian.

Mr. Arian: ok mademoiselle.

At Sweetie's place suddenly she heard the knock on the door knocks. Sweetie opens the door and a bunch of people grab her and take her towards the car. After putting her in the car suddenly Mr. Phil appears to close the door of Sweetie's room and goes towards the car in that car where Jill and his mom are already seated and drives towards the hall.

Sweetie: open me. What are you all doing? Ah, stop undressing me.

Miss Brita: at least open her eyes. I think so she is thinking that men are undressing her.

Sweetie: huh? Where am I? What is all this?

Miss Brita: come on girls dress her up properly move your hands quickly.

To know more read "Sweetie a lie and it's her love story"

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