A man whore for a date

"Wow, what an interesting way to meet my date," I say to Adrian aka, my sister ex fling, aka my infamous date who I just heard having sex with a woman.

Adrian smirked "oh it is. Did you get wet peeping at us? I can make you moan louder than she did." He took a step, caging me. I suck a breath and move a step back. My back hit the sink.

I have come across a lot of pervert jerks but this douchebag is the worst of them all.

I glared at him with disgust. "No thank you. . I don't fuck man whores."

He threw his head back and laughed. "I am going to definitely like you."

I smiled tightly. "The feeling is mutual."

"Hope you don't mind I had to feed my appetite first before you arrive. You know what I mean." He wriggled his eyebrows.

I chuckled amusedly. "You mean to say. I don't mind finding my date fucking someone before he comes to sit across from me on our table to bore me to death with his babblings about his weird hobbies." I sharply bark at him.