Chapter 24: STORY 11

He had been looking for his mate's scent for days when he located her. Immediately he knew who she was and what she meant to him. It had taken him a while to realize that she had been wondering in the cyclic path means she has lost the way.

Amazing, he had never known that their kind can be lost or maybe she is quite young so she didn't know her way around.

Panic had struck him for a while that she may be too young but further study of her scents revealed that she is adult and at her breeding age. As he moves closer to her, He could sense her mate's fear that she was being tracked and was running away from him.

The best inside him gloried at chasing his mate who was running away from him. He had gotten his first look at her when she entered in the clear pathway. She was so delicate and small looking. He thought he was mistaken that how fate can choose her as a mate for the beast like him. He stopped one second to take her fully in his eyes. He had waited so long for her and now she was just one step away from him.

She ran away to hide in the tree as she spotted him.

He stopped for a second and raises his nose to find her smell. No power on earth can stop him from going towards her.

He grabbed her from behind and slammed her against the wall of trees. The moment he had touched her, he knew she was his and no power on earth can take her away from him. He would never let her go at any cost.

He pinned her between tree and him. He could felt her trembling in his arms and could smell her fear.

He didn't like her being afraid of him because he didn't mean to hurt her but protect her. He knew that until she realized him as her true master this fear would help him to control her. He started whispering soft words of assurance to her.

Softly he pulled her hairs away from her nape and leaned down towards her neck to take her smell through his nostrils

He stroke and lapped her neck gently with his tongue while also sucking the soft areas of neck leaving possessive red marks on her snow white neck, collar bone, and her jaw. Suddenly a pain struck him as she hit him with her elbows and tries to free herself from his grip but to no avail he suddenly jerked his arm and grab her again in no time.

She tried to twist from him but fell down and landed on the street on her back but suddenly she sprang up in sitting position. He snarled at her attempts of running away from him. He glared down at her angling his head down he emitted a low but menacing rumble from his chest.

She started scooting backwards away from him like a frightened rabbit afraid to turn her back at him. When she moves he stared at her face for the first time. She was stunning like hell.

She had wavy blond long hairs, her dark blue big eyes that compliment her slim face but her eyelashes have dark blond shade unlike her hairs, full red lips that were perfect for kissing and sucking a man's c**k. Yes, sucking his c**k. most of the soft waving locks were spread on her neck while some spread over her shoulders and curled around her breasts.

His gaze slid from her face to breasts. As if they had their own mind they get hardened at my staring. They were small just like her but they would be enough for him to enjoy, her nipples hardened and he could see them through the dress. They were dark red like berries, begging him to suck them. His c**k hardened at the site in front of him and was throbbing inside his pants and before he realized a low growl escaped from him. This time in pleasure

"My family will come for me". Her soft and delicate voice matched her appearance. He had no doubt that would come for her. In all his travels over the span of two millennia he had never scented one such as her; Of course she must be rare.

"Let them come it doesn't matter". He stepped towards her while wondering that she was his and sooner she could accept that, the better it was. A sudden thought cross is mind that she might have a male out there, well if it is true he will enjoy killing him.

To be continued…..