The amazing adventures of high school


Jeremiah put his hand to his face and yawned. If this class could get any more boring he would probably just fall asleep.

"As I was saying the polar molecule of an atom is- ouch"

Of course he does have his powers so when he's truly bored, his teachers always trip for some reason. We'll never know why.

He turns to his blonde headed class mate and sighs.

"Hey Chrissy when do we get out of here?" A blonde headed girl in a JV cheerleader outfit turned to the boy.

"Can you not remember anything? In 20 minutes doofus"

"I can remember everything Chrissy but comedy is comedy madam"

"Can you shut up I'm trying to listen, and how is that even funny?"

"Oh yeah, whats her favorite color than?" Jeremiah turns his nose up in snobbyness.

"Why would I know her favorite color, and why would you even ask that it makes no sense" Chrissy questions

"Its sage green" Chrissy's eyes narrowed

"Bullshit, and are you just not gonna respond to my other questions" Chrissy was getting annoyed now

"Oh really?" Jeremiah once again just dosent respond to the 2nd question

"Totally, and dammit can you listen to the 2nd half of my sentences" Chrissy was officially pissed but Jeremiah, finally finding something entertaining, raised his hand.

Chrissy kept on talking but Jeremiah ignored her.

"Yes Jeremiah"

"Whats your favorite color Miss Smith?" The teacher looks at him weirdly but answers anyways.

"Its sage green, now back to the lesson" Chrissy looks at Jeremiah weirdly but he just smiles and shrugs.

"I remember everything"

Chrissy rolls her eyes and goes back to writing notes, still not having her questions answered. Jeremiah seeing this yawns, once more losing his entertainment. He scans the room and finds his next target, a strawberry blonde with blue eyes sitting right behind him.

"So whats your name?"

The girl in question turns to him with a confused face

"Is to cool for school talking to another human being?"

"Oh cynical Sally knows sarcasm I'm proud of you"

"Oh my jerking Jeri has some cute combacks"

"What a hot burn, How'd you know chemistry gets me in the mood"

"Just like other men?"

"Really projecting today aren't we?" The girls eyes brow raises.

"Projecting, thats a big word for you"

"Hey, Robin, Jeremiah pay attention" The teacher ruins the duos insult off.

"So your names Robin, mines Jeremiah" The boy turns around again much to the teachers ire and puts out a hand.

Robin shakes the hand

"Nice to meet you Jeremiah, when your not pouting like a 6 year old, your not that bad" Jeremiah rolls his eyes.

"I don't "pout" I just am angry that's all" Robin chuckled at the deflection and Jeremiah flips her off and turns around.

'Well this was a pleasant chemistry class, maybe I should actually have human interaction in this shit hole sometimes?'


"Hey Mark how's your day been?" The boy in question looks at Jeremiah like he's a ghost.

"Are you okay, do I need to take you to the nurse?" Jeremiah recoiled from the reaction.

"What the hell do you mean I was just trying to start a conversation?"

"Dude, I said hi to you 2 days ago in the morning and you said and I qoute 'If I ever catch you breathing near me again I will show you, it is possible to suck you own dick', so yeah are you okay?" Jeremiah scratches his head in embarrassment

"I didn't have my morning coffee yet?"

"It was 1 pm"

"I wasn't in a good mood"

"Yes exactly, you never have been, your literally known as Oscar the grouch around the school"

Jeremiah looks at this random, sighs and walks away.

"Some people just don't get me man"

"I get you"

"AH" Jeremiah turns around to see Steve behind him.

"Your insane, really funny and a total duche bag" Jeremiah puts a hand to his chin in contemplation.

"That might be my senior quote Steve" The Hair, Harrington nods proudly at this.

"See I told you"

Jeremiah wraps his arm around Steve making the boy a little concerned.

"Hey Steve I'm not a grouch right?" Jeremiah smiles at his freind, cold sweat drops down the boys back.

"What a grouch? Who would ever call you that thing? What a stupid dummy face" Bullets of sweat were trickling down the kings forehead.

Jeremiah just smiled at the man untill they reached his class.

"Hey Steve after school let's practice some fighting huh? Don't want you losing to Johnathan again right?"

The smile got sweeter as Steve could feel his death loom closer towards him. He should never had made that joke 2 weeks ago, how did Jeremiah even know?


Jeremiah sat down and looked around for more targets of his "I'm not a grouch" campaign.

Finally he found a preppy looking girl with a top bun and brunette hair.

"Hey Heather how's your day going?" The brunette turns around and looks at the boy with an expression he's had to see, way to many times today.

"Uhhhh good?"

"Am I really that bad?"

"I was in your group project last week and you just slept while I did everything" Jeremiah coughs in awkwardness and looks away.

"I uh.. I'm sorry about that" She looks at him with an unimpressed expression.

'Dammit I fought 9 foot monsters for 4 years I can make a girl forgive me'

"Well how about the next project we get i'll do everything?" she raised her eyebrow

"And why would I believe that?"

"Cause I swear" he turns serious and puts out his hand to shake hers, a binding contract of swearness.

Heather not used to this greeting slowly puts out her arm and shakes his hand with a weirded out expression plastered on her face.

"Why are you being so..."


"Weird" Jeremiah's face fell

"I'm trying to be seen as not a grouch by the whole school"

"Eh I guess its kinda working, but why would you care if people saw you as a grouch you didn't care for the whole last month." Jeremiah shrugged

"I was bored this morning, so I thought I should talk to people"

Heather gave the boy a deadpan stare before turning her head and sighing

'What an idiot'


I walked into gym to see Steve dunking on kid with a red mullet.

"Damm" I whisper, cause personaly I just would never take that level of disrespect, but that's just me.

Steve ran over to the side to grab some water while I walked over to him.

"So the work outs are doing you well huh?" I gave Steve and Johnathan the best work out routines I could think of and also helped them with my telekinetic sometimes, like resistance training but cranked to 11, pun intended.

I knew we weren't done with the upside down, dear old 1 is still in there being a creepy, angsty, edge lord so I might as well have my freinds be able to defend themselves a little.

"Yeah they really are, I can't believe I can dunk now" Steve smiled at me, the work outs obviously helped him with sports and hand eye coordination, he even tried recruiting me and Johnathan to some of the teams but we both rejected.

"Yeah well looks like fire crotch isn't happy" I pointed at the red head who was almost breathing out flames while staring at us.

"You think he has a crush on you "King" Steve."

"He might honestly, he just won't fuck off"

"Reminds me of someone" Steve narrows his eyes at me.

"Your talking about Dustin right? Not me"

"Oh yes, I find your company absolutely delightful and never annoying"

"You know I can hear sarcasm now right?"

"I'm so proud of you Steve, do you what a cookie?"

"White macadamia nut please" Jeremiah watches Steve run back to the court and wipes a fake tear from his eye.

"They grow up so fast, look at little Stevey learning to have witty banter with me, brings a tear to my eye"

"So your talking to yourself now?"

Jeremiah turns around to see Robin sitting on the bleachers with notebook and pencil in hand.

"I prefer to call him Jeff but you can go with schizophrenia if you want." Robin rolled her eyes as Jeremiah walked out of the gym and walked to the football feild.

"Now this is where the all the fun happens" Those poor, poor kids.