Chapter 7: Chaos begets Chaos

As Miku rushes and runs through the trees and bushes, crushing twigs underfoot and feeling the branches against her skin, she looks back again to notice that the goblins have noticed the boar and the one in the lead screeches.

The goblins that easily numbered about 26 started to split after the screech, half continuing after her while the others broke once more, as half tried to block the boar while the others began to climb nearby trees and rocks to jump onto the boar.

The goblins that try to block the boar's advance get crushed with ease. The sound of crunching bone and wet splats rings out. The goblins somehow manage to jump on it and start to stab and hit it with their crude weapons.

But the boar's hide was too thick for their crude weapons to damage. Most of the Goblin's simple weapons could barely scratch it, some even breaking against it. One lucky Goblin managed to stab the boar in the eye with a dagger causing the boar to roar out in pain as blood sprays out.

The wet squelch and loud roar had alerted Miku, causing her to look back at the scene. "Dam, that boar's tough but as always, eyes are a weakness." Miku narrowly dodges a club as she runs and gets an idea.

" hmm, I bet I can use that boar as a distraction and run away now that it probably hates the goblins more than me." Miku looks ahead and notices a large tree up a head and dashes for it, her claws digging into the earth as she does so, and before long, she is at the tree and climbing.

The goblins that are chasing her follow, although slower than her, as they don't have as sharp claws to grip the trunk. Miku is able to climb rather nimbly up onto a branch. The goblin directly behind her drops its crude weapon by accident as it tries to pull itself up onto the branch that Miku is on.

Using that moment, Miku quickly thrusts out her tail, stabbing the goblin in the eye and causing it to fall to its death. On the way down, it smacks and smashes a few branches making a few other goblins fall. Miku then jumps from branch to branch heading back towards the boar.

As Miku gets closer to where the boar is, the boar just devastating the goblins while covered in blood. " Ok, that is scary. I mean, I know I'm not much better now, but damm, it's like a truck." Meanwhile, some of the goblins managed to set up a sneaky makeshift trap in the boar's blindside.

The trap was shoddy as it was basically a large Stump lifted in the air by three goblins and vines. The vines are barely able to keep up the stump; some of the goblins lure the boar under the trap, then the goblins holding the vines let go triggering the trap and dropping the stump.

The boar Squeals as the large stump crashes into its head, chipping one of its tusks and stunning it but not before it thrashes around. One unlucky goblin gets sent flying into a boulder, killing it as its head cracks against the stone. Only 5 of the 13 goblins that we're there to stop the boar left.

Meanwhile, in the trees above, Miku finds herself in a struggle of life and death as a goblin has her pinned to a branch trying to stab her. The branch under them creaked due to the weight as the only thing keeping the goblin back was Miku's tail.

" Son of a bitch! get off of me." Miku struggling under the goblin starts to feel her emotions rise. As not only does anger begin to take over, but so do her instincts as she now uses her tail to grab the weapon from the goblin's hand.

Miku then screeches, startling the goblin and giving her enough time to shove it off of her and roll back towards the trunk of the tree. Just then, Miku gets hit from above and gets sent flying from the branch and starts plummeting towards the forest floor.

Back at the boar, it's starting to wobble due to the trap stunning it, allowing the few goblins remaining to screech and attack it again, not doing lots before it quickly recovers and continues to rampage against the goblins.

But as it attacks, one of the more sneaky goblins grabs its chipped tusk and stabs the beast again, this time in the gut, causing it to squeal, finally puncturing the boar's hide. As the blood pours from the boar's wounds, it manages to crush two more goblins and knock away another.

Miku fell from the branch as the hidden goblin had attacked her; Miku managed to catch a lower limb with her tail, but under her weight and gravity, it snapped as a loud crack resounded out. However, Miku's fall slowed down, allowing her to flip twice in mid-air and land on the boar below.

The boar beat and tired finally finishes the last of its goblins, its eye bloody with a hole in its gut. The hooves of the boar, now caked in blood, stamp the ground as the boar feels something on it.

The rest of the goblins chasing Miku show up and see all the dead goblins and become enraged. All 12 goblins charge at both the boar and Miku. The boar, now injured, decides to cut its losses and run when both it and Miku freeze.

Because just then, the 12 goblins charging them get cleaved in two as a massive pair of lightning blades fly through them. Both Miku and the boar were frozen stiff as the instincts screamed at them that if they didn't run, they were dead.

Because standing before them was an 11 feet tall 4000-pound giant bear with four arms, all of which were arcing lightning from its massive claws. The bear then lands once again from standing and charges both Miku and the boar kicking up dirt and rocks as electricity continues to arc around its limbs.

In the blink of an eye, the bear was on them, and before either could act, they both got sent flying, the boar only going about 25 feet and suffering a large gash. Miku, however, gets sent a whopping 35 feet away and suffers more injuries like a slash along the length of her whole head and a broken arm.